Variable Stars
R CrB (RCB variable)
Photometric Monitoring -
- U And, W And, Z And, R CrB, CI Cyg, S Cyg, SS Cyg, AM Her, U Her, DY
Per, GK Per, FG Sge
RX And, BL Lac, CY Lyr, U Sge, V Sge, WZ
Sge attempts (failed due to wind/poor seeing)
Astrometric Monitoring - Nearby
- None
Ross 248/HH And attempt, Groombridge 34
attempts (failed due to wind/poor seeing)
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Early evening session (2.5 hrs), |
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Session operated under semi-automated
control, with remote monitoring from indoors computer. |
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Temperature: 3 deg
C (minimum) |
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CCD operation -20 degC (at 53% average cooling). |
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main objectives of the session was to
acquire images of selected project stars for ongoing photometric
analysis. and to further test software routines. |
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