David's Astronomy Pages
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Session Aims & Highlights |
- Observing Result - Night Summary Plot |
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Operational Issues |
- Critical Issues (0), Major Issues (0), Minor Issues (0), Small Defects (0), Continuous Improvement (0) | |
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Autofocussing |
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Fully Automated Operation Test |
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Images from 2018-08-07 >> |
2018-08-09 to 2018-08-11+ | |
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AllSky Computer Problems |
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AllSky Computer Outages & Events |
Main aims of this nighttime session was to continue the ramp-up phase for the Clair3 Observatory including
1) Test
a newly consolidated autofocusing routine in manual mode.
(This will be routine that will be later incorporated into the Fully
Automated Observatory Mode).
2) Perform further live test of Observatory System operating in Fully
Automated Mode,
in particular testing newly corrected code
to perform precise positioning of targets (including N/W Offset).
and newly modified code for performing session closing and session housekeeping
3) Acquire some images of selected deep sky and variable star targets
4) Continue checking stability of
POTH.Hub (Telescope + Dome) & Observatory Control Software
Equipment & Software
- 12" LX200 and ST-10XME
- CCDApp2,
TheSky6, CCDSoft 5, POTH Hub,
Highlights :
- The newly consolidated autofocusing routine
worked more or less as designed, but due to a bug it generated an invalid Focus Offset as
the end result. This will need investigation and correction.
- Specific successful achivements of
the automated system :
- a new session
(session ID, session name, session folders) was created for the night
- an optimised Observing Plan/Schedule was created for the night from a database
of targets and loaded ready for observing
- Dome,
Telescope and CCD Camera were connected to
- Temperature
Set Point on CCD Camera was set (based on ambient temperture)
- Dome,
Telescope and CCD Camera were operated
- Weather
and Cloud Sensor data was used to keep the Dome Shutter open for the duration of
the session
- Execution of Observing Plan / Target Queue proceeded according to scheduled
start times.
- Close down of the Observatory (Telescope &
Dome Parking, CCD Disconnection)
- Post Session
Housekeeping (File copying etc)
(Telescope was
already unparked and operating at the start of automated run.
Wait to Next Night and
Commence Next Session were not tested on this occassion. )
- No specific failures of the automated system, however issues arising
- creation of Observing Plan was very slow (due to very slow creation of Gen1
- Observing Plan dominated by deep sky 'gallery'
targets (with longer duration) at expense
Variable Star & Nearby targets (shorter duration), this prevent testing of
newly corrected code to
perform precise positioning
of targets (including N/W Offset)
- Images of several targets were obtained (images)
- There were with
no major issues with the Observatory System
itself during the course of the session.
Observing Result (2018-08-07, S617) (Observation Status : Green=Completed, Yellow= Partially Completed) |
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Night Sky Summary Plot -
2018-08-07 Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s) Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs) |
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Issues arising during the session:
Function ComputeAngularSeparationNew(Ra1 As Double, Dec1 As Double, Ra2
As Double, Dec2 As Double) As Double
Dim A As Double
'Cos(A) = sin(Decl.1)sin(Decl.2) +
cos(Decl.1)cos(Decl.2)cos(RA.1 - RA.2)
' Convert RA hours to RA
Ra1 = Ra1 * 15
Ra2 = Ra2 * 15
' Calculate Angular Separation (in Radians)
A = Math.Acos(Math.Sin(degToRad(Dec1)) * Math.Sin(degToRad(Dec2)) +
Math.Cos(degToRad(Dec1)) * Math.Cos(degToRad(Dec2)) * Math.Cos(degToRad(Ra1 -
' Return Angle Separation (in Degrees)
End Function
' Julian Dates
' ------------
' Initial Julian Date
ProfileStartJD =
' Note: GetJulianDate is a local
subroutine that calls Utils.ConvertCalenderToJulianDate)
' Other
Julian Dates
JD = ProfileStartJD +
Issues arising outwith of the session itself:
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A newly built autofocusing routine was tested, comprising the consolidation of existing seperate elements. Routine was tested in 'manual mode' but is designed to eventually be available to Fully Automated operations. The routine worked more or less as design, but produced and saved an invalid Focus Offset (-1711) rather than the correct figure of -7. This critical bug requires investigation and correction.
