David's Astronomy Pages
Images - Session 1283 (2024-12-13)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - Comet
Bullet AT 2022qyh - CV Type Transient (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2023ae - CV Type Transient (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2023clj - CV Type Transient (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2024zys - CV Type Transient
Bullet AT 2024adwa - Transient
Bullet IC 1125 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024jz  (non-detection)
Bullet IC 3084 - Spiral Galaxy with Transient AT 2022aaai  (non-detection)
Bullet MRK 0628 - Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024aakr
Bullet NGC 4722 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024ablh  (non-detection)
Bullet NGC 5235 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova  2024grb
Bullet SN 2022mox - Type Ia Supernova  (non-detection)
Bullet SN 2023ufx - Type II/FBOT Supernova in SDSS Galaxy  (non-detection)
Bullet UGC 604 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024advj
Bullet UGC 5426 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIP Supernova 2024aanq
Bullet UGC 8139 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024ifu
Bullet UGC 8630 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024drv (non-detection)
Bullet UGC 11087 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024ixb (non-detection)
Bullet Variable Stars (photometric monitoring)
- R CrB, U Gem, CN Ori, T CrB
Bullet Nearby Stars (astrometric monitoring)
- HH And, Scholz's Star
- Late Night  Session (8.0 hr).
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature: 0.5°C (min)
- CCD Temperature: -20°/-25°C
- Notes from 2024-12-13 >>

Observing Result


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29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - Comet

29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - 2024-12-14
(passing through Leo)

Sun Distance 6.25 AU (turning)
Earth Distance 5.84 AU (873.7 million km)
   29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - 2024-12-14 Detail
Autoguided on offset star using PHD2 with Lock Shift
set at the comet's rate of motion
(Ra -0.24 arcsec/hr, Dec -2.42 arcsec/hr)
Image   Image
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
9 x 90s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 01:39 UT (#1283063-71)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
  Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
Image details as left
Images of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on Comets 2023 Page >>    
Images of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on Comets 2024 Page >>    

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AT 2022qyh - CV Type Transient (non-detection)

AT 2022qyh (Virgo)
AT 2022qyh (Type: CV) discovered 2022-08-06.749 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia22dgv
Discovery Magnitude 15.46 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 20.20 +/- 0.26 SD
 ( TNS 2022qyh | Gaia22dgv )

AT 2022qyh - 2024-12-14 (T+860.5d)
Image below (2024-12-14.265) was taken 860.5 days after discovery of 2022qyh
Position of earlier transient (no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.0 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 06:25 UT (#1283177-81)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2022qyh on Transients 2022 Page >>

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AT 2023ae - CV Type Transient (non-detection)

AT 2023ae (Hydra)
AT 2023ae (Type: CV) discovered 2023-01-01.890 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia23abi
Alerting Magnitude 15.26 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 18.80 +/- 1.23 SD
4 mag outburst in candidate CV ASASSN-15hp
 ( TNS 2023ae | Gaia23abi )

AT 2023ae - 2024-12-14 (T+712.3d)
Image below (2024-12-14.155) was taken 712.3 days after discovery of 2023ae
Position of earlier transient (no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.5 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 03:46 UT (#1283116-20)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023ae on Transients 2023 Page >>

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AT 2023clj - CV Type Transient (non-detection)

AT 2023clj (Ursa Major)
AT 2023clj (Type: CV) discovered 2023-02-22.255 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS23cmq
Discovery Magnitude 15.03 (cyan-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.05
 ( TNS 2023clj )

AT 2023clj (T+660.8d) with PGC 35237
In same FOV is a faint spiral galaxy PGC 35237 (catalog mag +15.3)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 00:34 UT (#1283040-44)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2023clj - 2024-12-14 (T+660.8d)
Image below (2024-12-14.017) was taken 660.8 days after discovery of 2023clj
Position of earlier transient (no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.5 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 00:34 UT (#1283040-44)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023clj on Transients 2022 Page >>

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AT 2024zys - CV Type Transient

AT 2024zys (Camelopardalis)
AT 2024zys (Type: CV) discovered 2024-10-28.883 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24dde
Alerting Magnitude 11.23 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 11.44 +/- 0.04 SD
Bright gal.plane source rises by 0.2 mag
 ( TNS 2024zys | Gaia24dde )

AT 2024zys - 2024-12-14 (T+46.3d)
Image below (2024-12-14.133) was taken 46.3 days after discovery of 2024zys
Position of reported transient (distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +11.85 (Clear Filter)
Poor quality image (wind shake or bad guiding, single frame)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
60s exposure (single frame), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 03:12 UT (#1283104)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2024zys - Earlier Image, 2024-11-03 (T+5.2d)
Image below (2024-11-03.117) was taken 5.2 days after discovery of 2024zys
Position of reported transient (fading ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +11.68 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-11-03 02:52 UT (#1261075-79)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024zys on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024adwa - Transient

