David's Astronomy Pages
Notes - Session 815 (2020-09-29)

Bullet Session Aims & Highlights
 - Observing Result
 - Night Summary Plot
 - Session Event Log
Bullet Operational Issues
  - Critical Issues (0),  Major Issues (4),  Minor Issues (12),  Continuous Improvement (12)
Bullet Images from 2020-09-29 >>
Bullet Investigation - CCDSoft Images not getting saved to disk [0000 issue]
Bullet Investigation - Calculated dome slew time is impossibly short (21:16)
Bullet Investigation - ToO Insertion Issue (S815)
Bullet Investigation - ToO Insertion Issues (S793, S794, S804)
Bullet Proposal - Integrated Imaging and AutoGuiding with SBIG Camera

Session Aims & Highlights (2020-09-29)

Main aims

  1. Targets. Acquire images of a selection of deep sky targets
  2. Test Bug Fixes. Test bug fixes associated with not reporting correct Database Transfer when beginning session using AutoStart, and Dome.ShutterStatus

Equipment & Software


Summary Plots & Logs

Observing Plan
Observing Result
Dome & Scope Slewing Performance
Slew/Centering Performance
Guiding Performance
Sky Conditions (Locate Frames)
Night Sky Summary Plot
Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s)
Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs)
Pre-Session Weather Forecast (API data from darksky.net)
Pre-Session Weather forecast showed dry and partly to moderately cloudy conditons for the entire night ( 33-84% cloud cover)
with minimum temperature of 10 °C and steadily increasing wind speed (12mph increasing to 23 mph by dawn

