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Main aims of this nighttime session was to continue the ramp-up phase for the Clair3 Observatory including
1) Test
autoguiding using PHD2 and 80mm APO Guidescope with
autoguiding start/stop controlled by an executing QSO Job Queue with observatory
manager operating in fully automated mode.
(This is critical to achieving
qood quality image frames with exposures of >= 120secs, with minimum frame
wastage )
2) Re-test
a newly consolidated autofocusing routine in manual mode.
(This follows a correction to a bug discovered during last
3) Perform further live test of Observatory System operating in Fully
Automated Mode,
in particular testing of newly corrected code
to perform precise positioning of targets (including N/W Offset).
4) Acquire some images of selected deep sky, variable star and nearby
star targets
5) Continue checking stability of
POTH.Hub (Telescope + Dome) & Observatory Control Software
Equipment & Software
- 12" LX200 and ST-10XME
- 80mm APO and
- CCDApp2,
TheSky6, CCDSoft 5, PHD2, POTH Hub,
Highlights :
- Automated Autoguiding using PHD2 and controlled by the executing QSO
Job Queue worked ok.
Autoguiding time was limited during the session
by poor sky/cloud conditions
( there are some issues to do with
autoguiding that need to be managed)
- The newly consolidated autofocusing routine
worked correctly
(this followed a bug fix to record
and utilise the Scope temperature).
- Automated Observatory
Operations worked as expected once Computer and Observatory System issues had eventually
(there were some issues with the Shutter
opening and closing multiple times as it responded to borderline sky conditions,
and with the precise centering/positioning of targets)
- Very few Target images were obtained
(this was due to
the initial loss of observing time due to Computer and POTH.Hub
issues (when conditions were ok) and poor sky/cloud conditions later on)
- There were major issues with the
both the Computer and Observatory System
during the first half of the session, including
- at least 3 blue
screen crashes of the Windows 7 observatory laptop.
- several
instances of poor/lost telescope communications "Error code=213(0xd5)" with
associated unresponsive CCDSoft5
- Dome Com Port switching (9 to 11 &
- multiple restarts of the Observatory Software
Observing Result (2018-08-14, S618) (Observation Status : Green=Completed, Yellow= Partially Completed) Observatory Operations started at 23:18, but the QSO Job Queue was not actually started until 00:40 due to Computer and Observatory System problems |
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Night Sky Summary Plot -
2018-08-14 Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s) Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs) |
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Issues arising during the session:
Blue Screen Crashes
LX200 Telescope loosing connection with
TheSky6, Error Code = 213
- Ineffective Centering of Targets
Scope not slewing to target (Wrong Tracking
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A newly built autofocusing routine (first tested on 2018-08-07) was re-tested following a bug fix to make the routine capture and use the scope temperature in order to provide the correct focus offset correction.
