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Notes - Session 305 (2008-09-25)

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Bullet Slew and Jog Analysis (S297-305)

Goto Images from 2008-09-25

Slew and Jog Analysis (S297-305)

Pointing accuracy is particularly important for my imaging due to the relatively small AOI of my CCD chip (equivalent to just 10.4 x 15.6 arc min) and the requirement to automatically centre specific objects (eg galaxies, clusters) or carefully position both variable star and associated comparison stars within the image frame (and do this consistently session after session).   

Based on new software procedures for measuring and recording the pointing errors associated with images a dataset of 168 image sets from the last nine sessions have been analysed for telescope slew and jog performance. 

Scope :  8" LX200, Fork Mount / Pier
Software :  VB.Net control program, TheSky 6 with TPoint, CCDSoft, Excel 
TPoint Base Model  2007-10-02,   106 points,  11 terms,  RMS: 1.4 arc minutes (86 arc secs)    
 Nightly sync into model / simple short mapping run / refined during run
Data :  2008-08-25 to 2008-09-25  (Session S297-305)
Slew/Jog procedure :   Automated Slew to target, with up to 4 locate images/jogs for automated target centering
Threshold for acceptable pointing : 0.6 arc min.
Pointing error :   Measured as the error in arc minutes between the intended Image position and the actual Image position 
(based on InsertWCS) 

The key findings are as follows:

Graph showing Slewing Accuracy (S297-305)
Graph showing the improvement in pointing associated with locate image 
acquisition/position analysis and jog correction (i.e. the beneficial impact of automated centering)
Graph showing Final Pointing Accuracy (S297-305)
Graph showing analysis of Jog Accuracy (S297-305)
225 jog operations 
Y axis shows Pre-Jog Pointing Error, 
X Axis shows the pointing improvement associated with the Jog Operation

Positions to the right of the 'no change  zero line represent improvements in pointing.
Aim of the Jog Operation is too move to a position with perfect pointing (ie zero pointing error)
A pointing outcome that is within 0.6 arc min is an acceptable final outcome.
Graph showing analysis of Slew/Centering performance (2008-09-20, S303)

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This Web Page: Notes - Session 305 (2008-09-25)
Last Updated : 2015-05-16
Site Owner : David Richards
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