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Observing Plan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Observing Result | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Night Sky Summary Plot Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s) Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs) |
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Pre-Session Weather Forecast (AstroWeather 1.7.6) Cloudy for most of night with skies potentially clearing at 03:00, low probability of any significant rain (As it turned out the evolving forecast through the late evening extended the cloud further and further through the night, and indeed it was cloudy for the the whole night, only clearing at around 06:30 after the sun has risen. A few spots of rain occurred at around 00:45 and 02:40) |
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Session Event Log | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Data showing additional information about the status of the Observatory and about the current or latest observing session are now being feed to a new web page.
The primary purpose of this is to allow the early morning observatory check to be faster, and specifically to check that the observatory has been shutdown properly (ie shutter fully closed, dome parked, telescope parked). Its secondary purpose is to be an aid to quickly monitoring a live observing session monitoring by showing latest information about progress vs plan, the targets completed (including any ToO targets), latest session events, latest focus profiles and latest slew/centering data.
Data is uploaded to website by 'AstroPlan' which is always running during a live session, when specific data files in the 'Live' folder change (eg 'Session.FocusProfile1.gif' or when requested by 'AstroMain' after inserting a new event or session observation into the database or modifiying the status of a planned target observation.
Screen capture from new Observatory Session web page
(2019-09-04 am) |
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Inclusion of html data (Session Events, Slew/Centering data) is done by the
method described on the
Schools 'How TO - Include HTML' page (https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp)
Attempts to include htm using <Object> or <iFrame> had issues with IPad
(IOS) scrolling and inability to set the length show to that of the document
(resulting in either too much white space if included document was short or
overflow if the document was longer than the div, iframe or object height)
Display of Slew/Centering data (non-html ascii data with tabs & line breaks) is enabled by creating a special 'Session.Slew.htm' file for upload in which the original data is surrounded by <pre> </pre> tags, which allows the data to be displayed in a fxied-wdith font and presevres both spaces and line breaks (W3 School HTML <pre> Tag)
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Whilst starting the 4th Mosaic Point for Target 21/25 (NGC 1817) thirteen critical cloud alert messages were reported by the AdvMain program within a 60s period at 03:55, interrupting the flow of the Report and Log File reporting of the session. Whilst the messages didn't interfere with the automated task of recognisng a critical condition, closing the observatory shutter and suspending the session, they are nevertheless annoying, and can complicate the task of analysing the performance of the Observatory Manager & its coopeartion with the Job Queue executor and make it more difficult to diagnosing and fixing any problems that occur.
Report File Messages 03:51 to 03:57The report file messages show Cloud Alert messages every 5s (which is the cycle time of the main Observatory Manager loop) interspersed with messages from the Job Queue executor doing the actual target positioning, autoguide initiating & imaging (Log File messages tell a similar story). It can be seen that execution has moved to the next target (GCVS RR Tau) after the Session has entered State.Suspended but before the shutter has finished closing. Once the session is suspended the Alert messages stop and Job Queue continues normally with tracking through the remaining targets. Since the cloud conditions continue, each of the remaining target eventually time out. Finally the time slot for target 25/25 expires, the end of the queue is reached and the following message is output :
Script Aborting ... Aborted (Script aborted by user)
Now the underlying design (at least the intended design) is that upon detecting a Critical Condition, the Obs. Manager announces it and sets flags that lead to the current target being aborted, and, in event of just cloud (rather than actual rain), gives time for the Job Executor (TakeFrameJobsQSO, ImageTargetT_QSO & ImageMosaicT_QSO) to finish aborting the target, place execution into a holding loop and flag this fact to the Obs.Manager. When the return flag is recieved the Obs.Manager then closes the Shutter and places the session into State.Suspended. Once suspended the Job Execution can break out of its holding loop and proceed to the next target (which will then wait under conditions improve & the session resumes, or its time slot expires and things move to the next target after that). Unless the user has aborted the operation the script should finish as 'Completed'.
Main issues to be addressed are:
All four problems were fixed in AdvMain 3.10.8 (2019-9-06), but this new version needs to be tested in a live session in case aby bugs or side issues have been introduced, by the fixes added or by the heavy refactoring of the TakeFrameJobsQSO routine.
3) Within Obs.Manager's main loop there is the following
section of code
' Handle Hard Case Suspension (Aborts)
If bHardSuspend Then
If bHardSuspendOk
Or MinutesSince(HardSuspendStartTime) > 2 Or
((Synopsis.CriticalRain =
ThreatLevel.Critical Or CloudSensorData.Rain > 0.3) And
MinutesSince(HardSuspendStartTime) > 0.15) Then
bHardSuspendOk = False
bHardSuspend = False
End If
End If
This releases Job Executor from its holding loop at the same time as setting state to suspended. This can clearly allow Job Executor to move on the next target before the Shutter finishes closing.