The correction value of -7 indicates that the temperature correction coefficients calculated from Focussing data from Session S609 to S616 are working pretty well.
Focus Telescope 2018-08-08 01:13 (Local)
Select Focus Star
Taking 1s image (C)... Ok [0000] 00:13:55 (UT) Full Locate C
Selecting Star ... Ok Star located at 366.2, 251.0
Checking Position Info 18 pixels from image centre
Taking 1s box (C) ... Ok | 3285 | 2.2 | 11.5 | 15236 | -13.20 | 434 | 1.13 |
Examining Star... Ok Changing Focus Exposure to 0.3s
Prepare Focus Profile
Focus Range Ok 2665 - 3905
Points Ok 20
Filter Ok C
Box Ok 150x150
Binning Ok 1x1
Exposure Ok 0.3s
Measure Focus Profile
| Image | Result | DRO | FWHM | Temp | Max | Mag | SN | Elong |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 1/20 Ok | 2665 | 8.3 | 11.5 | 766 | -9.85 | 79 | 1.13 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 2/20 Ok | 2785 | 5.8 | 11.5 | 1145 | -10.46 | 113 | 1.14 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 3/20 Ok | 2905 | 4.4 | 11.5 | 1715 | -11.06 | 153 | 1.32 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 3/20 Ok | 2905 | 5.2 | 11.6 | 1752 | -10.77 | 132 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 4/20 Ok | 3025 | 3.0 | 11.5 | 2878 | -11.51 | 192 | 1.13 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 5/20 Ok | 3065 | 2.6 | 11.5 | 3595 | -11.73 | 215 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 6/20 Ok | 3105 | 2.8 | 11.6 | 3122 | -11.57 | 199 | 1.03 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 7/20 Ok | 3145 | 2.5 | 11.5 | 3649 | -11.72 | 214 | 1.04 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 8/20 Ok | 3185 | 2.4 | 11.5 | 4437 | -11.85 | 228 | 1.22 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 8/20 Ok | 3185 | 2.5 | 11.6 | 3411 | -11.73 | 215 | 1.06 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 9/20 Ok | 3225 | 2.2 | 11.6 | 4538 | -11.89 | 232 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 10/20 Ok | 3265 | 2.5 | 11.6 | 3534 | -11.72 | 213 | 1.04 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 11/20 Ok | 3305 | 2.2 | 11.6 | 4626 | -11.82 | 224 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 12/20 Ok | 3345 | 2.5 | 11.5 | 3180 | -11.62 | 204 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 13/20 Ok | 3385 | 2.5 | 11.5 | 3611 | -11.56 | 197 | 1.14 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 14/20 Ok | 3425 | 2.9 | 11.4 | 2960 | -11.49 | 190 | 1.02 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 15/20 Ok | 3465 | 2.9 | 11.5 | 3201 | -11.46 | 188 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 16/20 Ok | 3505 | 2.7 | 11.5 | 3311 | -11.56 | 197 | 1.11 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 17/20 Ok | 3545 | 4.7 | 11.5 | 2081 | -10.94 | 144 | 1.35 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 17/20 Ok | 3545 | 3.4 | 11.5 | 3285 | -11.33 | 176 | 1.14 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 18/20 Ok | 3665 | 4.5 | 11.5 | 1846 | -10.85 | 138 | 1.19 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 19/20 Ok | 3785 | 6.7 | 11.5 | 936 | -10.13 | 93 | 1.27 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 19/20 Ok | 3785 | 5.8 | 11.4 | 1069 | -10.30 | 103 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 20/20 Ok | 3905 | 8.5 | 11.5 | 870 | -9.57 | 68 | 1.01 |
Review Focus Profile
Profile No. Ok 1
Altitude Ok 41.63 deg
Start/End Time Ok 0014.23 - 0017.58
Best Focus Ok 3278 steps (Av Temp: 0.00 °C )
AvTemp value is invalid
FWHM Ok 2.23 arc secs
Airmass Ok 1.50
Zenith FWHM (est.) Ok 2.01
Adjust Focus
Moving to Best Focus ... Ok 3278 (adjustment -7)
Updating Focus Offset... Ok -1711
This value is invalid
Operation... Completed
Focus Profile & Temperature Coefficients (2018-08-07) |
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After skies had finally cleared, and with key hardware powered up (Observatory Laptop, Dome, Telescope and CCD Camera), key software running (TheSky6, CCDSoft5 and CCDApp2), key observatory services started (Observatory Manager, Weather/Cloud Sensor, ASCOM Dome, ASCOM Scope) and a newly developed automated focussing routine tested, the observatory manager control was placed into 'Fully-Automated' Mode. This initiated the Fully-Automated cycle of operation, comprising the following session states : Pending, Initiating, Starting, Equilibrating, Running (or Suspended), Closing, Housekeeping, Finished, Back to Pending.
