David's Astronomy Pages
Images - Session 1284 (2024-12-18)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet C/2022 P1 (Neowise) - Comet (non-detection)
Bullet Nova Vul 2024 - Nova (V615 Vul)
Bullet AT 2023csu - Type QSO Transient   (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2023eiu - CV Type Transient
Bullet AT 2023pua - CV Type Transient  (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2024pxr - Type HPM Transient
Bullet AT 2024sjh - Transient  (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2024vsz - Type CV? Transient   (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2024aart - Type HPM Transient
Bullet AT 2024aasc - CV Type Transient  (non-detection)
Bullet IC 1231 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024aeds
Bullet IC 3287 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic Supernova 2024bic   (non-detection)
Bullet KUG 1143+421 - Spiral Galaxy with Transient AT 2024abqc   (non-detection)
Bullet M31 - Spiral Galaxy with Nova M31 2024-11b? (not distinguishable)
Bullet M101 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIL Supernova 2023ixf
Bullet NGC 681 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic-BL Supernova 2024abup
Bullet NGC 4414 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2023hlf
Bullet NGC 4722 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024ablh  (non-detection)
Bullet SN 2024kce - Type Ia-pec Supernova in WISEA Galaxy  (non-detection)
Bullet UGC 604 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024advj
Bullet UGC 690 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024vfo
Bullet UGC 7357 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2023vhb  (non-detection)
  - 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann attempt failed (due to cloud/bad guiding),  AT2022acqx & UGCA 15 attempts failed (due to cloud),
Bullet Variable Stars (photometric monitoring)
- BL Lac, RR Leo, CN Ori, GK Per, T CrB, RR Tau
Bullet Nearby Stars (astrometric monitoring)
- 61 Cyg, Gliese 65 (UV Cet)
- All-Night Session (12.7 hr) interrupted by cloud
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature: 2°C (min)
- CCD Temperature: -20°C
- Notes from 2024-12-18 >>

Observing Result


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C/2022 P1 (Neowise) - Comet   (non-detection)

C/2022 P1 (Neowise) - 2024-12-19
(passing through Virgo)

Sun Distance 7.31 AU
Earth Distance 7.54 AU (1127.9 million km)
Expected position of comet (not visible) is shown by white circles
   C/2022 P1 (Neowise) - 2024-12-19 Detail
Autoguided on offset star using PHD2 with Lock Shift
set at the comet's rate of motion
(Ra 2.38 arcsec/hr, Dec 4.08 arcsec/hr)
Image   Image
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
6 x 90s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 05:31 UT (#1284251-56)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
  Annotated CCD Image (100% size, log scale, cropped)
Image details as left
Images of C/2022 P1 (Neowise) on Comets 2024 Page >>    

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Nova Vul 2024 - Nova (V615 Vul)

Nova Vul 2024 (Vulpecula)
Alias: N Vul 2024, V615 Vul, PNV J19430751+2100204
Nova Vul 2024 (Type: Nova) discovered 2024-07-29.832 UT by New Milky Way survey
Discovery Magnitude 11.2
Maximum Magnitude 9.8
[ Novae ]
Nova Vul 2024 - 2024-12-18 (T+142.0d)
Image below (2024-12-18.836) was taken 142.0 days after discovery of Nova Vul 20244
Positon of Nova (faded & no longer visible) is shown by white cross hairs.  
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.0 (Clear Filter)
Poor quality image (poor sky transparency)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 20:06 UT (#1284049-53)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Nova Vul 2024 - Earlier Image, 2024-09-10 (T+43.0d)
Image below (2024-09-10.867) was taken 43.0 days after discovery of nova
Nova (distinct) is shown by white cross hairs.  
Measured magnitude +13.10 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 30s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-09-10 20:49 UT (#1240006-10)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of Nova Vul 2024 on Novae 2024 Page >>

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AT 2023csu - Type QSO Transient (non-detection)

AT 2023csu (Canis Major)
AT 2023csu (Type: QSO) discovered 2023-03-02.589 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia23ayl
Alerting Magnitude 16.64 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 18.02 +/- 0.35 SD
Brightening in known QSO
 ( TNS 2023csu | Gaia23ayl )
AT 2023csu - 2024-12-19 (T+657.5d)
Image below (2024-12-19.094) was taken 657.5 days after discovery of 2023csu
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.2 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 02:23 UT (#1284203-07)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2023csu - Detail, 2024-12-19 (T+657.5d)
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is shown by black cross-hairs
Annotated negative CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 02:23 UT (#1284203-07)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023csu on Transients 2023 Page

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AT 2023eiu - CV Type Transient

