David's Astronomy Pages (Projects)
Extrasolar Planet Stars

This page summarises images and observations of selected stars that are known to have extrasolar planets that are detectable as small brightness decreases during transit of the planet across the host sol.

Bullet Selected Extrasolar Planet Sols
Bullet HD 149026
Bullet HD 189733
Bullet HD 209458 (Osiris)
Bullet HAT-P-1 (ADS 16402 AB)
Bullet HAT-P-2 (HD 147506) 
Bullet HAT-P-3 (GSC 3466:819)
Bullet HAT-P-5 (GSC 2634:1087)
Bullet HAT-P-12 (GSC 3033:706)
Bullet Kepler-17 - Exoplanet Host Star
Bullet K2-18
Bullet TrES-1 (GSC 2652:1324)
Bullet TrES-2 (GSC 3549:2811)
Bullet TrES-3 (GSC 3089:929)
Bullet TrES-4 (GSC 2620:648)
Bullet WASP-1 (GSC 2265:107)
Bullet WASP-2 (GSC 522:1199)
Bullet WASP-12
Bullet XO-1 (GSC 2041:1657) 
Bullet XO-2 (GSC 3413:0005)
Bullet CoRoT-1
Bullet Ross 128 - Exoplanet Host Star (FI Virginis, HIP 57548)
Bullet Future Project Stars  
Bullet >> Extrasolar Planet Transits


Selected Extrasolar Planet Stars

Web Resources 
SolStation - Notable nearby stars  [http://www.solstation.com/stars.htm

TransitSearch.Org TransitSearch.org   { Check for Transits

The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia  [http://exoplanet.eu ]

Summary Table of parameters for transiting planets [ http://www.inscience.ch/transits/  ]

Exoplanet Transit Finder [ https://astro.swarthmore.edu/transits.cgi ]


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HD 149026 - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

HD 149026 (Hercules)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 30s (average combine), C filter)
2006-07-23 22:50h UT (#131053-55)
Monitoring HD 149026 for small magnitude changes during exosolar 
planet transits will be difficult due to the lack of a suitable 
reference star of similar brightness within the same field of view.

Less accurate method of monitoring will be to alternate frames of 
HD 149026 with frames from offset reference star.
 Possible offset stars :
HIP 80885  (Hercules)
HIP 80885 is actually a double star (Struve 2059) 
with 1 arc sec separation (too small to be 
seen at resolution of image)
CCD Image 
3 x 15s (average combine), C filter)
2006-07-23 23:14h UT (#131092-94)

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HD 189733 - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

HD 189733 (Vulpecula)
This star has an extra-solar planet (HD 189733b), whose transit should just be 
detectable as a slight dimming of the sol star. This will be a future observing challenge.
In preparation some baseline frames were acquired in V and B bands.

Approximate Colour CCD Image
Luminance : 3 x 30s  (median combine, C Filter), 
Red : 3 x 30s (medium combine, R filter),
Green : 3 x 30s (medium combine, V filter),
Blue : 3 x 60s (medium combine, B filter)
2006-04-27 02:46h UT (#117200-11)
HD 189733 - B Band
Annotated CCD Image
20 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, B Filter 
2006-04-28 00:22 h UT (#118196)
HD 189733 - V Band
CCD Image
10 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, V Filter 
2006-04-28 00:22 h UT (#118197)

Tests suggest imaging at 60s (B) and 30s (V) to improve S/N 

HIP 98523 catalog mag : 9.46 (B),  8.19 (V),   (B-V  1.27)
HD 189733 catalog mag : 8.87 (B), 7.79 (V),  (B-V  1.08)
HD 345458 catalog mag : 11.39 (B), 10.73 (V),    (B-V  0.66)

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HD 209458 (Osiris) - Star with Extra-Solar Planet

HD 209458 (Pegasus)
Alt Names : Osiris, GCVS V0376 Peg, SAO 107623, HIP 108859
CCD Image 
60s (C filter)
2006-07-18 01:09 hUT (#130108)
Example V Filter image of HD 209458
HD 209458 (V), HD 209346 (C), GSC 1688:1766 (K)
Annotated CCD Image
15 sec exposure (V filter)
2005-08-05  22:30h UT(#91090)
Other Images : 2002-10-022004-08-20 / 2005-08-05
HD 209458, Attempted Transit Observations
HD 209458b Transit (2006-08-08) - Attempt

Dry Run Analysis 2004-08-20 | Transit Analysis 2005-08-08


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HAT-P-1 (ADS 16402 AB) -  Parent Star to Exosolar Planet  HAT-P-1b

ADS 16402  (Lacerta)

Using small automated telescopes in Arizona and Hawaii, the HATNet project has detected an 
object transiting one member of the double star system ADS 16402 AB. This system is a pair 
of G0 main-sequence stars with age about 3 Gyr at a distance of ~139 pc and projected separation 
of ~1550 AU. The transit signal has a period of 4.46529 days and depth of 0.015 mag.