The Session began in the 'Pending' State, but as the Sun had
already set (Sun Altitude < 0) the Session immediately moved to 'Initiating'
where the routine built an observing plan for
the night with a scheduled start time equivalent to a sun altitude of -10 deg.
The process was very slow to create initial Gen1 population and around 25 mins
of observating time was wasted.
Eventually the Plan finished building and it was successfully loaded into the Target/Job
Queue ready for execution.
The Session then moved to 'Starting' where CCD Camera and Telescope were successfully connected and an appropriate CCD Temperature Set Point was reconfirmed. Session setup was successfully performed (new Session ID, Session Name and Session Folders).
Session 2018-08-08 01:43 (Local)
Session Name: Ok 2018-08-07 S00617 (Session)
Creating session folder ... Ok .\New\2018-08-07 S00617
Creating analysis folder ...Ok .\...\2018-08-07 S00617
Creating subfolders ... Ok .\...\2018-08-07 S00617\_RAW, \_REDUCED etc
Stopping CCDSoft Ok
Setting Autosave Number Ok 617001
Restarting CCDSoft
Creating Camera object... Ok CCDsoft.Camera
Creating Autoguider object..Ok CCDsoft.Camera
Creating Folder object.. Ok CCDSoft.Folder
Reconnecting camera ...
Connect Camera 2018-08-08 01:43 (Local)
Connecting camera... Ok
Temperature Regulation... Ok
Temperature Set Point... Ok -15 °C
TempMonitor: Ok Already active
Setting AutoSave Folder ... Ok .\New\2018-08-07 S00617
The Session then moved to 'Equilibrating', and perfomed 4 minutes of equilibration with the Shutter Open, during which CCD Temperature reached its Regulated Set Point (-15°C), but Temperature Difference between Observatory/Scope and Outside air remained firmly at +1.5°C.
Session Equilibrating 2018-08-08 01:43 (Local)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-08 01:43 (Local)
Turn off Dome Slaving... Ok Dome Slaving is OFF
Rotating Dome into wind Wind Direction 225°
Temperatures at 01:43 Open Amb. 9.7°C, Obs. 11.2°C (+1.5°C), Scope 11.1°C, CCD -10.2°C (-10.2°C)
Temperatures at 01:44 Open Amb. 9.7°C, Obs. 11.2°C (+1.5°C), Scope 11.1°C, CCD -14.8°C (+ 0.2°C)
Temperatures at 01:45 Open Amb. 9.6°C, Obs. 11.1°C (+1.5°C), Scope 11.1°C, CCD -15.2°C ( -0.2°C)
Temperatures at 01:46 Open Amb. 9.6°C, Obs. 11.1°C (+1.5°C), Scope 11.1°C, CCD -15.2°C ( -0.2°C)
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 4.0 mins (4.0 mins total)
After the allotted time the session moved to 'Running' and begun executing the Job Queue.