Focus Telescope 2018-08-15 00:06 (Local)
Select Focus Star
Taking 1s image (C)... Ok [0000] 23:06:50 (UT) Full Locate C
Selecting Star ... Ok Star located at 375.5, 245.4
Checking Position Info 34 pixels from image centre
Taking 1s box (C) ... Ok | 3082 | 2.4 | 13.6 | 25647 | -13.89 | 596 | 1.15 |
Examining Star... Ok Changing Focus Exposure to 0.3s
Prepare Focus Profile
Focus Range Ok 2462 - 3702
Points Ok 20
Filter Ok C
Box Ok 150x150
Binning Ok 1x1
Exposure Ok 0.3s
Measure Focus Profile
| Image | Result | DRO | FWHM | Temp | Max | Mag | SN | Elong |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 1/20 Ok | 2462 | 7.4 | 13.5 | 1763 | -10.68 | 126 | 1.11 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 2/20 Ok | 2582 | 6.3 | 13.6 | 1929 | -10.96 | 146 | 1.05 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 3/20 Ok | 2702 | 5.2 | 13.6 | 2627 | -11.26 | 169 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 4/20 Ok | 2822 | 3.5 | 13.6 | 3891 | -11.93 | 237 | 1.06 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 5/20 Ok | 2862 | 3.3 | 13.5 | 4937 | -12.18 | 267 | 1.19 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 6/20 Ok | 2902 | 2.3 | 13.6 | 8448 | -12.67 | 337 | 1.05 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 7/20 Ok | 2942 | 2.6 | 13.6 | 7064 | -12.46 | 304 | 1.11 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 8/20 Ok | 2982 | 2.4 | 13.6 | 7234 | -12.55 | 319 | 1.09 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 9/20 Ok | 3022 | 2.2 | 13.6 | 8435 | -12.55 | 319 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 10/20 Ok | 3062 | 2.3 | 13.6 | 7607 | -12.52 | 315 | 1.23 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 11/20 Ok | 3102 | 2.0 | 13.6 | 10984 | -12.75 | 350 | 1.14 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 12/20 Ok | 3142 | 3.1 | 13.6 | 5420 | -12.15 | 262 | 1.20 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 13/20 Ok | 3182 | 2.5 | 13.6 | 7020 | -12.39 | 295 | 1.07 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 14/20 Ok | 3222 | 2.8 | 13.4 | 5782 | -12.17 | 265 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 15/20 Ok | 3262 | 2.8 | 13.6 | 5842 | -12.15 | 262 | 1.16 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 16/20 Ok | 3302 | 3.3 | 13.6 | 4230 | -11.88 | 231 | 1.10 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 17/20 Ok | 3342 | 3.6 | 13.5 | 4177 | -11.87 | 230 | 1.08 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 18/20 Ok | 3462 | 4.5 | 13.5 | 2523 | -11.38 | 180 | 1.11 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 19/20 Ok | 3582 | 6.2 | 13.6 | 2648 | -10.90 | 141 | 1.22 |
Taking 0.3s box (C) 20/20 Ok | 3702 | 6.9 | 13.5 | 2078 | -10.65 | 123 | 1.11 |
Review Focus Profile
Profile No. Ok 2
Altitude Ok 38.32 deg
Start/End Time Ok 2307.19 - 2310.32
Best Focus Ok 3090 steps (Av Temp: 13.57 °C)
(<<< Temperature now Recorded)
FWHM Ok 2.46 arc secs
Airmass Ok 1.61
Zenith FWHM (est.) Ok 2.19 arc secs
Adjust Focus
Moving to Best Focus ... Ok 3090 (adjustment 8)
Updating Focus Offset... Ok 111
(<<< Focus Offset now Correct )
Operation... Completed
Focus Profile & Temperature Coefficients (2018-08-14) |
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Due to multiple computer and observatory system problems the Fully Automated Operations from this sessions were somewhat interrupted. Only a summarised account of automated operations are shown below. .
On the placing the Observatory Manager into fully automated mode the routine proceeded to call the SqlForms2 program to create a observing plan which it did in 1-2 minutes. This was much faster than the 25 minutes taken to create the observing plan used in the last session and demonstrates the benefits of the coding changes made.
Session Pending 2018-08-15 00:25 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-14 (NightDate)
Session Initiating 2018-08-15 00:25 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-14 (NightDate)
Import Observing Plan...
Create Observing Plan 2018-08-15 00:25 (Local)
Request Observing Plan... Ok
Generate Night Plan... Ok SqlForms2/Schedule Builder has completed
Selecting Plan... Ok 2018-08-14 V2 BEST PLAN (Plan ID: 178)
Retrieving Targets ... Ok 23 Targets.
