David's Astronomy Pages
CCD Images - Session 661 (2019-02-09)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet Photometric Monitoring - Variables
  - TT Ari, U Gem, RZ LMi, FU Ori, SU Tau
Bullet Astrometric Monitoring - Nearby Stars
 - HH And
- Evening Session,  Duration 6.5hr

Session operated in fully automated mode, but monitored in part over remote connection. 

- Main aim of the session was to perform the first live test of a new alternate schedule builder that cycles around a specific list of targets - known as a target set
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature:  0.5°C (minimum) 
- CCD Temperature:  -20°/ -25°C (65% / 75% av. power)
- Notes from 2019-02-09 >>