David's Astronomy Pages
Images - Session 1301 (2025-03-14)

Objects Session Notes
Bullet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - Comet
Bullet C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) - Comet
Bullet AT 2023cuz - Type YSO Transient, UY Aur
Bullet AT 2023dwm - CV Type Transient
Bullet AT 2023acib - Type YSO? Transient
Bullet AT 2024xpy - Type BL Transient  (non-detection)
Bullet AT 2024accj - Type AGN Transient
Bullet AT 2025lc - CV Type Transient
Bullet AT 2025md - CV Type Transient, V1948 Cyg
Bullet AT 2025oj - CV Type Transient  (non-detection)
Bullet CGCG 224-064 - Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2023aiw (Attempt)
Bullet IC 1231 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024aeds
Bullet NGC 1275 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIP Supernova 2024xav  (non-detection)
Bullet NGC 2744 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic Supernova 2025oq
Bullet NGC 5876 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024igg
Bullet UGC 8239 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2025N
Bullet Variable Stars (photometric monitoring)
- R CrB, T CrB, RR Tau
Bullet Nearby Stars (astrometric monitoring)
- 61 Cyg, Groombridge 34
- Attempted night session (9.1h), preceeded by telescope maintainence operations (LX200 refocusing &  resync with short mapping)
- 12" LX200 + ST-10XME for imaging
- TS 80mm APO + ZWO ASI178MC for guiding & imaging
- Ambient Temperature: -0.5°C (min)
- CCD Temperature: -20°/--25°C
- Notes from 2025-03-14 >>

Observing Result


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29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - Comet

29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - 2025-03-14
(passing through Leo)

Sun Distance 6.27 AU (turning)
Earth Distance 5.39 AU (805.7 million km)
   29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann - 2025-03-14 Detail
Autoguided on offset star using PHD2 with Lock Shift
set at the comet's rate of motion
(Ra -13.32 arcsec/hr, Dec 3.51 arcsec/hr)
Image   Image
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
9 x 90s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:56 UT (#1301109-17)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
  Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
Image details as left
Images of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on Comets 2023 Page >>    
Images of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on Comets 2024 Page >>    
Images of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann on Comets 2025 Page >>    

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C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) - Comet

C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) - 2025-03-14
(passing through Andromeda)
Sun Distance 4.01 AU (receeding)
Earth Distance 4.47 AU (669.4 million km)
   C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) - 2025-03-14 Detail
Autoguided on offset star using PHD2 with Lock Shift
set at the comet's rate of motion
(Ra 10.66 arcsec/hr, Dec -9.79 arcsec/hr)
Image   Image
Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 90s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 21:22 UT (#1301051-55)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
  Annotated CCD Image (100% size, square root scale, cropped)
Image details as left
 Images of C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) on Comets 2023 Page >>    
 Images of C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) on Comets 2024 Page >>    
 Images of C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) on Comets 2025 Page >>    

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AT 2023cuz - Type YSO Transient, UY Aur

AT 2023cuz / UY Aur (Auriga)
AT 2023cuz (Type: YSO) discovered 2023-03-07.629 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia23bar, UY Aur
Discovery Magnitude 13.48 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic magnitude 11.80 +/- 0.21 SD
Known YSO UY Aur fades by ~1.5 mag
 ( TNS 2023cuz | Gaia23bar)

AT 2023cuz - 2025-03-14 (T+738.3d)
Image below (2025-03-14.913) was taken 738.3 days after discovery of 2023cuz
Position of reported transient, UY Aur (distinct, fading ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured magnitude +12.97 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
3 x 90s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 21:58 UT (#1301065-67)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023cuz (UY Aur) on Transients 2023 Page >>

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AT 2023dwm - CV Type Transient

AT 2023dwm (Cygnus)
AT 2023dwm (Type: CV) discovered 2023-03-24.595 UT by MASTER
Alias: MASTER OT J203050.57+554708.9
Discovery Magnitude 12.6 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2023dwm )

AT 2023dwm - 2025-03-15 (T+721.5d)
Image below (2025-03-15.088) was taken 721.5 days after discovery of 2023dwm
Position of reported transient (fading ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured magnitude +14.22 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 02:11 UT (#1301171-75)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
AT 2023dwm - Earlier Image, 2023-03-27 (T+3.4d)
Image below (2023-03-27.978) was taken 3.4 days after discovery of 2023dwm
Position of reported transient (bright) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured magnitude +12.63


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2023-03-27 23:31 UT (#1108089-93)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023dwm on Transients 2023 Page >>

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AT 2023acib - Type YSO? Transient

AT 2023acib (Draco)
AT 2023acib (Type: YSO?) discovered 2023-12-30.850 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24aan
Discovery Magnitude 16.15 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 15.04 +/- 0.21 SD
Candidate YSO dims by over 1 mag
 ( TNS 2023acib | Gaia24aan )