ADS 16402 (Lacerta)
Alt Name : B+37 4734 / HAT-P-1

CCD Image 
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2006-10-22 19:26h UT (#148054-58)
BBC Report  
Science Paper 

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HAT-P-2 (HD 147506), Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

HAT-P-2 / HD 147506 (Hercules)

Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60s (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-05-07 23:23 hUT (#196053-61)
HAT-P-2, Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
20s, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-05-07 23:31 hUT (#196065)

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HAT-P-3 (GSC 3466:819) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of HAT-P-3 parent star (GSC 3466:819) were acquired as part of a a future project to attempt to detect the transit of an exosolar planet using my 8" LX200 scope. HAT-P-3 was only recently discovered (Torres et al, 2007, http://exoplanet.eu/papers/torres_2007.pdf ). It rotates around its host star in ~ 2.9 days, and has a reported transit time of 2.06 hours.

HAT-P-3 (Ursa Major)
HAT-P-3 (Alias GSC 3466:819) is host star to exoplanet HAT-P-3b
Annotated CCD Image (70% size, linear scale)
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2023-01-09 20:26 UT (#1084066-70)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Reference Stars (2023)
Variable Star (V) - HAT-P-3 (GSC 3466:819, catalog mag 11.4)
Calibration Star (C) - GSC 3466:1158 (catalog mag 10.88)
Check Star (K) - GSC 3466:1145 (catalog mag 11.8)
(Details loaded to Analysis/Reference/ProjectStars.txt)
Annotated CCD Image (70% size, linear scale)
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2023-01-09 20:26 UT (#1084066-70)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
HAT-P-3 Parent Star / GSC 3466:819  (Ursa Major)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 30 sec exposure (median combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-13 22:25h UT (#204079-87)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E
Reference Stars (2007)
Annotated CCD Image 
60 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-08-08 13 22:32h UT (#204091)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E

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HAT-P-5 (GSC 2634:1087) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of HAT-P-5 parent star (GSC 2634:1087) were acquired as part of a a future project to attempt to detect the transit of an exosolar planet using my 8" LX200 scope. HAT-P-5 was only recently discovered (reference) . It rotates around its host star in ~ x,x days, and has a reported transit time of x.xx hours.

HAT-P-5 Parent Star / GSC GSC 2634:1087 (Lyra)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2008-06-08 23:36h UT (#290040-44)
HAT-P-5  - Reference Stars 
Annotated CCD Image 
2 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, R Filter
2008-06-08 23:42h UT (#290040-44)

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HAT-P-12 (GSC 3033:706)- Exoplanet Host Star

HAT-P-12 (Canes Venatici)
Through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter
HAT-P-12 (GSC 3033:706) :  V Mag +12.84
C1 (GSC 3033:996): V Mag +13.130 (0.025) , 000-BLT-550
C2 (GSC 3033:872): V Mag +13.314 (0.031), 000-BLT-551
C3 (GSC 3033:978): V Mag +12.924 (0.039), 000-BLT-549
C4 (GSC 3033:754): Mag +13.939 (0.035),  000-BLT-552
K (GSC 3033:865): Mag +14.1

Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
Taken through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter
25 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, BB / Xo Filter
2019-02-26 23:48 UT (#669271-95)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

Faint Galaxies in same star field as HAT-P-12
 PGC 2223954 (catalog mag +17.8)
PGC 2222734 (catalog mag +18.4)

Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
Image details as above

HAT-P-12 - Earlier Image (2019-02-13)
Alias GSC 3033:706

Annotated CCD Image (50% size)
3 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter
2019-02-13 23:06 UT (#663253-55)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
HAT-P-12 through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter

 Cloud unfortunately prevented acquisition of planned
images through BB (Xo) filter

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Kepler-17 - Exoplanet Host Star

Kepler-17 (Canes Venatici)
MagV 14.31, MagR 13.60

Kepler-17b Exoplanet
Period 1.4857d, Transit 2.18h, Depth 22.48 mmag (2023-01-19)
Kepler-17 and adjacent stars
Annotated CCD Image (70% size, linear scale)
4 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2023-01-18 20:45 UT (#1088070-73)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Annotated CCD Image (70% size, linear scale, cropped)
Image details as above

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K2-18 - Exoplanet Host Star

K2-18 (Leo)
Parent Star to exoplanet K2-18 ,  located 111 ly from Earth
The new planet is just over twice the size of Earth - in a planet category known as a "super Earth" -
and has a temperature cool enough to have liquid water, between zero and 40C

