David's Astronomy Pages
Images - Session 475 (2011-05-03)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet Hickson 59 - Galaxy Group (IC 736 / IC 737 et al)
Bullet Hickson 82 - Galaxy Group (NGC 6162 et al)
Bullet Photometric Monitoring - Variables
- FS Aur, KR Aur, SY Cnc, R CrB, AM CVn, RS CVn, CI Cyg, S Cyg,, SS Cyg, U Gem, AM Her, SS Her, U Her, BL Lac, RZ LMi, DY Per, GK Per, ER UMa, SU UMa
Bullet Astrometric Monitoring - Nearby Stars
- None
- Evening  session (2.6 hrs)
- Session operated under semi-automated control, with remote monitoring from indoors computer. 
- Ambient Temperature: -0.5°C (minimum) 
- CCD operation -25°C (at 59% average cooling).  
- main objectives of the session was to acquire images of selected project stars for ongoing photometric analysis.

Hickson 59 - Galaxy Group (IC 736 / IC 737 et al)

Hickson 59 (Leo)

CCD Image (cropped)
2 x 120 sec exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter 
2011-05-03 22:31 h UT  (#475064-65)
12" LX200R  (at f/9.7) + ST-10XME


Hickson 59 - wider view

CCD Image (50% size)
Image details as above

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Hickson 82 - Galaxy Group (NGC 6162 et al)

Hickson 82 (Hercules)

CCD Image (cropped)
3 x 120 sec exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter 
2011-05-03 22:55 h UT  (#475093-95)
12" LX200R  (at f/9.7) + ST-10XME

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