AT 2023acib - 2025-03-15 (T+440.2d)
Image below (2025-03-15.031) was taken 440.2 days after discovery of 2023acib
Position of earlier transient (relatively distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude +14.89 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 120s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 00:49 UT (#1301137-40)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2023acib on Transients 2023 Page >>

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AT 2024xpy - Type BL Transient  (non-detection)

AT 2024xpy (Hercules)
AT 2024xpy (Type: BL) discovered 2024-10-04.838 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24cvy
Discovery Magnitude 16.17 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 17.28 +/- 0.29 SD
Brightening in known BL Lac
BL Lac type object 2FGL J1844.3+1548
 ( TNS 2024xpy | Gaia24cvy | Simbad 2FGL J1844.3+1548 )

AT 2024xpy - 2025-03-15 (T+161.3d)
Image below (2025-03-15.105) was taken 161.3 days after discovery of 2024xpy
Position of reported transient (very faint  is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +16.37  (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 02:39 UT (#1301187-91)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024xpy on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2024accj - Type AGN Transient

AT 2024accj (Leo)
Alias: In WISEA J093139.04+320400.1
AT 2024accj (Type: AGN) discovered 2024-11-21.656 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia24dkm
Alerting Magnitude 16.86 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 17.73 +/- 0.29 SD
Long-term brightening in known Seyfert 1 galaxy
Object has brightened from mag 18.5 in 2024-2015
to mag 16.9 in 2024
 ( TNS 2024accj | Gaia24dkm )
AT 2024accj - 2025-03-14 (T+113.3d)
Image below (2025-03-14.967) was taken 113.3 days after discovery of 2024accj
Position of earlier transient (faint, fading ?) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +16.25 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:19 UT (#1301095-98)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2024accj on Transients 2024 Page >>

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AT 2025lc - CV Type Transient

AT 2025lc (Cygnus)
AT 2025lc (Type: CV) discovered 2025-01-10.553 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia25add
Alerting Magnitude 14.48 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 15.89  +/- 0.61  SD
Outburst in candidate CV
 ( TNS 2025lc | Gaia25add )
AT 2025lc - 2025-03-15 (T+63.5d)
Image below (2025-03-15.080) was taken 63.5 days after discovery of 2025lc
Position of earlier transient (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +13.69 (Clear Filter)
Appears to be either still be n outburst (from Jan 10th)
or has started a new outburst.


Annotated CCD Image (100% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 01:58 UT (#1301164-68)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2025lc on Transients 2025 Page >>

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AT 2025md - CV Type Transient, V1948 Cyg

AT 2025md (Cygnus)
AT 2025md (Type: CV) discovered 2025-01-12.882 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia25adm, V1948 Cyg
Alerting Magnitude 13.47 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 14.94  +/- 0.65  SD
Outburst in known CV named V1948 Cyg
 ( TNS 2025md | Gaia25adm )
AT 2025md - 2025-03-15 (T+61.2d)
Image below (2025-03-15.072) was taken 61.2 days after discovery of 2025md
Position of earlier transient (faint but distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +12.49 (Clear Filter)
Star seems somewhat fainter than the magnitude measurement suggests
A very faint star lies directly adjacent to AT2025md


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, linear scale, cropped)
5 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 01:46 UT (#1301157-61)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2025md / V1948 Cyg on Transients 2025 Page >>

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AT 2025oj - CV Type Transient (non-detection)

AT 2025oj (Vulpecula)
AT 2025oj (Type: CV) discovered 2025-01-15.040 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia25aeh
Alerting Magnitude 15.86 (G-Gaia Filter)
vs Historic Magnitude 18.31  +/- 0.26 SD
Outburst in candidate eclipsing CV ZTF18abmnvsq
 ( TNS 2025oj | Gaia25aeh )
AT 2025oj - 2025-03-15 (T+59.1d)
Image below (2025-03-15.120) was taken 59.1 days after discovery of 2025oj
Position of earlier transient (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Non Detection Limiting Magnitude +17.0 (Clear Filter)
Star seems to have faded back to within its normal magnitude range (+17.7 to +19.5, Gaia)
Propose to reschedule target using 5 x 180s frames for better chance of detection


Annotated CCD Image (125% size, linear scale, cropped)
3 x 60s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 02:55 UT (#1301194-96)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of AT 2025oj on Transients 2025 Page >>

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CGCG 224-064 - Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2023aiw