In the event conditions were dry with cloudy intervals separately clear intervals
 Wind was moderate for most of the night and temperatures were 10°C (min) increasing to 12°C by dawn.
Session Event Log
Time     Event Detail
19:42:54 Session Monitoring AutoStart monitoring for Live Session opportunity starting between 19:42 & 05:17
19:42:57   AutoStart Delayed Session delayed due to cloud
20:00:48 Session AutoStarting Session autostarting (20:00)
20:01:29   Camera1 Connected SBIG Camera Connected (set point -20°C)
20:01:31 Session Created Live Session Created (2020-09-29 S00815, ImageSaveNum: 815001)
20:01:33   Scope Switched On Telescope Power has been switched on via UPB Powerbox.
20:03:21   Services Started Observatory Services started
20:03:30 Observatory (Auto) Observatory placed in Fully-Automated Mode
20:03:34 Session Pending Session pending (2020-09-29)
20:03:36 Session Initiating Session initiating (2020-09-29)
20:03:38   Plan Requested Observing Plan requested from AstroPlan (1.16.2)
20:04:49   Plan Loaded Observing Plan loaded to queue (2020-09-29 V1 BEST PLAN, Plan ID: 550)
20:04:52   Camera1 Connected SBIG Camera Connected (set point -15°C)
20:04:57   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
20:05:08 Session Equilibration Session ready for dome & camera equilibration
20:07:19   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
20:07:22   Equilibration Started Dome Equilibration started
20:11:34   Equilibration Ended Dome Equilibration ended (4.3 mins total)
20:11:36 Session Running Session running
20:11:38   Queue Started Observing Queue started (43 targets selected)
20:12:42       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
20:16:54       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 1)
20:20:11       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 1)
20:20:14     Target Started (1/43) Target started (1/43, NGC 5157)
20:43:58     Target Completed Target completed (1/43, NGC 5157)
20:44:00     Target Started (2/43) Target started (2/43, HIP 87937)
20:46:05       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
20:48:57       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 2)
20:51:15     Target Completed Target completed (2/43, HIP 87937)
20:51:18     Target Started (3/43) Target started (3/43, UGC 6930)
20:54:17       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
20:57:20       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 3)
21:08:06     Target Completed Target completed (3/43, UGC 6930)
21:08:08     Target Started (4/43) Target started (4/43, 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR)
21:08:10     Target Failed Target failed due to target not found (4/43, 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR)
21:11:13   UPB.Switch Restart UPB.Switch has been restarted.
21:16:00     Target Aborted (5/43) Target aborted (5/43, GCVS CY Lyr) due to GRB Alert
21:16:02     Target Started (6/44) Target started (6/44, 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR, ToO)
21:36:47     Target Completed Target completed (6/44, 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR, ToO)
21:37:50     Target Started (7/44) Target started (7/44, GCVS S Cyg)
21:40:00       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
21:43:16       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 4)
21:53:04     Target Completed Target completed (7/44, GCVS S Cyg)
21:53:06     Target Started (8/44) Target started (8/44, GCVS U Her)
21:58:05       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - unable to find a star (TCF-S)
22:00:23 User Intervention User intervention to restart DeviceHub due to stalled dome data
22:00:25 Observatory (Manual) Observatory placed in Manual Mode
22:00:58     Target Completed Target partially completed (8/44, GCVS U Her)
22:01:00   Queue Aborted Job Queue aborted
22:05:23   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
22:07:16 Observatory (Auto) Observatory placed in Fully-Automated Mode
22:07:20 Session Pending Session pending (2020-09-29)
22:07:22 Session Initiating Session initiating (2020-09-29)
22:07:24   Plan Loaded Observing Plan loaded to queue (2020-09-29 V1 ACTIVE PLAN S815, Plan ID: 550)
22:07:29   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
22:07:41 Session Equilibration Session ready for dome & camera equilibration
22:07:44   Equilibration Started Dome Equilibration started
22:07:46   Equilibration Ended Dome Equilibration ended (0.0 mins total)
22:07:48 Session Running Session running
22:07:50   Queue Started Observing Queue started (36 targets selected)
22:07:55     Target Started (8/43) Target started (8/43, 61 Cyg)
22:09:56       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:12:35       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 5)
22:13:54     Target Completed Target completed (8/43, 61 Cyg)
22:13:57     Target Started (9/43) Target started (9/43, C/2020 Q1 (Borisov))
22:18:11       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:20:58       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 6)
22:26:57     Target Completed Target completed (9/43, C/2020 Q1 (Borisov))
22:26:59     Target Started (10/43) Target started (10/43, GCVS RX And)
22:30:30       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:34:22       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - failed QC check (Quadratic)
22:36:55     Target Completed Target completed (10/43, GCVS RX And)
22:36:57     Target Started (11/43) Target started (11/43, GCVS HH And)
22:37:04   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
22:38:50       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:39:36       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - star lost
