David's Astronomy Pages
CCD Images - Session 689 (2019-09-03)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet None
Bullet Variable Stars (photometric monitoring)
  - None
Bullet Nearby Stars (astrometric monitoring)
 - None

- Full night session.

Session operated in fully automated mode without any interventions or monitoring

- Main aim of the session was to try to capture some images if clouds cleared in the early morning (~03:00)

In the event the skies were cloud the whole night  break a full night of general observing with a mix of variable stars, nearby stars, comets and deep sky targets.
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature:  Falling  to 7.5°C (min)
Outdoors 1°C cooler than Observatory)
(Dew heaters on manual,  50% & 80%)
- CCD Temperature:  -15°C  (67% av. power)
- Notes from 2019-09-03 >>