Session Running 2018-08-08 01:47 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-07 (NightDate)
Turn on Dome Slaving... Ok Dome Slaving is ON
Turn On Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is ON
Take Frame Jobs (Live MODE) 2018-08-08 01:47 (Local)
Checking Plan... Ok 2018-08-07 V1 BEST PLAN (Plan ID= 176)
Checking Targets... Ok 14 targets selected
AutoSave Folder... Ok C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-07 S00617
AutoSave Start Num... Ok 617001
Date/Time (TheSky6)... Ok 2018-08-08 01:47:44 (Local)
2018-08-08 00:47:44 (UT)
Lat/Long (TheSky6)... Ok 57 19 09.00 N / 02 00 24.99 W
CCD Regulation ... Ok Regulation is ON (Setpoint: -15.0 °C)
Checking CCD Temp... Ok -14.8 °C (81%)
Airmass Cutoff... Ok Airmass 3.3
Checking Targets ... Ok 14 targets selected
Setting Up RealTime VMA... Ok (1.2 Method)
Checking VMA Folders ... Ok
Reading Reference File ... Ok ..\Reference\ProjectStars.txt
After skipping 10
initial targets which has planned schedule start times that had already been
missed the Job Queue was executed observations on 4 targets. This
were completed successfully apart from the final frame of the 1st target which
was skipped due to time.
Hickson 60 (1/14) 2018-08-08 01:47 (Local)
Checking Start Time ... Fail Planned Start Time (23:09) has been missed. Target will be skipped
[ lines removed for brevity ]
GCVS V Sge (10/14) 2018-08-08 01:47 (Local)
Checking Start Time ... Fail Planned Start Time (01:42) has been missed. Target will be skipped
NGC 7008 (11/14) 2018-08-08 01:47 (Local)
Target: Ok NGC 7008 (ID: 379)
Object Type: Ok Pl. Neb
Constellation: Ok CYG
Comment: Missing
Observation Type: Ok Normal
Project: Ok Summer Targets (ID: 6)
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 01:51 to commence target (4.1 mins)
[ lines removed for brevity ]
Taking 60s image (V)... Ok [00617015] 01:13:39 (UT) 1/4 2x2 60s V
Taking 60s image (V)... Ok [00617016] 01:14:51 (UT) 1/4 2x2 60s V
Taking 60s image (V)... Failed Image cancelled to prevent observation from overrunning its time slot
PLN 93-2.1 (12/14) 2018-08-08 02:15 (Local)
Target: Ok PLN 93-2.1 (ID: 402)
Object Type: Ok Pl. Neb
Constellation: Ok CYG
Comment: Ok Ast. Now, Aug 2018, p70
Observation Type: Ok Normal
Project: Ok Deep Sky Challenge (ID: 9)
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 02:17 to commence target (1.2 mins)
Continue.. Ok 2018-08-08 02:16 (Local)
[ lines removed for brevity ]
Taking 30s image (C)... Ok [00617024] 01:22:41 (UT) Full 3x3 30s C
Taking 30s image (C)... Ok [00617025] 01:23:20 (UT) Full 3x3 30s C
LBN 534 (13/14) 2018-08-08 02:25 (Local)
Target: Ok LBN 534 (ID: 401)
Object Type: Ok Gas Cloud
Constellation: Ok AND
Comment: Ok Imag p130 Ast Now Jan 2018
Observation Type: Ok Normal
Project: Ok Winter Targets (ID: 7)
[ lines removed for
brevity ]
Taking 180s image (C)... Ok [00617042] 01:52:46 (UT) Full 3x3 180s C
Taking 180s image (C)... Ok [00617043] 01:55:56 (UT) Full 3x3 180s C
Hickson 8 (14/14) 2018-08-08 02:59 (Local)
Target: Ok Hickson 8 (ID: 437)
Object Type: Ok Galaxy Group
Constellation: Ok AND
Comment: Missing
Observation Type: Ok Normal
Project: Ok Hickson Groups (ID: 13)
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 03:00 to commence target (1.7 mins)
lines removed for brevity ]
Taking 180s image (C)... Ok [00617049] 02:12:38 (UT) Full 3x3 180s C
Taking 180s image (C)... Ok [00617050] 02:15:48 (UT) Full 3x3 180s C
Operation... Completed
Upon completion of the Job Queue, the Session moved to 'Closing' and proceeded to close the dome, park the dome, park the telescope and disconnect the CCD camera.