AT 2024adwa (Hercules)
AT 2024adwa (Type: unk) discovered 2024-12-06.085 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24dos
Alerting Magnitude 15.69 (G-Gaia Filter)
( TNS 2024adwa | Gaia24dos )
AT 2024adwa - 2024-12-14 (T+8.2d)
Image below (2024-12-14.251) was taken 8.2 days after discovery of 2024adwa
Position of reported transient (faint, brightening slightly ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +15.93 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 06:11 UT (#1283170-74)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024adwa on Transients 2024 Page >>

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IC 1125 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024jz

IC 1125 with SN 2024jz (Serpens)
SN 2024jz (Type: Ia) discovered 2024-01-05.641 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24ahj
Discovery Magnitude 17.73  (orange-ATLAS Filter)
 ( TNS 2024jz )
IC 1125 with SN 2024jz - 2024-12-14 (T+343.6d)
Image below (2024-12-14.273) was taken 343.6 days after discovery of 2024jz
Position of earlier supernova (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.8 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 06:41 UT (#1283184-88)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
IC 1125 with SN 2024jz - Earlier Image 2024-01-13 (T+7.6d)
Image below (2024-01-13.235) was taken 7.6 days after discovery of 2024jz
Position of reported supernova (distinct, brightening) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Measured Magnitude +15.11 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-01-13 05:43 UT (#1181168-70)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024jz (in IC 1125) on Supernova 2024 Page >> 

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IC 3084 - Spiral Galaxy with Transient AT 2022aaai

IC 3084 with AT 2022aaai (Coma Berenices)
AT 2022aaai (Type: unk) discovered 2022-11-12.621 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS22blrc
Discovery Magnitude 17.49 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 18.99
 ( TNS 2022aaai )
IC 3084 with AT 2022aaai - 2024-12-14 (T+762.5d)
Image below (2024-12-14.163) was taken 762.5 days after discovery of 2022aaai
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 04:03 UT (#1283124-27)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2022aaai (in IC 3084) on Transients 2022 Page >> 

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MRK 0628 - Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024aakr

MRK 0628 with SN 2024aakr (Cancer)
SN 2024aakr (Type: Ia) discovered 2024-11-01.428 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF18aclkbxr
Discovery Magnitude 16.3 ( Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024aakr )
MRK 0628 with SN 2024aakr - 2024-12-14 (T+42.7d)
Image below (2024-12-14.141) was taken 42.7 days after discovery of 2024aakr
Position of reported SN (not separately distinguishable) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Measured Magnitude +14.78 (Clear Filter),  Nucleus + SN
(vs  PGC 24859 catalog mag  +16.0)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 03:32 UT (#1283109-13)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024aakr (in MRK 0628) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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NGC 4722 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024ablh

NGC 4722 with SN 2024ablh (Corvus)
SN 2024ablh (Type: II) discovered 2024-11-18.546 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24abszdqt
Discovery Magnitude 16.3 ( Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024ablh )
NGC 4722 with SN 2024ablh - 2024-12-14 (T+25.7d)
Image below (2024-12-14.202) was taken 25.7 days after discovery of 2024ablh
Position of reported SN (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 05:00 UT (#1283141-45)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024ablh (in NGC 4722) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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NGC 5235 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024grb (non-detection)

NGC 5235 withSN 2024grb (Virgo)
SN 2024grb (Type: Ia) discovered 2024-04-16.418 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24fuq
Discovery Magnitude 18.33 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.08
 ( TNS 2024grb )
NGC 5235 with SN 2024grb - 2024-12-14 (T+241.8d)
Image below (2024-12-14.218) was taken 241.8 days after discovery of 2024grb
Position of earlier transient (faded & no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Poor quality image (due to passing cloud, single frame)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
180s exposure (single frame), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 05:14 UT (#1283148)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 5235 with SN 2024grb - Earlier Image, 2024-04-25 (T+9.5d)
Image below (2024-04-25.963) was taken 9.5 days after discovery of 2024grb
Position of reported transient (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +17.0 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-04-25 23:14 UT (#1211014-18)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024grb (in NGC 5235) on Supernovae 2024 Page >>

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SN 2022mox - Type Ia Supernova  (non-detection)

SN 2022mox (Canes Venatici)
Alias: In WISEA J133444.74+335325.5
SN 2022mox (Type: Ia) discovered 2022-06-12.303 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF22aanzset, Gaia22cuz
Discovery Magnitude 18.02 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.76
Confirmed SN Ia
Gaia, 2022-07-06 00:52, mag 16.72
Gaia 2022-07-06 02:39:, mag 16.69
Gaia, 2022-11-03 08:18, mag 19.58
 ( TNS 2022mox | Gaia22cuz )
 SN 2022mox - 2024-12-14 (T+915.9d)
Image below (2024-12-14.185) was taken 915.9 days after discovery of 2022mox
Position of earlier supernova (not visible / very probably faded) is shown by white cross-hairs 


Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 04:31 UT (#1283131-33)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2022mox on Supernovae 2022 Page >>

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SN 2023ufx - Type II/FBOT Supernova in SDSS Galaxy (non-detection)

SN 2023ufx (Cancer)
Alias: In SDSS J082451.43+211743.3
SN 2023ufx (Type: II/FBOT) discovered 2023-10-06.580 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS23tsa, ZTF23abjjqxf
Discovery Magnitude 18.46 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.79
 ( TNS 2023ndu )

SN 2023ufx - 2024-12-14 (T+434.5d)
Image below (2024-12-14.097) was taken 434.5 days after discovery of 2023ufx
Position of earlier SN (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.5 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 02:28 UT (#1283081-85)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2023ndu (in NGC 6685) on Supernova 2023 Page >>

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UGC 604 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024advj

UGC 604 with SN 2024advj (Andromeda)
SN 2024advj (Type: II) discovered 2024-12-11.191 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24riq, ZTF24abxpkhb, Gaia24dqw
Discovery Magnitude 17.87 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.20
Confirmed SN II  (Gaia)
Gaia, 2024-12-13 13:08, mag 16.63
 ( TNS 2024advj | Gaia24dqw )
UGC 604 with SN 2024advj - 2024-12-14 (T+2.9d)
Image below (2024-12-14.122) was taken 2.9 days after discovery of 2024advj
Position of earlier SN (faint, but distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 03:00 UT (#1283099-101)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 604 with SN 2024advj - 2024-12-14, Detail (T+2.9d)
Annotated negative CCD Image (175% size, square root scale, cropped)
Image details as above
Images of SN 2024advj (in UGC 604) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 5426 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIP Supernova 2024aanq

UGC 5426 with SN 2024aanq (Leo)
SN 2024aanq (Type: IIP) discovered 2024-11-05.476 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24abqwubu
Discovery Magnitude 18.18 (r-ZTF Filter)
 ( TNS 2024aanq )

UGC 5426 with SN 2024aanq - 2024-12-14 (T+38.6d)
Image below (2024-12-14.081) was taken 38.6 days after discovery of 2024aanq
Position of reported SN (very faint) is shown by white cross-hairs


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 02:04 UT (#1283074-78)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024aanq (in UGC 5426) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 8139 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024ifu

UGC 8139 with SN 2024ifu (Canes Venatici)
SN 2024ifu (Type: Ia) discovered 2024-05-07.289 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ZTF24aalqrpc
Discovery Magnitude 17.53 (g-ZTF Filter)
( TNS 2024ifu )
UGC 8139 with SN 2024ifu - 2024-12-14 (T+220.7d)
Image below (2024-12-14.033) was taken 220.7 days after discovery of 2024ifu
Position of SN (faint / not separately distinguishable, some evidence for fading) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude (nucleus + SN) +15.90 (Clear Filter) 
 (compared with +15.46 at T9.7d)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 00:57 UT (#1283048-52)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024ifu (in UGC 8139) on Supernovae 2024 Page >>

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UGC 8630 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024drv (non-detection)

UGC 8630 with SN 2024drv (Canes Venatici)
SN 2024drv (Type: II) discovered 2024-03-02.513 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24dct
Discovery Magnitude 16.56 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Mag 18.86
 ( TNS 2024drv )
UGC 8630 with SN 2024drv - 2024-12-14 (T+286.5d)
Image below (2024-12-14.049) was taken 286.5 days after discovery of 2024drv
Position of reported SN (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.0 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 01:19 UT (#1283056-60)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 8630 with SN 2024drv - Earlier Image, 2024-03-16 (T+13.6d)
Image below (2024-03-16.088) was taken 13.6 days after discovery of 2024drv
Position of reported SN (distinct) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Measured Magnitude +14.92 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-03-16 02:16 UT (#1198154-58)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024drv (in UGC 8630) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 11087 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2024ixb (non-detection)

UGC 11087 with SN 2024ixb (Hercules)
SN 2024ixb (Type: Ia) discovered 2024-05-15.342 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24aanvvqn
Discovery magnitude 20.02 (r-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.75
 ( TNS 2024ixb)
UGC 11087 with SN 2024ixb - 2024-12-14 (T+212.9d)
Image below (2024-12-14.237) was taken 212.9 days after discovery of 2024ixb
Position of earlier SN (not visible or very faint) is shown by white cross-hairs
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-14 05:51 UT (#1283162-66)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 11087 with SN 2024ixb - Earlier Image, 2024-05-30 (T+14.7d)
Image below (2024-05-30.041) was taken 14.7 days after discovery of 2024ixb
Position of reported supernova (faint / indistinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Poor quality image (relatively bright sky background, single frame, low S/N)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-05-29 23:30 UT (#1221007-11)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024ixb (in UGC 11087) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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