Reading Start Time... Ok 2018-08-14 22:41 (Scheduled StartTime, Local)
The Session (2018-08-14) was manually initiated in order to perform the autofocussing test. Later after placing the Observatory Manager into fully automated mode, this prior existance of the session was recognised during 'Session Starting' and the observatory manager proceeded to reuse the session's folder and log files and didn't re-initialise the autosave number,
Session Starting 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Session: Ok 2018-08-14 (NightDate)
Connect Camera 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Connecting camera... Ok
Temperature Regulation... Ok
Temperature Set Point... Ok -15 °C
TempMonitor: Ok Already active
Connect Telescope 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Establishing link... Ok
Telescope Coords... Ok Az: 285.8, Alt: 53.5
Turn Off Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is OFF
A session (S00618) has already been created in the database for 2018-08-14
Session : 2018-08-14 S00618
Setting AutoSave Folder ... Ok .\New\2018-08-14 S00618
Session 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Session Name: Ok 2018-08-14 S00618 (Session)
Reusing Session Folder... Ok .\New\2018-08-14 S00618
Reusing Analysis Folder... Ok .\...\2018-08-14 S00618
AutoSave Folder... Ok C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-14 S00618
AutoSave Start Num... Ok 618014
The Session then moved to 'Equilibrating', but after 3 minutes of equilibration with the Shutter Open (02:02-02:04), during which CCD Temperature tried to reached its Regulated Set Point (-15°C), the sky conditions deteriorated and the dome was closed. Conditions were borderline and the Dome Shutter Opened/Closed several times over the next 14 minutes. Finally after manually modifing Regulated CCD Set Point to -10 °C, a second phase of equilibration was performed (02:20 - 02:24). By this point the difference between observatory and outside ambient temperature was just 0.5 °C
Session Equilibrating 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-15 02:02 (Local)
Turn off Dome Slaving... Ok Dome Slaving is OFF
Rotating Dome into wind Wind Direction 225°
Temperatures at 02:02 Open Amb. 11.9°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.6°C), Scope 13.4°C, CCD -9.8°C (+ 5.2°C)
Temperatures at 02:03 Open Amb. 11.8°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.7°C), Scope 13.4°C, CCD -11.5°C (+ 3.5°C)
Temperatures at 02:04 Open Amb. 11.8°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.7°C), Scope 13.3°C, CCD -12.3°C (+ 2.7°C)
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 2.7 mins (2.7 mins total)
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 02:05 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Open Shutter... Opening
Open Shutter... Ok Shutter is open (10s)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-15 02:05 (Local)
Temperatures at 02:06 Unknown
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 1.9 mins (1.9 mins total)
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 02:07 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Wait on Weather... Ok Waiting for acceptable weather conditions
Close Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed (45s)
Open Shutter... Opening
Open Shutter... Ok Shutter is open (45s)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-15 02:10 (Local)
Temperatures at 02:10 Open Amb. 11.8°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.7°C), Scope 13.4°C, CCD -13.5°C (+ 1.5°C)
Updating Setpoint... Ok -10 °C
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 0.8 mins (0.8 mins total)
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 02:11 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Close Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed (45s)
Open Shutter... Opening
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 02:15 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Close Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed (35s)
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 02:19 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Open Shutter... Ok Shutter is open (40s)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-15 02:20 (Local)
Temperatures at 02:20 Open Amb. 12.0°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.5°C), Scope 13.5°C, CCD -10.2°C ( -0.2°C)
Temperatures at 02:21 Open Amb. 12.0°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.5°C), Scope 13.5°C, CCD -10.2°C ( -0.2°C)
Temperatures at 02:22 Open Amb. 12.0°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.5°C), Scope 13.5°C, CCD -9.8°C (+ 0.2°C)
Temperatures at 02:23 Open Amb. 12.0°C, Obs. 12.5°C (+0.5°C), Scope 13.5°C, CCD -9.8°C (+ 0.2°C)
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 4.0 mins (4.0 mins total)
After the allotted equilbration time the session moved to 'Running' and begun executing the Job Queue.