22:40:25 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
22:40:27   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
22:40:29     Target Aborted (11/43) Target aborted (11/43, GCVS HH And) due to cloud
22:40:31   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
22:40:33 Session Suspended Session suspended
22:40:36   Queue Paused Queue pausing for HardSuspend
22:51:00 Program Hung AstroMain program hung at 22:51 (UI), following freezing of Obs.Manger at 22:40
23:27:56   Camera1 SetPoint SBIG Camera Set Point Temperature Updated (new set point -10°C)
23:27:58     Target Missed (12/43) Target's time slot was missed (12/43, GCVS BL Lac)
23:28:00     Target Missed (13/43) Target's time slot was missed (13/43, GCVS Z And)
23:28:02     Target Missed (14/43) Target's time slot was missed (14/43, GCVS U And)
23:28:04     Target Missed (15/43) Target's time slot was missed (15/43, GCVS AM Her)
23:32:40 User Intervention User intervention to restart AstroMain & entire Observatory Software Suite
23:32:45   Services Stopped Observatory Services stopped
23:32:57   Queue Aborted Job Queue aborted
23:33:02 Program Closed Program closed by User
23:33:04 Program Closed Program closed by User
23:35:56 Session Resumed Live Session Resumed (2020-09-29 S00815, ImageSaveNum: 815086)
23:36:20   Obs.Manager Started Obs.Manager started
23:36:22   Obs.Overseer Started Obs.Overseer started
23:36:26   Services Started Observatory Services started
23:37:00 Program Hung CCDSoft stopped saving images to disk
23:37:23   Scope Switched On Telescope Power has been switched on via UPB Powerbox.
23:39:02   Services Started Observatory Services started
23:39:13 Observatory (Auto) Observatory placed in Fully-Automated Mode
23:39:15 Session Pending Session pending (2020-09-29)
23:39:17 Session Initiating Session initiating (2020-09-29)
23:39:19   Plan Loaded Observing Plan loaded to queue (2020-09-29 V1 ACTIVE PLAN S815, Plan ID: 550)
23:39:26   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
23:39:41 Session Equilibration Session ready for dome & camera equilibration
23:39:43 Wait On Weather Waiting For acceptable conditions
23:39:45 Session Suspended Session suspended
23:39:47   Dome Closed Dome already closed (closure time is unknown)
23:39:49   Queue Started Observing Queue started (28 targets selected)
23:39:51     Target Missed (16/43) Target's time slot was missed (16/43, NGC 7722)
23:49:50     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (17/43, GCVS RX And) due to other condition
23:51:27 Session Resuming Session resuming
23:52:12   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
23:52:13 Session Running Session running
23:52:15   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
23:52:57     Target Started (18/43) Target started (18/43, GCVS TT Ari)
23:55:27   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
23:55:37   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
23:59:42   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
00:03:00     Target Completed Target completed (18/43, GCVS TT Ari)
00:03:02   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
00:03:03 Session Suspended Session suspended
00:03:53   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 49s)
00:05:48 Session Resuming Session resuming
00:06:33   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
00:06:35 Session Running Session running
00:06:37   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
00:07:09     Target Started (19/43) Target started (19/43, GSC 1224:29)
00:16:40     Target Completed Target completed (19/43, GSC 1224:29)
00:16:42     Target Started (20/43) Target started (20/43, GCVS CI Cyg)
00:25:40     Target Completed Target completed (20/43, GCVS CI Cyg)
00:25:42     Target Started (21/43) Target started (21/43, GCVS SS Cyg)
00:34:23     Target Completed Target completed (21/43, GCVS SS Cyg)
00:36:33     Target Started (22/43) Target started (22/43, GCVS SS Cyg)
00:44:48     Target Completed Target completed (22/43, GCVS SS Cyg)
00:46:47   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
00:46:49   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
00:46:52 Session Suspended Session suspended
00:47:42   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 49s)
00:59:54     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (23/43, WDS GRB 34) due to cloud
01:04:43 Session Resuming Session resuming
01:05:28   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
01:05:31 Session Running Session running
01:05:33   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
01:06:22     Target Started (24/43) Target started (24/43, WDS GRB 34)
01:08:54   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
01:09:18     Target Failed Target failed due to cloud (24/43, WDS GRB 34)
01:09:20   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
01:09:22 Session Suspended Session suspended
01:10:04   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 44s)
01:11:24 Session Resuming Session resuming
01:12:09   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
01:12:11 Session Running Session running
01:12:13   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
01:12:39     Target Started (25/43) Target started (25/43, C/2019 L3 (ATLAS))
01:25:32     Target Completed Target completed (25/43, C/2019 L3 (ATLAS))
01:25:34     Target Started (26/43) Target started (26/43, GCVS DY Per)
01:35:13     Target Completed Target completed (26/43, GCVS DY Per)
01:35:15     Target Started (27/43) Target started (27/43, GCVS DY Per)
01:36:16   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
