David's Astronomy Pages (Deep Sky)
Supernovae - 2025

This page documents observations and images of selected supernova with discovery dates in 2025.
(Note: some images may roll over into the following year (2026) )
Supernovae (2025)   
     Name, type, discovery date, host galaxy
Bullet SN 2025N - Type Ia Supernova (2025-01-02) in UGC 8239
Bullet SN 2025gp - Type Ia Supernova (2025-01-08) in LEDA 2243580 
Bullet SN 2025oq - Type Ic Supernova (2025-01-17) in NGC 2744
Bullet SN 2025cfc - Type II Supernova (2025-02-20) in UGC 5695
Bullet SN 2025coe - Type Ib-Ca-rich Supernova (2025-02-24) in NGC 3277 

SN 2025N - Type Ia Supernova (discovered 2025-01-02) in UGC 8239

UGC 8239 with SN 2025N (Canes Venatici)
SN 2025N (Type: Ia) discovered 2025-01-02.588 UT by ATLAS
Alias: ATLAS25abs, ZTF25aaafbbk
Discovery Magnitude 18.69 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.5
 ( TNS 2025N )

UGC 8239 - Spiral Galaxy with SN 2025N (T+71.4d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 00:17 UT (#1301121-25)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 8239 with SN 2025N - 2025-03-15 (T+71.4d)
Image below (2025-03-15.006) was taken 71.4 days after discovery of 2025N
Position of reported supernova (very faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +18.8 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-15 00:17 UT (#1301121-25)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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SN 2025gp - Type Ia Supernova (discovered 2025-01-08) in LEDA 2243580

LEDA 2243580 with AT 2025gp (Hercules)
AT 2025gp (Type: unk) discovered 2025-01-08.638 UT by ATLAS
using ATLAS Haleakala Telescope
Alias: ATLAS25ahx, ZTF25aabsnyf
Discovery Magnitude 18.25 (orange-ATLAS Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 18.76
 ( TNS 2025gp )

LEDA 2243580  - Galaxy
LEDA 2243580  / PGC 2243580 (catalog mag +16.0)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-19 02:42 UT (#1303143-46)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
LEDA 2243580 with SN 2025gp - 2025-03-19 (T+69.5d)
Image below (2025-03-19.108) was taken 69.5 days after discovery of 2025gp
Position of reported supernova (not separately distinguishable) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude, Nucleus + SN  +15.55 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
4 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-19 02:42 UT (#1303143-46)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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SN 2025oq - Type Ic Supernova (discovered 2025-01-17) in NGC 2744

NGC 2744 with SN 2025oq (Cancer)
SN 2025oq (Type: Ic) discovered 2025-01-17.024 UT by ATLAS
Alias: GOTO25io, ZTF25aaccmjq, ATLAS25als, BGEM J090438.41+182800.2
Discovery Magnitude 18.73 (L-GOTO Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 18.6
 ( TNS 2024xav )

NGC 2744 - Spiral Galaxy with SN 2025oq (T+57.0d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:37 UT (#1301101-05)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 2744 with SN 2025oq - 2025-03-14 (T+57.0d)
Image below (2025-03-14.978) was taken 57.0 days after discovery of 2025oq
Position of reported supernova (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Estimated Magnitude +16.8 (Clear Filter)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-14 23:37 UT (#1301101-05)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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SN 2025cfc - Type II Supernova (discovered 2025-02-20) in UGC 5695

UGC 5695 with SN 2025cfc (Leo)
SN 2025cfc (Type: II) discovered 2025-02-20.905 UT by GOTO
Using GOTO-North Telescope
Alias: GOTO25anu
Discovery Magnitude 17.75 (L-GOTO Filter)
vs Prior Non-Detection Limiting Magnitude 19.3
 ( TNS 2025cfc )

UGC 5695 - Spiral Galaxy with SN 2025cfc (T+25.1d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-17 23:45 UT (#1302096-97)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
UGC 5695 with SN 2025cfc - 2025-03-17 (T+25.1d)
Image below (2025-03-17.988) was taken 25.1 days after discovery of 2025cfc
Position of reported supernova (faint but distinct) is shown by white cross-hairs 
Measured Magnitude +16.26 (Clear Filter)
Poor quality image (trailed stars)


Annotated CCD Image (150% size, square root scale, cropped)
2 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-17 23:45 UT (#1302096-97)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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SN 2025coe - Type Ib-Ca-rich Supernova (discovered 2025-02-24) in NGC 3277

NGC 3277 with SN 2025coe (Leo Minor)
SN 2025coe (Type: Ib-Ca-rich) discovered 2025-02-24.634 UT by Koichi Itagaki
using 0.5-m F/6.9 Telescope
Alias: ATLAS25caa, ZTF25aahsvoc
Discovery Magnitude 17.4 (Clear Filter)
SN (z=0.00472) is suspected to be located in NGC 3277 (z=0.004720,
value from NED), but has a large offset.
 ( TNS 2025coe )

NGC 3277 with SN 2025coe (T+22.2d)


Annotated CCD Image (50% size, square root scale)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-18 20:48 UT (#1303005-09)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2
NGC 3277 with SN 2025coe - 2025-03-18 (T+22.2d)
Image below (2025-03-18.861) was taken 22.2 days after discovery of 2025coe
Position of reported supernova (faint) is shown by white cross-hairs
Measured Magnitude +17.06 (Clear Filter)
Offset from NGC 3277 is particularly large and there is some doubt
as whether it is in NGC 3277 or not


Annotated CCD Image (125% size, square root scale, cropped)
5 x 180s exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, Clear Filter
2025-03-18 20:48 UT (#1303005-09)
12" LX200R (at f/10.4) + ST-10XME
Auto-guided using TS 80mm APO, ZWO ASI178MC & PHD2

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