K2-18b was in news in Sept 2019 with the story
"Astronomers have for the first time discovered water in the
atmosphere of a planet orbiting within the habitable zone of a distant star"

Annotated CCD Image (50% size)
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter
2020-01-12 04:08 UT (#740243-47)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

K2-18 - Detail
Magnitude dips associated with K2-18b transits are too
small to be seen with my equipment/my skies

Annotated CCD Image (100% size, cropped)
Image details as above

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TrES-1 / GSC 2652:1324 - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

TrES-1 Parent Star / GSC 2652:1324 (Lyra)
~ 500 light years, distance
Planet orbit 3.03 days
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 20s (average combine), C filter)
2006-07-23 23:32h UT (#131124-26)
Note : Discrepancy seen with GSC 2652:1291 (V Band) mag.
Catalog +11.2,  Measured Estimate +10.3. 
Recommend monitoring for variability

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TrES-2 (GSC 3549:2811) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

TrES-2 Parent Star / GSC 3549:2811 (Draco)
< 750 light years, distance
Planet orbit 2.47063 days
 V Magnitude: +11.4 , Spectral Type: G0V ]
CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2006-11-26 19:30h UT (#155074-82)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E
Colour Images
Approximate Colour CCD Image 
BVR, 2x2 binning
Red 3x60s (R Filter),  Green 3x60s (V Filter), Blue 3x120s (B Filter)
2006-11-26 19:30h UT (#155075-85)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E
Approximate Colour CCD Image 
CBVR, 2x2 binning
Luminance : 3 x 60s (C Filter), Red 3x60s (R Filter), 
Green 3x60s (V Filter), Blue 3x120s (B Filter)
2006-11-26 19:30h UT (#155075-85)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E
Reference Stars
CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2006-11-26 19:30h UT (#155074-82)
8" LX200 Classic + ST-7E

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TrES-3 (GSC 3089:929) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of TrES-3 parent star (GSC 3089:929 ) were acquired as part of a project to attempt to detect the transit of an exosolar planet using my 8" LX200 scope. TrES-3b was recently discussed to orbit this star. (TrES team,  2007, http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0705/0705.2004v1.pdf )

TrES-3 Parent Star / GSC 3089:929 (Hercules)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-13 23:02h UT (#203194-98)
Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
60 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-08-13 23:07h UT (#204124)

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TrES-4 (GSC 2620:648) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of TrES-4 parent star (GSC 2620:648) were acquired as part of a project to detect the transit of the exosolar planet, that has recently been discussed to orbit this star .  [ BBC news article]

TrES-4 Parent Star / GSC 2620:648 (Hercules)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-08 01:09h UT (#203194-98)
Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
30 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-08-08 01:09h UT (#203195)

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WASP-1 (GSC 2265:107) - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of WASP-1 parent star (GSC 2265:107) as part of a project to attempt to detect the transit of an exosolar planet using my 8" LX200 scope.  [WASP-1 paper : http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11976.x ]

WASP-1  (GSC 2265:107) (Andromeda)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 30 sec exposure (median combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-14 00:24h UT (#204224-28)
WASP-1  (GSC 2265:107) (Andromeda)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 45 sec exposure (median combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-18 00:20h UT (#205011-15)
Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
60 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-08-18 00:24h UT (#205017)

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WASP-2 (GSC 522:1199)  - Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

Baseline images of WASP-2 parent star (GSC 522:1199) were acquired as part of a project to attempt to detect the transit of an exosolar planet using my 8" LX200 scope. WASP-2b was recently discussed to orbit this star. 

WASP-2 (GSC 522:1199)  (Delphinus)
Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60 sec exposure (median combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-08-14 00:32h UT (#203232-36)
Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
45 sec exposure, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-08-14 00:30h UT (#204233)

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WASP-12 - Exoplanet Host Star

WASP-12  (Auriga)
WASP 12 (GSC 1891:1178):  V mag 11.7, B-V 0.42,
WASP-12 b: Depth 15 mmag, period 1.09d

Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter

Conditions too windy for any good images but it demonstrates use of revised centering offset
and reveals a potential 6th Reference Star in the FOV hat could also be used for relative photometry
(C6,  GSC 1891:188, mag +10.3)

Annotated CCD Image (50% size)
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2019-02-17 22:41 UT (#664275-79)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
WASP-12 through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter - Earlier Image (2019-02-13)
Photometric options for measuring a future transit of WASP-12 b are :

a) use a single reference star C1 (HD 258379, V mag +9.51, B-V 0.51)
with one check star K (GSC 1891:731, mag +12.1) 
b) use an essemble of reference stars C1 to C5
C1 (as above), C2 (GSC 1891:326, mag +10.3), C3 (GSC 1891:741, mag +10.3),
C4 (GSC 1891:324, mag +11.3), C5 (GSC 1891:38, mag +12.1)