Session Closing 2018-08-08 03:19 (Local)
Begin Shutdown Ok 2018-08-07 S00617(Session)
Close Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Close Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed (45s)
Park Dome
Park Dome... Ok Dome is Parked
Park Telescope
Park Telescope ...
Park Telescope .. Ok Telescope is Parked
Disconnect Telescope ... Ok Telescope is Disconnected (TheSky6)
Close Camera
Turnoff CCD Cooling ... Ok CCD Cooling is OFF
Turnoff CCD Fan ... Ok CCD Fan is OFF
Wait for CCD to re-warm... CCD Temperature : -14.8°C
Wait for CCD to re-warm... Ok CCD Temperature : -5.2°C
Disconnect Focuser ... Ok Focusser is Disconnected
Disconnect Camera ... Ok Camera is disconnected
Shutter Stats
- Opening Info Open Shutter Requests: 0 (Completed: 0)
- Closing Info Close Shutter Requests: 1 (Completed: 1)
The Session then moved to 'Housekeeping' and proceed to clean up raw files and move them to 'analysis/raw' folder, and to move log files to 'analysis/log' folder, before moving to 'Finished'.
Session Housekeeping 2018-08-08 03:21 (Local)
Begin Housekeeping Ok 2018-08-07 S00617(Session)
Cleanup FITS files
Preparing clean-up ... Ok
Cleaning file names ... Ok 50 fits files have been tidied up
Removing .SRC files ... Ok 50 src files have been deleted
Create FITS summary file
Preparing Summary file .. Ok Fits Summary.dat
Writing Summary file .. Ok 50 fits files have been summarised
Transfer FITS Files
Preparing transfer... Ok
Transferring Files... Ok Copying .fits files
Ok Copying Fits Summary.dat
Ok 50 fits files have been copied to the ./_RAW folder (27.0 MB)
Archive Session Files
Archiving Files ... Ok (.log, .htm, .dat etc)
Session Finished 2018-08-08 03:21 (Local)
Waiting till next night...
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At 2018-08-09 00:56 and with AllSky & Weather programs appearing to be operating perfectly ok beforehand, communication with Oculus AllSky Camera and with Cloud Sensor appear to have both been suddenly lost at precisely the same time. Cycle time (normally 30s or so) dropped down to around 13 minutes for the remainder of the night with the log file appearing to shown CCDApp3_AllSky waiting long periods for the Camera leading to time overruns, typically around 716s, for each cycle before it seemingly timed-out. AllSky processing appeared to operate on what is seemingly a blank / empty image.
Then at 2018-08-09 10:20 and with programs appearing to be operating perfectly ok beforehand (apart from missing AllSky Camera and missing Cloud Sensor data) the AllSky/Weather laptop stopped running for no apparent reason.
Restarting the laptop services on 2018-08-11 was difficult with similar sorts of problems
to those noted on other occasions). This time the principal problems was due to
the inability to reconnect to the AllSky camera using the normally used port on
the USB Hub. It could only be reconnected by inserting the camera's USB lead
into a USB port on side of laptop insetad of the hub. Other problems were
missing G Drive connection to USB External Hard Drive.
Computer Operations were eventually restarted at 2018-08-11 20:00 (approx))
Night Summary Log (NightDate 2018-08-08) showing problem with AllSky & Cloud Sensor commencing at 00:56 |
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AllSky Operations went offline at 2018-08-13
09:10 when the AllSky computer stopped working for no identifiable reason.
The number of computer failures is becoming both intolerable and frustrating to
diagnose. The laptop is a second hand one, so maybe a new laptop is
the only answer ?)
(AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-08-14 08:53. (Outage 24 hours)
AllSky Computer connections to Network & Internet were
lost on around 5 occasions on 2018-08-14, but the events were successfully
caught and the Ethernet Adapter successfully reset via a .bat script to restore
(Whilst the underlying cause of the loss of connection is
still unknown, the workaround is at least working successfully).
