David's Astronomy Pages
Images - Session 1123 (2023-07-22)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet AT 2022fnb - CV Type Transient
Bullet AT 2023dwm - CV Type Transient
Bullet Variable Stars (photometric monitoring)
- None
Bullet Nearby Stars (astrometric monitoring)
-  61 Cyg
- All night session. Images only successfully captured from 3 targets. Other targets failed due to a dome pointing issue that caused the telescope view to be oculuded by the dome roof.
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature: 8.5°C (min)
- CCD Temperature:  -15° C
- Notes from 2023-07-22 >>

AT 2022fnb - CV Type Transient

AT 2022fnb (Cepheus)
AT 2022fnb (Type: CV) discovered 2022-03-30.875 UT by MASTER
Alias: MASTER OT J222553.47+602042.5
Discovery magnitude 13.2 (Clear filter) vs Last Non-Detection at limiting mag 18.9
 ( TNS 2022fnb)
AT 2022fnb - 2023-07-22 (T+479.1d)
Image below (2023-07-22.990) was taken 479.1 days after discovery of 2022fnb
Position of earlier reported transient (fading slowly but still distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured magntitude + 13.17 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2023-07-22 23:49 UT (#1123022-26)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2022fnb - Reference Image (DSS2 Color)
Images of AT 2022fnb on Transients 2022 Page >>

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AT 2023dwm - CV Type Transient

AT 2023dwm (Cygnus)
AT 2023dwm (Type: CV) discovered 2023-03-24.595 UT by MASTER
Alias: MASTER OT J203050.57+554708.9
Discovery Magnitude 12.6 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2023dwm )

AT 2023dwm - 2023-07-22 (T+120.4d)
Image below (2023-07-22.969) was taken 120.4 days after discovery of 2023dwm
Position of reported transient (fading) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured magnitude +14.40 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
3 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2023-07-22 23:17 UT (#1123009-11)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023dwm on Transients 2023 Page >>

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