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Periodic Error data was collected from a 2 hour run covering 4 Worm Period Cycles using PemPro with CCDSoft5 collecting 0.2s image exposures on a star located near Declination 0 and the Meridian
Beside the main periodic error relating to each 8 minute turn of the worm gear drive, there were also the semi-regular 10-13 arc sec bumps in RA that occur every 104.2 secs or so that have seen in other recent sessions (2017-01-02, 2017-01-08). The latter occur with a non-integer number of cycles (13.78) per worm period which can't be elimated using PEC. Collecting data across 4 full cycles of the worm drive allows these bumps to be largely cancel themselves out and allow a Periodic Error Curve to be derived.
The resultant PEC curve was updated to the LX200 Mount and tracking errors
were monitored over a 50 minute interval. This confirmed that the main periodic
error was corrected, but its highlighted the uncorrected residual errors with
104s period.
There was less drift in RA
than on
previous assessment attempt which suggest Telescope RE-Balancing has helped
with tracking.
PemPro Notes:
- LX200 PEC must be turned off using PemPro's Handbox
before a new PEC Table can be uploaded to the mount.
- During data
acquisition and later on analysis points up to a total of 999 are plotted as
small filled circles joined by lines. After reaching 1000 points the graph
refreshes and points are simply joined by lines only.
PemPro plot showing Tracking Errors in RA Drive (2017-01-17,
All Cycles) 4 complete cycles (around 1 hour 40 minutes of data) |
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PemPro plot showing Tracking Errors in RA Drive (2017-01-17,
All Cycles) - Corrected for RA Drift Data shows first order periodic error with a period of 8 minutes corresponding to one rotation of the worm drive gear. This is overlaid with 10-12 arc sec fluctuation related to bumps in RA every 104-105s. The latter has a non-integer number of cycles per worm period and can't be eliminated by PEC (The peaks in one cycle don't line up with the peaks in the next cycle, but aref shifted along by some 23 seconds or so ) |
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PE Curve created by PemPro (2017-01-17). Curve shows the regular periodic error associated with the RA worm drive gear The curve has an opposite polarity to the tracking error reflecting that it is curve to correct the periodic errors in tracking |
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PE Curve loaded to Mount (2017-01-17). Tracking errors are based on CCD image views where South is at Top of Image (ie rotated 180 degs) Above PE curve needs to inverted to produce the correct PEC curve for sending to the Mount |
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PemPros plot showing Residual Tracking Errors in RA Drive after
uploading PEC Curve (2017-01-17) First 25 minutes of data Graph shows the RA bumps in RA occuring with a period of around 104-105s, that can't be eliminated using PEC. |
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Full 51 minutes of data |
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Residual Tracking Errors in RA Drive - detail Unless the origin of these residual error can be found and fixed mechanically the only way of correcting these residual RA tracking errors is through autoguiding. The residual tracking error shows typical maximum rates of change of 0.84 to 0.97 arc sec/sec, but can reach 1.42 arc sec/sec. Autoguiding using 2s exposures will be challenging to correct these rates but will be better than no guiding at all. (Aim is not necessarily to perfect 10-30 minutes subs, but to get more 1 - 3min subs that are adequate for stacking) |
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The same PemPro dataset used to assess Periodic Error also contains information about overall error in the RA Tracking Rate.
Beside the main periodic error with a period of 8 minutes (one revolution of worm drive gear) the following graph below shows the monitored star is falling behind the average tracking rate of the mount. This indicates that the tracking is faster than sidereal rate.
After 2 hours the scope is 45 arc secs or so ahead of the star (an error of 0.375 arc sec/minute)
Based on sidereal rate of 15.04 arc secs/sec, the motion of a star in 2 hours
will be 15.04 * 60 *60 * 2 = 108288 arc sec
The LX200 mount is therefore
moving 0.042% faster than sidereal rate ( from 45/108288 * 100)
Previously (2016-12-27) the mount was tracking at a rate that was 0.24 to 0.28%
slower than sidereal rate. This was prior to Adjustment of RA Drive Spring and
Telescope's Balance.
The new value suggests a significant improvement
from the early measurement. In 10 minutes this newly established tracking
rate error would equate with a displacement of 3.75 arc secs. This is quite a
bit less than the residual RA Tracking Error due to 10-15 arc sec bumps that
occur with a period of around 104 secs and which can't be eliminated by PEC
corrections in the Mount, and a little bit less than the measured declination
drift due to the Polar Alignment error in azimuth (5.3 arc sec drift in 10
More data is needed to establish if this tracking rate error is still present
and/or of the same magnitude since the PEC curve was uploaded to the mount, and
whether the tracking rate error varies according to different hour angles.
Tracking Errors in X (RA) direction - 2017-01-17 Dataset collected after adjustment to RA Drive Spring and Telescope Balance but prior to PEC upload |
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Tracking Errors in X (RA) direction - 2016-12-27 An earlier dataset that was collected prior to adjustment to RA Drive Spring and Telescope Balance |
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The same PemPro dataset used to assess Periodic Error also contains
information to assess the precision of the Polar Alignment (at least in terms of
Azimuthal Error) since the monitored star lay near to the Meridian (due South)
and close to the Celestrial Equator (Dec 0 ). The dataset shows that the star
drifted northwards with an average drift rate of 0.53 arc sec/minute.
Since altitude of star was around 33 deg or so atmospheric diffraction effects
will be small and can be ignored.
The direction of drift indicates the Polar Axis of the Mount is too far west.