01:37:01   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
01:42:57   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
01:44:36     Target Completed Target completed (27/43, GCVS DY Per)
01:44:38   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
01:44:40 Session Suspended Session suspended
01:45:22   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 44s)
01:49:37     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (28/43, GCVS GK Per) due to cloud
02:08:52     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (29/43, GCVS CM Tau) due to cloud
02:11:10 Session Resuming Session resuming
02:11:55   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
02:11:58 Session Running Session running
02:12:00   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
02:12:31     Target Started (30/43) Target started (30/43, GCVS SU Tau)
02:21:46     Target Completed Target completed (30/43, GCVS SU Tau)
02:21:48     Target Started (31/43) Target started (31/43, NGC 2158)
02:23:01   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
02:24:36 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
02:24:38   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
02:24:40     Target Aborted (31/43) Target aborted (31/43, NGC 2158) due to cloud
02:24:42   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
02:24:44 Session Suspended Session suspended
02:24:46   Queue Paused Queue pausing for HardSuspend
02:25:31   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 49s)
02:58:29     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (31/43, NGC 2158) due to cloud
03:09:33     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (32/43, GCVS RR Tau) due to cloud
03:13:40 Session Resuming Session resuming
03:14:25   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
03:14:28 Session Running Session running
03:14:30   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
03:15:07     Target Started (33/43) Target started (33/43, GCVS FU Ori)
03:23:06     Target Completed Target completed (33/43, GCVS FU Ori)
03:23:08     Target Started (34/43) Target started (34/43, C/2020 F8 (SWAN))
03:40:35     Target Completed Target partially completed (34/43, C/2020 F8 (SWAN))
03:40:37     Target Started (35/43) Target started (35/43, NGC 2782)
04:02:00     Target Completed Target completed (35/43, NGC 2782)
04:02:02     Target Started (36/43) Target started (36/43, GCVS ER UMa)
04:10:25     Target Completed Target completed (36/43, GCVS ER UMa)
04:10:28     Target Started (37/43) Target started (37/43, GCVS FO Ori)
04:20:04     Target Completed Target completed (37/43, GCVS FO Ori)
04:20:06     Target Started (38/43) Target started (38/43, GCVS NV Ori)
04:25:27 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
04:25:29   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
04:25:31     Target Aborted (38/43) Target aborted (38/43, GCVS NV Ori) due to cloud
04:25:33   Queue Paused Queue pausing for HardSuspend
04:25:36 Session Suspended Session suspended
04:26:22   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 45s)
04:37:58     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (39/43, Nova AT2020bfc) due to other condition
04:38:23 Session Resuming Session resuming
04:39:08   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
04:39:10 Session Running Session running
04:39:12   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
04:39:47     Target Started (40/43) Target started (40/43, Berkeley 26)
04:48:55     Target Completed Target completed (40/43, Berkeley 26)
04:50:43     Target Started (41/43) Target started (41/43, UGC 3904)
04:55:05   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
05:11:23     Target Completed Target completed (41/43, UGC 3904)
05:11:26   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
05:11:27 Session Suspended Session suspended
05:12:16   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 49s)
05:23:38     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (42/43, GCVS DX Cnc) due to wind
05:53:09     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (43/43, OJ 287) due to cloud
05:53:14   Queue Completed Job Queue completed
05:53:20 Session Closing Session closing
05:53:25   Dome Closed Dome already closed (closed at 05:12, closing time 49s)
05:53:41   Dome Parked Dome parked (parking time 15s), Az: 90.0 deg
05:54:31   Telescope Parked Telescope parked (parking time 43s)
05:55:01   Telescope Switched Off Telescope Power has been switched off via UPB Powerbox.
05:55:51   Services Stopped Night Services stopped
05:55:53 Session Housekeeping Housekeeping Started (Cleanup FITS, Create Fits Summary, Transfer Files)
05:56:05 Session Finished Session Finished
Session Alerts
Time     Alert Detail
20:01:33 AllSky/Weather Computer Warning Link to AllSky/Weather Computer (Laptop7) has been inactive for more 20s
20:01:38 AllSky/Weather Computer Link to AllSky/Weather Computer (Laptop7) is active again
21:11:13 UPB.Switch disconnected UPB.Switch has unexpectedly disconnected. Restart will be attempted
21:11:15 UPB.Switch UPB.Switch has been successfully restarted.
23:27:56 Dome Alert Dome hasn't reported Closed state after 100s during HardSuspend
23:27:58 LAN Warning Local Area Network has been inactive for more than 20s
23:28:00 AllSky/Weather Computer Warning Link to AllSky/Weather Computer (Laptop7) has been inactive for more 20s
23:28:03 AllSky/Weather Computer Link to AllSky/Weather Computer (Laptop7) is active again
23:28:06 LAN Local Area Network is active again
23:31:17 Dome Alert DomeRecords have stopped updating
00:00:02 Dome Alert DomeRecords have stopped updating
00:00:22 Dome Alert DomeRecords have resumed updating