AllSky Operations went offline on 2018-08-15 (at
~17:35). Checking the computer showed that it had stopped in someway, had
restarted and was waiting for user login. A Windows Update (2018-08
Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based Systems (KB4343909))
had taken place at 2018-08-15 17:49 and the computer may have restarted in
response to this or alternatively it may have had a Blue Screen crash and then
automatically restarted. To provide protection against operating system restarts
Windows Update was configure to temporarily pause updates from installing in the
next 35 days
AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-08-15 22:10 (Outage
5.5 hours)
AllSky Scorecard went offline on 2018-08-20 (at
~5:35). Checking showed that the CCDApp3_AllSky program had stopped in executing
due to an exception caused by a bug in some newly added code. Bug was fixed and
the program restarted at 08:10. (Outage 2.5 hours)
AllSky Operations went offline on 2018-08-20 (at ~08:37) when the AllSky computer stopped working for no
identifiable reason (it was powered up with just a black screen)
(AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-08-15
09:28 )
AllSky Operations went offline at 2018-08-28
08:51 when the AllSky computer stopped working for no identifiable reason. The
only Windows acknowledge was an event message under 'Reliability Review' saying
that Windows hadn't been properly shutdown at 2018-08-28 08:30.
this failure AllSky Operations had been working continuously for 8 days.
AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-08-28 10:45. (Outage 2
AllSky Operations went offline at 2018-09-02
08:46 when the AllSky computer stopped working for no identifiable reason. The
only Windows acknowledge was an event message under 'Reliability Review' saying
that Windows hadn't been properly shutdown at 2018-09-02 08:30.
this failure AllSky Operations had been working continuously for 5 days.
AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-09-02 10:30. (Outage 1.75
A pattern is beginning to be noticed about the times at which the AllSky computer stops working . It s always around the same time time of day; which is the morning between 08:30 and 09:10 (09:10. 08:37, 08:51, 08:46). This seems to be more than coincidence and would suggest that the failure are associated with some regular occurring computer operation, a scheduled task for example, however the number of days between failure events varies. Another possibility is that it is driven by a particular temperature or humidity change associated with the observatory warming up in the morning, but the observatory environment is generally hotter later in the day than at 08:45. A third possibility is that I interact with the AllSky Laptop via Windows or UltraVNC at this time of the day, however whilst this hasn't been specifically tracked, remote interactions with the laptop occur at other times of the day without instigating a failure.
AllSky Computer connections to LAN & Internet went
down at 2018-09-05 22:23. The event wasn't rectified by 'Reset
Ethernet Adapter' routine in Weather Server Program. Either the lost connection
happened a way that hid the fact from the watching routine (with checks
connection by ping the router's IP address every 5s) or the problem couldn't be
resolved by resetting the adapter. )
Windows 10 Network Connection Troubleshooter was run to identify/resolve the connection problem the next morning, but was unable to fix things. Ethernet Switch/Hub and 'Ethernet over Power'' were power cycled and after a short delay the internet connection came back at 2018-09-06 08:30 (Outage 10 hours)
Cloud Sensor data went offline at 2018-09-06 08:30. This
was at the time a Network Connection outage was being investigated and resolved.
The Cloud Sensor III program was successfully restarted at 2018-09-06
Data flow to Weather Server, Weather Graphs and AllSky program
resumed at 2018-09-06 12:31. (Data outage 4 hours)
AllSky Computer connections to LAN & Internet went
down at 2018-09-07 21:40. The event wasn't rectified by 'Reset
Ethernet Adapter' routine in Weather Server Program. Either the lost connection
happened a way that hid the fact from the watching routine (with checks
connection by ping the router's IP address every 5s) or the problem couldn't be
resolved by resetting the adapter)
Problem was noticed but not dealt
with until the following morning. It appears to be the same problem as the one
that occurred two days before 2018-09-05 22:23. Windows 10 Network Connection Troubleshooter
unable to identify/resolve
the connection problem 'Ethernet over Power'' adapter was power cycled
and the Ethernet Cable taken out and reinserted into the the laptop, and after a short delay the internet connection came back at 2018-09-08
10:10 (Outage 12.5 hours)
AllSky Operations went offline at 2018-09-09 19:14 when the AllSky computer stopped working for no identifiable reason. The
only Windows acknowledge was an event message under 'Reliability Review' (dated
2018-09-09 19:26) saying
that Windows hadn't been properly shutdown at 2018-09-09 18:38.
this failure AllSky Operations had been working continuously for 7 days (but
with some outages due to loss of network connection issue)
AllSky Operations were restarted at 2018-09-02 19:39. (Outage 0.5
The AllSky Computer stopped out sending Weather Synopsis
/ Scorecard data at 2018-09-14 22:51. This was quickly picked up as Observatory
Computer was being remotely monitoring as a live observing session was in
progress. Checking the AllSky computer showed that the "Take Image
Series" routine had exited due to a critical exception and 5 attempts to
automatically restart the routine had also failed.