AT 2023eiu (Canis Major)
AT 2023eiu (Type: CV) discovered 2023-03-28.333 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia23bic
Alerting Magnitude 13.46 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 13.74 +/- 0.03 SD
Bright gal.plane source rises by 0.3 mag
 ( TNS 2023eiu | Gaia23bic )
AT 2023eiu - 2024-12-19 (T+631.8d)
Image below (2024-12-19.085) was taken 631.8 days after discovery of 2023eiu
Position of earlier transient (distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude +13.54 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 02:06 UT (#1284196-200)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023eiu on Transients 2023 Page

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AT 2023pua - CV Type Transient (non-detection)

AT 2023pua (Pisces)
AT 2023pua (Type: CV) discovered 2023-08-17.907 UT by MASTER
Alias: MASTER OT J014017.78+150346.5
Discovery Magnitude 16.9 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2023pua )
AT 2023pua - 2024-12-18 (T+488.9d)
Image below (2024-12-18.854) was taken 488.9 days after discovery of 2023pua
Position of reported transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.6 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 20:39 UT (#1284072-76)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023pua on Transients 2023 Page >>

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AT 2024pxr - Type HPM Transient

AT 2024pxr (Pisces)
AT 2024pxr (Type: HPM) discovered 2024-07-20.449 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF24aawpzft, Wolf 110,   HIP 9560
90.2 ly distance
Discovery Magnitude 12.91 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.3 (dubious !)
 ( TNS 2024pxr )
AT 2024pxr - 2024-12-18 (T+151.4d)
Image below (2024-12-18.892) was taken 151.4 days after discovery of 2024pxr
Position of reported transient (bright, stable ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +11.62 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 21:32 UT (#1284096-100)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024pxr on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024sjh - Transient (non-detection)

AT 2024sjh (Lepus)
AT 2024sjh (Type: unk) discovered 2024-08-08.735 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24cgg
Discovery Magnitude 16.49 (G-Gaia Filter)
Apparently hostless blue transient close to bright star
 ( TNS 2024sjh | Gaia24cgg )
AT 2024sjh - 2024-12-19 (T+132.3d)
Image below (2024-12-19.002) was taken 132.3 days after discovery of 2024sjh
Position of reported transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.5 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
180s exposure (single frame), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 00:03 UT (#1284147)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024sjh on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024vsz - Type CV? Transient  (non-detection)

AT 2024vsz (Pisces)
AT 2024vsz (Type: CV?) discovered 2024-09-19.718 UT by XOSS
Alias: KATS24S004, TCP J01211839+3158300
Discovery Magnitude 15.63 (Clear Filter)
Object not visible on DSS2 or PanSTARRS DR1 images (Aladin)
 ( TNS 2024vsz )

AT 2024vsz - 2024-12-18 (T+90.2d)
Image below (2024-12-18.875) was taken 90.2 days after discovery of 2024vsz
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +19.0 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (125% size, linear scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 21:09 UT (#1284087-91)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024vsz on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024aart - Type HPM Transient

AT 2024aart (Virgo)
AT 2024aart (Type: HPM) discovered 2024-11-06.538 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF24abrirct, LP 675-8
Alerting Magnitude 14.18 (r-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.90
 ( TNS 2024aart )

AT 2024aart - 2024-12-19 (T+42.6d)
Image below (2024-12-19.178) was taken 42.6 days after discovery of 2024aart
Position of reported transient (distinct , brightening slightly ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +14.29 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 04:24 UT (#1284227-30)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024aart on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024aasc - CV Type Transient

AT 2024aasc (Cygnus)
AT 2024aasc (Type: CV) discovered 2024-11-03.605 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24dfd
Alerting Magnitude 13.55 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Mag 16.22 +/- 0.02
2.7 mag brightening in Gaia source
Gaia, 2024-10-17 10:16, mag 16.21
Gaia, 2024-11-03 14:31, mag 13.55
Gaia, 2024-11-03 16:18, mag 14.81
 ( TNS 2024aasc | Gaia24dfd )
AT 2024aasc - 2024-11-24 (T+21.4d)
Image below (2024-11-24.956) was taken 21.4 days after discovery of 2024aasc
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +15.0 (Clear Filter)
Poor quality image (due to poor sky transparency)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-11-24 22:59 UT (#1275080-83)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2024aasc - Earlier Image, 2024-11-11 (T+8.3d)
Image below (2024-11-11.949) was taken 8.3 days after discovery of 2024aasc
Position of earlier transient (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +15.29 (Clear Filter)
Star is likely back at around its normal brightness state


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-11-11 22:50 UT (#1266031-35)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024aasc on Transients 2024 Page >>

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IC 1231 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024aeds