Proposal is to modify above code to
If bHardSuspend Then
If MinutesSince(HardSuspendStartTime) > 2 Or
((Synopsis.CriticalRain =
ThreatLevel.Critical Or CloudSensorData.Rain > 0.3) And
MinutesSince(HardSuspendStartTime) > 0.15) Then
End If
End If
and then place this new section of code within the "If SessionState = SessionState.Suspended then ... End If " block
If bHardSuspend and bHardSuspendOk
and ShutterIsClosed() Then
bHardSuspendOk = False
bHardSuspend = False
' Release Job Executor from holding loop
End If
4) The message (Script aborted by user) is generated in PostJobTasks when AbortScript() = True, i.e. when jobAbort = True
If AbortScript() = True Then ReportComment(LAlign2("Aborted", 10) + "(Script aborted by user)") ClearAbortLock() UpdateJobStatus("Aborted") ...
jobAbort can be set to true in a number of ways but in the context of automated operations is most likely to have set to true by a call to objconsole.AbortJobExplicit() and probably within SetState_Closing when RunningFrameJobs is True.
Job Executor puts out a message saying Job Queue has completed message at
(this is done very close to end of TakeFrameJobs routine, after
this a Event "Queue Completed" is sent to the database, followed by a 1s sleep.
Control then drops back to RunTakeFramesJobQSO which does some post run
housekeeping including calling 'StopPHD2Guiding()' at 04:37:39.29. It then calls
PostJobTasks (which outputs the 'Script aborted by user' message) and finally
RunningFrameJobs is set to False & the thread closes. But the time of this
uncertain. Obs.Manager moves Session State to 'Closing'
at 04:37:42.80
Within Obs.Manager's main loop there is the following section of code
' Completed FrameJobs
' -------------------
If (gObservatoryMode =
omSemiAutomated Or gObservatoryMode = omFullyAutomated) _
And (SessionState =
SessionState.Running Or SessionState = SessionState.Suspended) _
CompletedFrameJobs = True Then
ObservingDB.UpdatePlanDescription(QsoPlanID, "EXECUTED PLAN " + "S" +
SetFlagChanged("Plan", 0) ' Signal to AstroPlan to
upload revised ObservingPlan Chart
If objConsole.cboxDropOutToManual.Checked Then
objConsole.cboxContinueWithNewPlan.Checked Then
End If
End If
Since CompletedFrameJobs is set to True at end of TakeFrameJobs and before passing control back to RunTakeFramesJobQSO where PostJobTasks is called and jobAbort is tested, it is clear that in some circumstances the SetState_Closing will be called and jobAbort set to true before Job Executors execution reaches the very end of RunTakeFrameJobsQSO where RunningFrameJobs is finally set to false.
So proposed solution is that above code includes an additional test that 'runningframejobs' is False before SetState_Closing can be called
If (gObservatoryMode =
omSemiAutomated Or gObservatoryMode = omFullyAutomated) _
And (SessionState =
SessionState.Running Or SessionState = SessionState.Suspended) _
CompletedFrameJobs = True and RunningFrameJobs = False Then
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Opportunity taken today to some maintainance around the observatory.
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A housing development around 100m from the observatory is using a very bright light in the area of the contractors containers and equipment. This is supposedly to put of people who might snoop around / steal things etc. The light stays on to 00:20 in summer varying to around 20:30 in mid winter. In winter the light comes back on at around 05:00. Apart from adding to overall effect on light pollution, the lights glares in the northern view of the Observatory's 180° AllSky Camera makes it impossible to record any aurora during the time that the light is on and prevents the visual viewing of aurora from my property.
The following pair of pictures taken earlier this year illustrate the impact of this nusiance lighting.
Northern View with example of Aurora : 2019-01-31, 22:21 (more) Security Light is OFF |
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Northern View taken 1.5 hours earlier : 2019-01-31, 20:54 (more) Security Light is ON |
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North Sky Summary Plot for 2019-01-31 Times on plot are local GMT times (= UT time) Whiteouts in the image are due the security light at the nearby building site. Aurora is visible on plot between 21:23 and 23:35 |
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There lights won't be there for ever but they are expected to continue for another 9-12 months or so. The foreman at the site has been approached and I've tried to engage with him regarding the effect the lights were on me whilst he presented the 'security advice' he's recieved about having the light on . He was unwilling to move/redirect lights since the light is in the ideal position for the 'security' task that is required. At present I'm try to agree a reduction in the time period that the lights are on, so that that they go off by the time that nautical or astronomical twilight ends (1 to 2 hours after sunset) but he can only relay on my concerns request to those responsible for 'Security' .
In the meantime I've had a go at installing a workaround to block the glare from shinning on the AllSky Camera lens. This has been done with a piece of wood positioned about 35-40cm away from the camera, in away that doesn't interfere too much with the northern view. Adjustment was performed at night whilst looking at live shots viewed on IPad. The results is pretty good.
Northern View : 2019-09-03, 22:27 Security Light is ON Glare completely obscures the view of the northern horizon |
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Northern View : 2019-01-31, 22:36 Security Light is ON. Initial positioning of the wooden post blocks the light glare but obscures too much sky |
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Northern View : 2019-09-03, 22:51 Security Light is ON. Repositioned wooden post blocks the light glare but doesn't obscure too much sky |
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Northern View : 2019-09-04, 00:18 Security Light is ON. Repositioned wooden post blocks the light glare |
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The above view of the sky taken with light on, but blocked with
wooden post compare pretty well with the following image taken one minute later and after the security light had gone off. |
Northern View : 2019-09-04, 00:19 Security Light is OFF Wooden baffle doesn't obscure too much sky. |
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This Web Page: | Notes - Session 689 (2019-09-03) |
Last Updated : | 2024-10-09 |
Site Owner : | David Richards |
Home Page : | David's Astronomy Web Site |