Unable to diagnose the cause of the program at the time and needing a quick fix the Take Image Series routine was freshly re-started at 2018-09-14 23:05. (Outage 0.25 hours)
AllSky operations continued working as normal for a
further 5 hours until 2018-09-15 03:41 when the "Take Image Series" routine
again crashed out (after 5 auto-restart attempts) immediately stopping the
generation of the Weather Synopsis/Scorecard and AllSky products such as the
AllSky Images and Night Summary Plots.
Problem was diagnosed the following morning (see details), and a short term fix made to allow the Take Image Series to commence working again. The probable underlying cause of the problem has been identified but the longer term fix still needs to be made. Take Image Series routine was freshly re-started at 2018-09-15 10:21. (Outage 10.6 hours)
AllSky operations appeared to go offline around
2018-09-21 17:35 (no updates to Website after this time).
Examination of files showed that the last AllSky files were generated at 17:41.
When computer was physically examined at a later data (2018--10-01) the computer
was non-responsive.
AllSky Computer and Operations re-started at 2018-10-01 14:00 (Outage 7 days)
The outage was later investigated. Analysis showed that the computer had a automatic update to windows 10 v1803 at 2018-09-21 17:44 and it would seem that the computer was automatically rebooted which killed the AllSKy operations. There is evidence of windows program updates on 09-23 and 09-25. The AllSky suite is not designed to automatically load / start upon computer start-up and therefore there was no AllSky /Weather operation after the apparent automatically machine reboot on 09-21.
Earlier 'regular user' attempts to turn off Automatic Updates has failed.
This time Local Group Policy (Windows Professional), was used either a) Disable
the "Configure Automatic Updates policy (under \Computer
Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update.
or b) Enabling the same policy with configuration no. 2, "Notify before
downloading and installing any updates" ( from
The occurance of further automatic window updates (or not) will be
monitored over the next fortnight.
Unable to connect to AllSky Laptop over Network Windows.
Ethernet connection type was set to Public and there was no option given in
Windows 10 settings to set it to Private (there was o Private/Public toggle as
there should have been). Fix
1) Use Regedit and navigate to :
2).Expand the Profiles key and
navigate through each GUID key below that, noting the corresponding ProfileName
on the right
3).When you find the ProfileName of the network you want to
change to Private, double-click on the Category DWORD on the right-handside:
Change 6 ‘Value data’ from 0 (Public) to 1 (Private).0
4) Close Regedit
and Roboot
AllSky operations appeared to go offline around
2018-10-04 12:35, and couldn't be restarted remotely or in person.
Reliability report indicates that the Computer unexpectedly shutdown at this
The Computer was restarted and AllSky operation resumed at 2018-10-17 11:30 (Outage 13 days)
AllSky/Weather System stopped updating graphs and
stopped supplying AllSky Program with weather data at 2018-09-26 08:00.
Investigating showed that the Weather Server program had crashed. Attempts to
restart the Weather Server program failed, crashing a few moments after starting
Analysing the problem showed that the crash was associated with the Graph Service and specifically the import or use of AllSky Stars data. Reducing the size of the data file by removing older rows appeared to fix the problem, though the code wouldn't suggest data rows being an issue. To release the lock on the file, the AllSky routine had to be stopped, which might have fixed the problem without the need to remove rows. It seems too coincidental that the problem occurred immediate after the AllSky program switched from nightime to daytime operations.
Full operations were resumed at 2018-09-26 14:00 (Outage 6 hours).