IC 1231 with SN 2024aeds (Draco)
SN 2024aeds (Type: II) discovered 2024-12-16.688 UT by Giancarlo Cortini
Discovery Magnitude 18.0 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024aeds )
IC 1231 - Spiral Galaxy
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 06:18 UT (#1284274-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
IC 1231 with SN 2024aeds - 2024-12-19 (T+2.6d)
Image below (2024-12-19.260) was taken 2.6 days after discovery of 2024aeds
Position of reported supernova (very faint) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude +17.03 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 06:18 UT (#1284274-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024aeds (in IC 1231) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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IC 3287 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic Supernova 2024bic (non-detection)

IC 3287 with SN 2024bic (Coma Berenices)
SN 2024bic (Type: Ic) discovered 2024-02-01.422 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24aaeekei
Discovery Magnitude 18.34 (g-ZTF Filter)
 ( TNS 2024bic )
IC 3287 - Spiral Galaxy
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 06:18 UT (#1284274-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
IC 3287 with SN 2024bic - 2024-12-19 (T+321.8d)
Image below (2024-12-19.240) was taken 321.8 days after discovery of 2024bic
Position of earlier supernova (no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +19.0 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 05:52 UT (#1284260-63)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024bic (in IC 3287) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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KUG 1143+421 - Spiral Galaxy with Transient AT 2024abqc (non-detection)

KUG 1143+421 with AT 2024abqc (Ursa Major)
AT 2024abqc (Type: unk) discovered 2024-11-21.426 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF24abtiont
Discovery Magnitude 18.34 (g-ZTF Filter)
 ( TNS 2024abqc )
KUG 1143+421 - Spiral Galaxy
Alias : PGC 36690 (catalog mag +16.3)
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 06:18 UT (#1284274-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
KUG 1143+421 with AT 2024abqc - 2024-12-19 (T+27.6d)
Image below (2024-12-19.063) was taken 27.6 days after discovery of 2024abqc
Position of reported transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +19.2 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 01:39 UT (#1284181-85)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024abqc (in KUG 1143+421) on Transients 2024 Page >>

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M31 - Spiral Galaxy with Nova M31 2024-11b? (not distinguishable)

M31 with Nova M31 2024-11b? (Andromeda)
Nova M31 2024-11b? (Type: unk) discovered 2024-11-14.103 UT by Kamil Hornoch et al.
Alias: PNV J00425055+4112297
Discovery Magnitude 17.1 (Clear Filter)
 ( Discovery Image )

Nova M31 2024-11b? - 2024-12-18 (T+34.7d)
Image below (2024-12-18.798) was taken 34.7 days after discovery of Nova M31 2024-11b?
Position of reported transient (not separately distinguishable) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +11.56 (Clear Filter), Star + Transient


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 19:18 UT (#1284030-34)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024aayx (in M31) on Transients 2024 Page >>

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M101 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIL Supernova 2023ixf

M101 with SN 2023ixf (Ursa Major)
SN 2023ixf (Type: IIL) discovered 2023-05-19.727 UT by Koichi Itagaki
Alias: ZTF23aaklqou, AT2023iyi, AT2023jgd, AT2023jfz, PSN J14033858+5418421, PS23dij
Discoverer Mag 14.9 (Clear filter)
 ( Rochester Supernova site | TNS 2023ixf )

SN 2023ixf (Type: IIL) discovered 2023-05-19.727 UT by Koichi Itagaki at Mag 14.9 is
located near M101's prominant star-forming region NGC 5461. 

SN 2023ixf (Type: IIL) discovered 2023-05-19.727 UT by Koichi Itagaki at Mag 14.9 is located near
M101's prominant star-forming region NGC 5461. 
The supernova resulted from a exploding red supergiant and lies just 21 million light years away.
 It's the closest core-collapse supernova to us since SN 1993J which lit up M81
(some 12 million ly away) in Spring 1993.
The SN is designated of type II-L (L for 'linear') , which is characterised by a
rapid rise to maximum brightness  followed by a slow and gradual decrease,
that is thought to be brought about by ejection of the dead stars' outer hydrogen shell.
(from Article "Summer's Super Supernova", AstNow Magazine, Sep 2023, pp 36-39)
M101 with SN 2023ixf - 2024-12-19 (T+579.3d)
Image below (2024-12-19.038) was taken 579.3 days after discovery of 2023ixf
Position of supernova (faded & no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.5 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (100% size, square root scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 00:59 UT (#1284163-65)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2023ixf (M101) on Supernova 2023 Page

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NGC 681 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic-BL Supernova 2024abup

NGC 681 with SN 2024abup (Cetus)
SN 2024abup (Type: Ic-BL) discovered 2024-11-22.351 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24qlf, Gaia24dsy
Discovery Magnitude 17.02 (cyan-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.48
Confirmed SN Ic-BL
 ( TNS 2024abup | Gaia24dsy )
NGC 681 with SN 2024abup - 2024-12-18 (T+26.4d)
Image below (2024-12-18.784) was taken 26.4 days after discovery of 2024abup
Position of reported SN (faint) is indicated by white cross-hairs.
Estimated Magnitude +15.4 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 18:59 UT (#1284023-27)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024abup (in NGC 681) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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NGC 4414 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2023hlf (non-detection)