WASP-12:  (catalog V mag 11.7, B-V 0.42,
(Image offset should be increased by 1.3' E, 1.6' S to reliably secure all 5 reference stars)
Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
2 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2019-02-13 21:54 UT (#663190-91)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Frames have been examined  to check whether the exposure time used (30s) is ok or not.
30s exposure in Xo (BB) filter, 3x3 binning, max pixel 59000 (C1 Star),  42668 (C2 Star),  16280 (WASP-12)
Proposal is to change keep exposure time at 30s (3x3 binning) , but drop the C1 star as being too bright

WASP-12  - Earlier Image (2019-02-13)

Annotated CCD Image (50% size)
2 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter
2019-02-13 21:51 UT (#663184-86)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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XO-1 (GSC 2041:1657)

Web Info : XO-1 -  McCollough et al. paper  

XO-1 (Corona Borealis)
This star has an extra-solar planet (XO-1b), whose transit can be 
detectable as a slight dimming of the sol star. 
This will be a future observing challenge

XO-1 : GSC 2041:1657
1 : GSC 2041:186,   2 : GSC 2041:976

Annotated CCD Image
3 x 30s exposure (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter 
2006-05-24 23:18 hUT (#127028-30)


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XO-2, Parent Star to Exosolar Planet

XO-2 / GSC 3413:5 (Lynx)

Annotated CCD Image 
3 x 60s (average combine), 2x2 binning, C Filter
2007-05-07 22:56 hUT (#196028-30)
XO-2, Reference Stars
Annotated CCD Image 
30s, 2x2 binning, R Filter
2007-05-07 23:07 hUT (#196040)
XO-2, Attempted Transit Observations
XO-2b Transit (2009-11-08)

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CoRoT-1 - Exoplanet Host Star

CoRoT-1  (Monoceros)
CoRoT-1: V mag 13.6,  alias GSC 4804:2268
CoRoT-1b:  Depth 21 mmag, period ~1.51d

CoRoT-1 through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter
Image taken with revised centering offsets to more reliably secure all 7 reference stars)

Exposure had been changed to 60s following earlier attempt at 30s,
however 60s image produces max pixel value of 62700  for C1 & 61000 for C5
Whilst dropping to 45s is an option, the 60s image produces a max pixel of only 13700 for CoRoT-1,
therefore dropping C1 and C5 , and adding C8 (GSC 4804:2216, mag 11.6) might be an alternative option
Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
60s exposure (single frame), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2019-02-17 22:10 UT (#664246)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
CoRoT-1 through Astrodon Exoplanet Blue Blocking (BB) Filter - Earlier Image (2019-02-13)
Photometric options for measuring a future transit of CoRoT-1 b are :

a) use a single reference star C1 (GSC 4804:1326 (C1, V mag +10.55, B-V 0.87)
with one check star GSC 4804:1592 (mag +13.4) 
b) use an essemble of reference stars C1 to C7
C1 (as above), C2 (GSC 4804:1354, mag +11.8), C3 (GSC 4804:2194, mag +11.4),
C4 (HIP 32600,mag +10.92), C5 (GSC 4804:1766, mag +11.8),
C6 (GSC 4804:1756,  mag+12.8), C7 (GSC 4804:1170, mag 12.6)

CoRoT-1: (catalog V mag 13.6, B-V 0.16)
(Image offset should be increased by 1.4' W, 0.5' S to reliably secure all 7 reference stars)
Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
2 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Xo Filter
2019-02-13 21:31 UT (#663162-63)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
30s exposure in Xo (BB) filter, 3x3 binning, max pixel 22950 (C1 Star),  3300 (CoRoT-1)

CoRoT-1 - Earlier Image (2019-02-13)

Annotated CCD Image (50% size)
2 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter
2019-02-13 21:29 UT (#663159-60)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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Ross 128 - Exoplanet Host Star (FI Virginis, HIP 57548)

Ross 128 (Virgo)
Alias:  HIP 57548, FI Virginis
Ross 128 : mag +11.12, 11.03 ly distance
Ross 128b :  orbit period 9.9 days
Annotated CCD Image (70% size)
4 x 20s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter
2020-03-27 22:59 UT (#764099-103)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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Future Project Stars

Potential Future Project Stars

  (Host Star    . http://exoplanet.eu/papers/PR-CoRoT-1.pdf 
- http://exoplanets.org/detail/CoRoT-1_b

- http://exoplanets.org/detail/TrES-5_b


GJ 436, Leo

HAT-P-5 (2634:1087)  -  http://www.perseus.gr/Astro-Photometry-HAT-P-5-20080528.htm 


Monitor TransitSearch.org for new or potential transiting planets.

Web Information on notable nearby stars :  http://www.solstation.com/stars.htm 

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