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Operational Issues (2020-09-29 S815)

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Critical Issues

Major Issues 

Minor Issues

Continuous Improvement

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Investigation - CCDSoft Images not getting saved to disk [0000 issue]

Issue: CCDSoft Images not getting saved to file (23:57 onwards).

Description: VR Images for Target 18/43 (TT Ari) at 23:57 had image numbers reported as "0000" and couldn't be found on disk following the session.   Problem seemed tto originate moments before when Foc1 focusing failed when Take 1s Image (for Select Focus Star) gave the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".   

Images for the remainder of the night similarly had "0000" image numbers and didn't save to disk.   This caused Centering Operations to fail as Locate Frames couldn't be Plate Solved (a process that requires images to be saved to disk).   This is the same issue as occurred in S805 in 2020-09-04, but actions to send alert/alarms and provide fault tolerance to prevent problem ruining the remainder of the session had not been put in place - the problem was percieved as ''.. a  Session Gremlin'.  Now the the problem has repeated itself (and with more consquence this time - loosing some 5 hours of observing time) effort must be put into developing an effective workaround to restart image collection.

In exploring firstly for possible self-inflicted (bug related) reasons for images not to save to disk it was evident that problem could happen if Camera.AutoSaveOn = 0.

The TakeImage() routine sets AutoSaveOn to 0 if UseSubFrame is True.  Of the routines with code lines 'UseSubFrame = True'
several can be discounted (these are FocusUsingFWHM() - manually initiated, TakeAutoFlatSet(), TakeAutoSkyFlats(), TakeTrialFlat(), DeleteMeasureTracking(), MeasureDrift() ), leaving just one routine, TakeSnapImage_Detail() that might possibly be involved.  This would have had to be accessed from RunTakeSnapImage() routine / TakeSnapImage() but would have had to have had user involvement to initiate, and the routine in any case resets UseSubFrame = False after taking the snap image.  Camera.AutoSaveOn = 0 is used in several place, but TakeImage will reset Camera.AutoSaveOn to 1 (True) if UseSubFrame = False'.
(testing shows that Camera.AutoSaveOn does mind if 1 or True (or 0 or False) are used)

Camera.AutoSaveOn = 0 could also be set if NumShortSubs > 1 but NumShortSubs would have been reported and since it wasn't  this explanation can be ruled out.

Ruling out a self-inflcited explanation it has to be assumed that problem was due to a CCDSoft.exe or CCDSoft Com Object issue

An attempted fix has now been put in place such that if a Locate Frame, Main Image Frame or Mapping Frame returns and Image with Image.Path ="" then CCDSoft will be restarted and the image repeated.

Image Fix Attempted 2020-09-30 (AstroMain 3.29.5)

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Investigation - Calculated dome slew time is impossibly short (21:16)

Dome Slew time to Target 6/44 (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield, sidereal) reported as being just 1s for 124 deg slew (21:16).  

The Dome Slew time to Target 6/44 (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield, sidereal) was reported as being just 1s for a 124 deg slew.  The dome slew time shown in the SlewTable file is impossibly short. 
A similar issue (1s dome slews) occured for TT Ari (23:52) and DY Per (01:25).  This might be due to DeviceHub.Dome stalling ? 