NGC 4414 with SN 2023hlf (Coma Berenices)
SN 2023hlf (Type: II) discovered 2023-05-01.237 UT by DLT40
Alias: ZTF23aaitpjv, DLT23j
Discovery Magnitude 17.84 (r-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.60
 ( TNS 2023hlf )
NGC 4414 - Spiral Galaxy
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 06:18 UT (#1284274-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 4414 - Detail
Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
Image details
Annotated CCD Image (125% size, log scale, cropped)
Image details
NGC 4414 with SN 2023hlf - 2024-12-19 (T+597.8d)
Image below (2024-12-19.024) was taken 597.8 days after discovery of 2023hlf
Position of earlier supernova (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, log scale, cropped)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 00:38 UT (#1284155-56)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2023hlf (in NGC 4414) on Supernova 2023 Page >>
Images of earlier SN 2021J (in NGC 4414) on Supernovae 2021 Page >>

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NGC 4722 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024ablh (non-detection)

NGC 4722 with SN 2024ablh (Corvus)
SN 2024ablh (Type: II) discovered 2024-11-18.546 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24abszdqt
Discovery Magnitude 16.3 ( Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024ablh )
NGC 4722 with SN 2024ablh - 2024-12-19 (T+30.7d)
Image below (2024-12-19.207) was taken 30.7 days after discovery of 2024ablh
Position of reported SN (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.2 (Clear Filter).
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 05:06 UT (#1284241-45)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024ablh (in NGC 4722) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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SN 2024kce - Type Ia-pec Supernova in WISEA Galaxy (non-detection)

SN 2024kce (Virgo)
Alias: In WISEA J122950.03+081300.9
SN 2024kce (Type: Ia-pec) discovered 2024-06-02.195 UT by ZTF
Alias: ZTF24aaqaroi
Discovery Magnitude 17.55 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.64
 ( TNS 2024kce )
WISEA J122950.03+081300.9 - Galaxy
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 04:46 UT (#1284234-38)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
SN 2024kce - 2024-12-19 (T+200.0d)
Image below (2024-12-19.192) was taken 200.0 days after discovery of 2024kce
Position of reported SN (not visible) is indicated by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.2 (Clear Filter).
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 04:46 UT (#1284234-38)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024kce on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 604 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024advj

UGC 604 with SN 2024advj (Andromeda)
SN 2024advj (Type: II) discovered 2024-12-11.191 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS24riq, ZTF24abxpkhb, Gaia24dqw
Discovery Magnitude 17.87 (g-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 20.20
Confirmed SN II  (Gaia)
Gaia, 2024-12-13 13:08, mag 16.63
 ( TNS 2024advj | Gaia24dqw )
UGC 604 with SN 2024advj - 2024-12-18 (T+7.6d)
Image below (2024-12-18.769) was taken 7.6 days after discovery of 2024advjj
Position of earlier SN (faint, but distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude +15.51 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 18:35 UT (#1284015-18)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024advj (in UGC 604) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 690 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024vfo

UGC 690 with SN 2024vfo (Andromeda)
SN 2024vfo (Type: II) discovered 2024-09-11.582 UT by Koichi Itagaki
Alias: GOTO24fwv, ZTF24abhbrcs
Discovery Magnitude 18.8 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024vfo )

UGC 690 with SN 2024vfo - 2024-12-18 (T+98.2d)
Image below (2024-12-18.815) was taken 98.2 days after discovery of 2024vfo
Position of reported transient (very faint, fading) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +18.97 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-18 19:42 UT (#1284037-41)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024vfo (in UGC 690) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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UGC 7357 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2023vhb (non-detection)

UGC 7357 with SN 2023vhb (Coma Berenices)
SN 2023vhb (Type: II) discovered 2023-10-18.532 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF23aazprcc, Gaia23dgq
Discovery Magnitude 18.13 (r-ZTF Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 17.75
Confirmed SN II
Gaia, 2023-11-17 14:04, mag 18.79
Gaia, 2023-11-17 15:50, mag 18.83
 ( Rochester Supernova site | TNS 2023zew | Gaia23dgq )
UGC 7357 with SN 2023vhb - 2024-12-19 (T+427.6d)
Image below (2024-12-19.132) was taken 427.6 days after discovery of 2023vhb
Position of earlier SN (likely faded & no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-12-19 03:19 UT (#1284212-16)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2023zew (in UGC 3499) on Supernova 2023 Page >>

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