(and needs to be moved east ie clockwise):
based on equations in
Alignment Error {in arc mins} = 3.8197 * Drift
Rate {in arc sec/minute} / Cos (Declination of Star {in degrees})
So for drift rate of 0.53 arc sec/min and Dec 0 the alignment error is
2.02 arc minutes.
Therefore to achieve Polar Alignment (in azimuth terms)
the mount needs to be rotated clockwise by 2.02 minutes.
particular dataset provides no information regarding the correctness of the
Polar Alignment in altitude terms. This needs to be measured based on drift of a
star lying in eastern or western sky.
PemPro plot showing Tracking Errors in Y direction (ie N-S) (2017-01-17, around 1 hour 40 minutes of data) |
Drift rate is highest
during first hour where star lay closest to the Meridian and then begins
to tail off. Note: The drift direction of the star is based on CCD images where South lies at the top of Image. Consequently the data shows that the star is drifting in a North direction. |
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N-S Drift for Star Close to Meridian (above dataset rotated to show North at the Top) During first hour of data (32 arc sec drift in 60 minutes) the average rate of drift is 0.53 arc sec/minute [in northward direction] |
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Guide rate was set to x0.50 on Autostar II handbox from an earlier value of
Note: Guide Rate is not stored during Power-Off/Power-On cycles,
and will reset to the value x0.66 at the start of the next session.
An attempt was made to autoguide 12" LX200R scope using PHD2 software using SBIG ST-10 Camera. The attempt was unsuccessful as the calibration step failed each it was tried due to very large differences between the RA and Dec rates. The graph seemed to show that the software was unable to induce effective stepwise nudges in a north or south direction.
It was initially thought that Dec adjustments were somehow switched off, but setting the Dec. Guide Mode to 'Auto' didn't resolve things.
It's possible that the problem could be due to a large Declination backlash, which isn't worked through before the main set of N (or S) nudges are made. The Dec Backlash value is still set to 0 on the Meade Autostar II handbox (a new Front Board was only put into the scope in December).
Calibrating Autoguide in CCDSoft showed no such problem. This uses the same leads to telescope etc, but uses a different calibration method involving single large (10s) steps rather than multiple small steps (100-250ms). The noticeable difference between +Y and -Y motion values suggest there is uncorrected Dec backlash.
It's proposed to try PHD2 again in near future.
- test that PHD's
commands are getting through to scope by using Manual Guide
- try again but
with a much larger step size.
The use of Metaguide will also be
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During the session on 2017-01-17 (S599) a critical software problem
was encountered involving the use of TPoint,
which prevented a plans to make
a TPoint
mapping run at the end of the session. There was also problem connecting to ST10
camera after PemPro program crashed
Unable to insert a TPoint Model item into TheSky6, and thus unable to perform a
TPoint Mapping run
to improve Telescope Pointing. A TPoint Model is not
listed/available when using the 'Insert New Object' option in TheSky6.
Reinstalling TPoint didn't fix the problem. (absence of an Uninstall
option suggested that something wasn't quite correct).
(A TPoint model is ideally required
before using new ZWO ASI178MC camera with 12" LX200R due to it's
sensor (smaller than ST10) and a plate solution workflow for images from the new
camera is not yet ready).
Cause: Although
TPoint software had beed installed on current Windows 7 laptop at some point, it
hadn't become registed
in the Windows Registry. The installation process should
should do this, but it doesn't happen automatically on WIndows 7
machine. The
installation doesn't produce any information message to warn the user. (Note TPoint
software pre-dates Windows 7)
TPoint needs to be 'Run as Adminstrator' on the first occasion after installation.
Doing this gets the software
registered in the windows registry and a TPoint Model can then be inserted into TheSky6 documents.
This was retrospectively performed on 2017-01-19 after reinstalling the TPoint
software (Vn 1.00.505) with upgrade to Vn 1.00.511.
/ TheSky6
Unable to connect to LX200 scope from TheSky6 after crashing out from PemPro
program. TheSky6 reports that 'another connection to the telescope
is still open'
Cause: PemPro crashed leaving
an active ASCOM process with connection to LX200.
Solved by going to list of Processes in Task Manager and killing the relevant
ASCOM process.
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Problems: SharpCap produces FITS files with the ".fits" extension. However
AIP4WIN doesn't automatically recognise this file extension as an image file
(have to use Show All Files option in order to to open/select such a file).
Hence there is a need to be able to quickly change a collection of ".fits" file
to ".fit" files
In just the folder:
Dir *.fits | rename-item -newname {
[io.path]::ChangeExtension($_.name, "fit") }
In the folder and in all subfolders below
Get-ChildItem -Recurse
-Include *.fits | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($_.name,
"fit") }
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The option to get 'Observable' Comets from the Web from within TheSKy6
unfortunately stopped working sometime ago.
To now get latest Observable
Comets into TheSky6 program I follow the following procedure.
1) Download Soft06Cmt.txt from http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/Ephemerides/Comets/Soft06Cmt.txt
2) Rename file as Comets.cmt
3) Goto to 'Data / Comets and Minor Planets / Comets' in TheSky6.
- Select all comet rows and click 'Remove'
- Now Click
'Import' and navigate to and select the Comets.cmt file
Select all the rows in the list of comets and then click ok to bring them into
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This Web Page: | Notes - Session 599.2 (2017-01-16) |
Last Updated : | 2017-11-29 |
Site Owner : | David Richards |
Home Page : | David's Astronomy Web Site |