Logs show slew starting at 21:16:01, with overall slew ending at  21:16:53 (scope slewing time 52s, overall slewing time 52s).   Obs Pics show a normal slaved dome slew to DY Per of 30s+ duration and whilst DeviceHub.Dome did stall at 21:17:58, this was after the dome data stopped refreshing and doesn't explain the impossiblly short dome slew time.  Pulsar Trace logs show SlewToAzimuth 116.03 commanded at 21:16:01.268 with slew then occuring between 21:16:02 and  21:17:05 (showing a dome slew time of 63s)

It is difficult to see an explaination for why SlewTheSkyScope() reckoned that dome slew time was only 1.2s  !

Dome.LastSlewSeconds is set to vcNull before the slew and  bDomeSlewStarted is set to True once Dome.Slewing becomes True. 

After DomeSlew has started  'Dome.LastSlewSeconds' variable is set to SecondSince(StartTime) once Dome.Slewing becomes False. Due to a bug (just noticed & fixed in AstroMain 3.30) it was possible for Dome.LastSlewSeconds to be set to value that is as long as the overall slew time ( which can sometimes be the time taken by the telescope), but given that dome slew is known to have taken some 63s it is difficult to see how Dome.LastSlewSeconds could be set to a shorter time and not one as short as 1.2s for a 124 deg slew.

The hypothesis to explain the issue is that DeviceHub sets its Slewing property to True when it is sends the SlewToAzmiuth request to the Dome (which causes bDomeSlewStarted to be set to True), but then receives a Slewing = False from the Dome Driver before the dome actually starts slewing (this causes DeviceHub.Dome slewing property to become False, leading to the  SlewTheSkyScope() routine concluding that dome slewing has completed. 

Code could be modified to not make any conclusion about dome slew completon within the first 2-3s or to take slew duration based on the last time that dome slew was seen to be occuring,  but how long does the routine need to keep watching the Dome.Slewing property ?  Decision to set Dome.LastSlewSeconds based on when slewing becomes False, but watch for a minimum of 5s and only set bDomeCompleted = True after this time if Dome.Slewing is still False. 

Code fixed.   A new boolean variable bDomeSlewStopped is used as part of the new code

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Investigation - ToO Insertion Issue (S815)

Issue: 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield (sidereal) sent to AstroMain as Priority 2 (Do Next) ToO during Target 3/43 (UGC 6930) but was commenced as Target 6/44 rather than the Target 4/44 expected.  

Description: Recognising that the upcoming Target 4/23 (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield with an explicit coords / non-sidereal combination) was going to fail, the Target was edited to be sidereal target in AstroPlan as then submitted as a Priority 2 ToO (Do Next) during the execution of Target 3/43 (UGC 6930).   The ToO target 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield (sidereal) was expected to be acquired as Target 4/44 (displacing the existing 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield target to Target 5/44).   Instead the ToO target was acquired as Target 6/44.   In the intervening time the original 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield (non sidereal) target was executed as 4/44 but quickly failed as expected because of unknown iobject name ( 'Explicit Coords' ) error.   Target 5/44 (CY Lyr) was then begun but entered a long waiting state as it was well ahead of its scheduled time slot. User Intervention was made to Abort CY Lyr target to finally allow the ToO target (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR starfield (sidereal) ) to begin without further delay.

Whilst centering Target 3/43 (UGC 6930) AstroMain's Report and Log files shows it receiving the ToO request and importing 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR (priority 2) at 20:53:22.92, .   An attempt to insert the ToO into the Job Queue was made a second later at 20:53:23.86 but the task failed with the message 'Target (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR) is deferred due to a 'Must Include' target'
> Received ToO Request        Ok        1 observation requested
> Loading ToO                 Ok        11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR (priority 2) imported at 20:53:22
> Inserting ToO Target...     Fail      Target (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR) is deferred due to a 'Must Include' target

Job Executor made a successful second attempt to insert the ToO target queue into the job sometime between 21:08 and 21:16 (most-likely at 21:08) whilst waiting for Target 5/43 (CY Lyr) to start
> Inserting ToO Target...     Ok        Target (11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR, priority  2) inserted in job queue

According to the logs no attempt was made to insert the ToO target in the job queue during Target 4/43 (original 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR target) which had preceeded beyond the Target Checks stage.