CGCG 224-064 with SN 2023aiw (Hercules)
SN 2023aiw (Type: Ia) discovered 2023-01-23.728 UT by Gaia
Alias: Gaia23akh, ZTF23aaawcvx
Discovery magnitude 17.30 (g-Gaia Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 21.6
Blue transient near multiple galaxies, candidate SN
 ( TNS 2023aiw | Gaia23akh )
CGCG 224-064 with SN 2023aiw - 2025-03-15 (T+781.3d)
Image below (2025-03-15.056) was taken 781.3 days after discovery of 2023aiw
Position of reported supernova (faded & no longer visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detectiion Limiting Magnitude +19.5 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 01:30 UT (#1301150-54)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2023aiw (in CGCG 224-064) on Supernova 2023 Page >>

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IC 1231 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024aeds

IC 1231 with SN 2024aeds (Draco)
SN 2024aeds (Type: II) discovered 2024-12-16.688 UT by Giancarlo Cortini
Discovery Magnitude 18.0 (Clear Filter)
 ( TNS 2024aeds )
IC 1231 with SN 2024aeds - 2025-03-14 (T+88.3d)
Image below (2025-03-14.950) was taken 88.3 days after discovery of 2024aeds
Position of reported supernova (very faint/ barely visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Estimated Magnitude +19.0 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 22:55 UT (#1301087-90)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024aeds (in IC 1231) on Supernova 2024 Page >>

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NGC 1275 - Spiral Galaxy with Type IIP Supernova 2024xav (non-detection)

NGC 1275 with SN 2024xav (Perseus)
SN 2024xav (Type: IIP) discovered 2024-09-30.036 UT by GOTO
Alias: GOTO24gor, ATLAS24otv
Discovery Magnitude 18.63 (L-GOTO Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.2
 ( TNS 2024xav )

NGC 1275 with SN 2024xav - 2025-03-14 (T+165.9d)
Image below (2025-03-14.898) was taken 165.9 days after discovery of 2024xav
Position of reported supernova (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.8 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
3 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 21:40 UT (#1301058-61)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 1275 with SN 2024xav - Earlier Image, 2024-10-05 (T+5.9d)
Image below (2024-10-05.981) was taken 5.9 days after discovery of 2024xav
Position of reported supernova (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +16.5 (Clear Filter)
(Note : SN 2024xav is labelled as AT 2024xav here)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-10-05 23:42 UT (#1251051-55)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024xav (in NGC 1275) on Supernovae 2024 Page >>

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NGC 2744 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ic Supernova 2025oq

NGC 2744 with SN 2025oq (Cancer)
SN 2025oq (Type: Ic) discovered 2025-01-17.024 UT by ATLAS
Alias: GOTO25io, ZTF25aaccmjq, ATLAS25als, BGEM J090438.41+182800.2
Discovery Magnitude 18.73 (L-GOTO Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 18.6
 ( TNS 2024xav )

NGC 2744 - Spiral Galaxy with SN 2025oq (T+57.0d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:37 UT (#1301101-05)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 2744 with SN 2025oq - 2025-03-14 (T+57.0d)
Image below (2025-03-14.978) was taken 57.0 days after discovery of 2025oq
Position of reported supernova (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +16.8 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:37 UT (#1301101-05)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2025oq (in NGC 2744) on Supernovae 2025 Page >>

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NGC 5876 - Spiral Galaxy with Type II Supernova 2024igg

NGC 5876 with SN 2024igg (Bootes)
SN 2024igg (Type: II) discovered 2024-05-07.304 UT by ALeRCE
Alias: ZTF24aamlalc
Discovery Magnitude 17.76 (g-ZTF Filter)
( TNS 2024igg )
NGC 5876 with SN 2024igg - 2025-03-15 (T+311.7d)
Image below (2025-03-15.040) was taken 311.7 days after discovery of 2024igg
Position of earlier SN (not visible) is shown by white cross-hairs
Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude +18.8 (Clear Filter)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 01:07 UT (#1301143-47)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 5876 with SN 2024igg - Earlier Image, 2024-05-11 (T+3.7d)
Image below (2024-05-11.044) was taken 3.7 days after discovery of 2024igg
Position of SN (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs
Estimated Magnitude +15.0* (Clear Filter)
Poor quality image (bright, uneven sky background due to aurora)
Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2024-05-11 01:07 UT (#1216057-58)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2024igg (in NGC 5876) on Supernovae 2024 Page >>

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UGC 8239 - Spiral Galaxy with Type Ia Supernova 2025N

UGC 8239 with SN 2025N (Canes Venatici)
SN 2025N (Type: Ia) discovered 2025-01-02.588 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS25abs, ZTF25aaafbbk
Discovery Magnitude 18.69 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.5
 ( TNS 2025N )

UGC 8239 - Spiral Galaxy with SN 2025N (T+71.4d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 00:17 UT (#1301121-25)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 8239 with SN 2025N - 2025-03-15 (T+71.4d)
Image below (2025-03-15.006) was taken 71.4 days after discovery of 2025N
Position of reported supernova (very faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +18.8 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 00:17 UT (#1301121-25)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
Images of SN 2025N (in UGC 8239) on Supernovae 2025 Page >>

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