It's noticed that whilst WIndows 10 updates are now successfully turned off, Windows continues to do Game App updates &installs like CandyCrush and MarchOfEmpires etc. An attempt to stop these updates from happening has been made by using Group Policy Editor, navigating to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Cloud Content and enable policy to "Turn off Microsoft consumer experiences". Situation will be monitored.
AllSky operations appeared to go offline around
2018-10-27 14:09 (no updates to Website after this time).
Investigating showed the Computer had stopped working for no identifiable reason
at 2018-10-27 14:12. There were no associated event messages under
Maintainance / 'Reliability Review'. Reliability report indicates
that the Computer unexpectedly shutdown at around 13:52 .
Computer was restarted and Full operations were resumed at 2018-10-28
00:12 (Outage 10 hours). The previous uptime lasted 24 hours. (1.0 day).
It was noticed that Micrsoft App Updates (microsoft.stickly notes, ZoneVideo,
BubbleWitch32Saga, CandyCrushSodaSaga) are still happening despite the
modification to Policy Editor. App Updates were finally
turned off from the Microsoft Store. This done by clicking on the '3 dots' on
right hand side of Store window, selecting 'Settings' , then setting 'Update
apps automatically' to OFF.
AllSky operations running smoothly. WIndos App
Updates have finally stoppedCurrent uptime is c. 7 days.
Pressure Data from Weather Station system noticed to
be showing anomlously low values and finally went offline along with other
Weather Station data (Wind, Temperature, Humidity). Checking the base station
revealed that its screen had become very dim before dying altogether.
Problem was due to exhausted batteries in the base station. Pressure sensor is housed in the base station and the anomalous falling values can be used as a red flag indicator. Eventually bought new batteries (4 x AA) and installed them in the base station. Ggot the station rebooted and the connection to the USB receiver at the AllSky/Weather Laptop. Weather data flow resumed at 2018-11-xx (Weather Data outage of 24 hrs)
Data Communications to/from observatory went
down for 30 minutes period at 2018-11-14 17:35 - 18:25. No remote
connections to the Observatory computers at this time. Weather Data/Cloud
Sensor data not displayed on AllSky products from this time. Data not uploaded
to website.
Communications and dependant services resumed by themself (LAN outage 30
Apart from short data comms and weather station outages, the
AllSky/Weather operations have been running continuosly now for over 2 weeks
Part of Night Summary Log from 2018-11-14 showing outage in Rain, DPP (Temperature & Humidity), Clairty and Wind data |
![]() |
Live Cloud Sensor, Weather Station and
Forecast Weather data feeds dropped out at 2018-11-24 15:02 . Weather Data/Cloud
Sensor data not displayed on AllSky products from this time. Production of
graphs by the Weather Server Program also stopped at this time.
Investigating showed that the Weather Server program has apparently crashed
Problem was asscociated with the introduction of new ObsEnc data source & graphs where data is read from file to a maximum of 12,000 data records (the size limit of of array) but due to a bug a mismanagement of array position pointer led to graph routines attempted to read a record beyond the linits of the array. The problem was nither prevented or trapped. On spotting the problem the data file was temporarily reduced by removing older data, pending a corrective fix and the program restarted at 17:22 (Data Outage 2h 20m)
[ The routine will be modified so that for data between 1.5 and 5 days
old (stored in a file at 30s timesteps) will be only be incorporated into
data array at a frequency of only 1 point every minute (instead of 2 points per
minute). In addition the code will be wrapped within a Try .. Catch ... End Try
code structure and management of the array position pointer corrected
holding 5 days worth of data at 1 record every 30s requires a 14400 array size.
- holding 1.5 days woth of data at 1 record every 30s plus 3.5 days at 1
record every 60s would require a 9360 array size only ]
Apart from short data comms , weather station and this weather
server outages, the
AllSky/Weather operations have been running continuosly now for nearly 4 weeks.
(Unfortunately its been mainly cloudy with frequent rain through this time,
leading to limited numbers of stars on AllSky Images, and few Observing
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This Web Page: | Notes - Session 617 (2018-08-07) |
Last Updated : | 2023-11-27 |
Site Owner : | David Richards |
Home Page : | David's Astronomy Web Site |