1) Code operated as per design by not inserting the ToO target into queue ahead of the original 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR target as it was flagged as a Must-Include target for the session.

2) Design/code could be modified so that the Name or Target ID of the ToO target is compared with that of the 'Must-Include' target and if they match then allow the ToO to override the 'Must-Include' target,  working on basis that target will still be included. 

3) Code should have made an attempt to insert the ToO target before starting Target 5/43 (CY Lyr) and not wait till CY Lyr had started.   Code to insert ToO was presumed to have been skipped because the original  11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR target had failed so soon into execution and there wasn't a chance for ToO insert routine to be run.

The routine that inserts a pending ToO ( 'HandleToO' ) is called by the Obs.Manager main loop which operates on a basic 5s period, though depending on which part of the loop is running the HandleToO routine may be called as frequently as every 1s.   Target 4/43 (original 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR target) was however executed in 0.71s or less. This meant there was a high likelihood that HandleToO routine wouldn't be called during course of the target's execution.   One solution would be to force a delay of up to 5.5s to ensure that at least one cycle of the Obs.Manager main loop is run before proceeding to the next target.


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Investigation - ToO Insertion Issues (S793, S794, S804)

Issue (S793): A ToO target was inserted into queue for immediate execution during execution of Target 3/12 but was unexpectedly reported as 'deferred' due to a current ToO. 

Issue (S794):  When aborting Must Include target M85, to make way for Barnards Star report message 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert' was inappropriate.

Issue (S804):  Priority 1 ToO (for Immediate Action) was unexpectedly deferred.  
Issue (S804):  Report message 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert'  is incorrect.

 Description (S793): M85 (a must-include target) was running but due to cloud along western horizon a new target (C/2017 T2 PanStarrs) with better chance of clear sky was inserted into the job queue as a ToO for immediate execution, however it was reported as deferred due to current ToO even though M85 was not a ToO target (though it was a 'must-include' target). To get M85 to stop and to get the comet target to execute immediately in its place a user intervention was made involving using the 'Abort Target' button.   This workaround worked, the M85 target was stopped and the job manager began executing the T2 comet target. However this intervention shouldn't have been necessary - its unclear why the comet ToO was 'deferred' rather executed immediately.    When current target was aborted manually used 'Abort Target' the reason for aborting the target in the message 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert' was unexpected and incorrect.

Description (S804): Whilst job quene was running UGC 6930 was set as a Priority 1 ToO target for immediate action in AstroPlan. The target (UGC 6930) was imported by AstroMain at 22:45:50 whilst the job executor was waiting to start Target 11/41 (WDS GRB 34).  The target (UGC 6930) was inserted into the job queue but 'deferred to due to a current ToO'.  This is a subtle bug,   WDS GRB 34 is not a ToO,  and should have been aborted to make way for UGC 6930.  Maybe the code treats WDS GRB 34 (Groombridge 34) as a ToO because it contains 'GRB' in its name even though it not a GRB (gamma ray burster) ?   The issue was resolved at the time by user intervention to abort the WDS GRB 34 target which allowed UGC 6930 to begin.  When it was aborted a report message is output saying 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert' . 

Target 11/41 (WDS GRB 34) was manually aborted by user to make way for a Priority 1 ToO (UGC 6930), which wasn't automatically scheduled for immediate effect but was deferred (see issue above). When GRB 34  was aborted a report message is output saying 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert' , it should say 'Target aborting due to (Urgent) ToO'.

Analysis (S793)
Whilst waiting for guider to settle for Target 3/12 (M35) AstroMain's Report and Log files shows it receiving the ToO request and importing C/2017 T2 PanStarrs (priority 1) at 20:29:08. There was then two messages, one saying the that ToO target had been inserted into the Job Queue and one saying that it is deferred due to a current ToO.
> Received ToO Request        Ok        1 observation requested
> Loading ToO                 Ok        C/2017 T2 (PanStarrs) (priority 1) imported at 00:29:08
> Inserting ToO Target...     Ok        Target (C/2017 T2 (PanStarrs), priority  1) inserted in job queue
> Inserting ToO Target...     Fail      Target (C/2017 T2 (PanStarrs)) is deferred due to a current ToO

> Target Aborting ...         Ok        Target aborting due to GRB Alert

These show that the ToO target is inserted in the job queue directly ahead of the next planned target 'R CrB,  but is then deferred 'due to a current ToO'. 
Code shows a bug in a line that checks whether the currently active item is a ToO.   The code was not aborting the current M35 target and giving the message about deferral because the condition test was 'if TargetOfOpportunity = True'  rather than  'if TargetOfOpportunity = False'

Although the original description (S793 Notes) stated that user has intervened by manually clicking the 'Abort Target' button the session logs don't seem to indicate this but suggested that Target was aborted by the ToO Handler.

However the Enum AbortReason declaration has two rows with the same value 
GRB = 2
User = 2
This would seem to be an error, and presumably causes  GetAbortReason() to return 'GRB Alert' when the global variable has the value AbortReason.User 

1) A bug in 'HandleToO routine'  is responsible for the unexpected message 'Target ... is deferred due to a current ToO'

) A bug in 'Enum AbortReason' declaration appears to be responsible for the unexpected message 'Target aborting due to GRB Alert'

3) Problems in session S794 and S804 are due to the same two bugs


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Proposal - Integrated Imaging and AutoGuiding with SBIG Camera

Proposal:  As part of a renewed initiative for getting improved secondary scope imaging capability it is proposed to to guide the LX200 mount using SBIG camera and PHD2 autoguiding software under the control of AstroMain's Job Executor (via PHD2 Server) with the necessary actions of automating the switching of the PHD2 profile between 'ZWO ASI178MC / TS80' profile and ' SBIG ST-10XME / 12" LX200' profile, and automating the disconnection/reconnection of SBIG camera from CCDSoft/AstroMain.

Existing methods used to guide the LX200 using Secondary Scope with ZWO ASI178MC camera and PHD2 autoguiding software under the control of AstroMain's Job Executor via PHD2 Server, with necessary actions for automated the switching ZWO ASI178MC camera operation between PHD2 (for guiding) and SharpCap (for Focusing / Imaging) provide the neccesary experience for delivering the new capability.

[ Details on Connection, Event Notification Messages and Server Method Invocation is given
  here:  PHD2 Event Monitoring (https://github.com/OpenPHDGuiding/phd2/wiki/EventMonitoring) ]

Alternatives :  Alternatives to the above proposal have been tried but they have their issues.

Issues / Potential ShowStoppers

CCD Choice Dialog Box

Start Services

  PHD2 Client                 Ok        Started            (Profile:ZWO ASI178MC)
  PHD2 Camera                 Ok (3)    Started            (ZWO ASI178MC)
  PHD2 Mount                  Ok (3)    Started            (DeviceHub -> LX200GPS/R (ASCOM))

Prepare SBIG Guiding

  Swap PHD2 Profile
  Stop  PHD2 Equipment        Ok        Stopped            (ZWO ASI178MC Profile)
  Start PHD2 Profile          Ok        Started            (SBIG Camera Profile)

  Start PHD2 Camera           Ok (2)    Started            (SBIG/LX200GPS/R)
  Start PHD2 Mount            OK (2)    Started            (DeviceHub -> LX200GPS/R (ASCOM))
  Check PHD2                  Ok        Ready   


22:30:40.98 | GCVS RX And          Disconnect PHD2 Equipment  Ok    | Profile : ZWO ASI178MC

22:30:40.98 | GCVS RX And          Connect PHD2 Profile       Ok    | Profile : SBIG Camera
22:30:40.98 | GCVS RX And          Connect PHD2 Equipment     Ok    | Camera  : SBIG
22:30:40.98 | GCVS RX And          Connect PHD2 Equipment     Ok    | Mount   : DeviceHub -> LX200GPS/R (ASCOM)

Route Map

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