Session Running 2018-08-15 02:24 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-14 (NightDate)
Turn on Dome Slaving... Ok Dome Slaving is ON
Turn On Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is ON
Take Frame Jobs (Live MODE) 2018-08-15 02:24 (Local)
Checking Plan... Ok 2018-08-14 V2 BEST PLAN (Plan ID= 178)
Checking Targets... Ok 9 targets selected
AutoSave Folder... Ok C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-14 S00618
AutoSave Start Num... Ok 618014
Date/Time (TheSky6)... Ok 2018-08-15 02:24:47 (Local)
2018-08-15 01:24:47 (UT)
Lat/Long (TheSky6)... Ok 57 19 09.00 N / 02 00 24.99 W
CCD Regulation ... Ok Regulation is ON (Setpoint: -10.0 °C)
Checking CCD Temp... Ok -10.2 °C (81%)
Airmass Cutoff... Ok Airmass 3.3
Checking Targets ... Ok 23 targets selected
Setting Up RealTime VMA... Ok (1.2 Method)
Checking VMA Folders ... Ok
Reading Reference File ... Ok ..\Reference\ProjectStars.txt
During an attempt to collect image data for variable star Z And, a situation arose whereby sky conditions had caused the job queue to be suspended on a prior target with the shutter was closed. As per design, telescope tracking was turned off after 20 minutes as the queue hadn't resumed (this is to prevent cables getting wrapped around the pier). When conditions improved, the dome was opened and an attempt made to slew to Z And which was next in the queue. Unfortunately the telescope didn't slew. After a few minutes POTH.Hub produced a message saying that the scope had the 'wrong tracking state' . This demonstrated the need to ensure Tracking is On before performing any form of slew or jog.
NGC 5322 (10/23) 2018-08-15 00:41 (Local)
Target: Ok NGC 5322 (ID: 420)
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Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 01:00 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Session Suspended 2018-08-15 01:00 (Local)
Session: 2018-08-14 Info Session suspended
Script Paused ...
Turn Off Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is OFF
Checking Conditions... Ok Conditions have improved
Observatory Manager: Action Opening Dome again
Open Shutter... Opening
Open Shutter... Ok Shutter is open (45s)
Using C filter...
Taking 180s image (C)... Failed Image cancelled to prevent observation from overrunning its time slot
Taking 180s image (C)... Failed Image cancelled to prevent observation from overrunning its time slot
Hickson 80 (11/23) 2018-08-15 01:33 (Local)
Target: Ok Hickson 80 (ID: 474)
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Checking Start Time ... Fail Planned Start Time (01:09) has been missed. Target will be skipped
GCVS RX And (12/23) 2018-08-15 01:33 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS RX And (ID: 20)
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Checking Start Time ... Fail Planned Start Time (01:29) has been missed. Target will be skipped
GCVS Z And (13/23) 2018-08-15 01:33 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS Z And (ID: 23)
Object Type: Ok Symbiotic variable
Constellation: Ok AND
Comment: Ok And Z
Observation Type: Ok Monitor
Project: Ok Main Variables (ID: 12)
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 01:34 to commence target (1.7 mins)
Continue.. Ok 2018-08-15 01:33 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS Z And (ID: 23)
Checking Target ... Ok RA: 23 33 39.999, Dec: +48 49 05.99, J2000 (GCVS Z And)
Checking Altitude ... Ok Altitude 73.6 degs
Checking Airmass ... Ok Airmass 1.04
Checking Declination... Ok Dec 48.92 degs
Slewing ... Ok
Waiting for scope... Ok 4.0s
Delay (1s) ... Ok
Checking Dome Position ... Ok
Scope Position Check.. Fail Scope is not pointing to the target (Ang Sep > 66.8°)
Centering/Positioning of Target was noted to be rather ineffective and/or required multiple attempts (maximum of 4 allowed) to bring the target to the required frame position. Wondering if there is a backlash issue ? First attempt overcorrects significantly (e.g 13.4' vs 6.7' wanted) whilst second & third attempts undercorrects significanttly, (e,g 0.5' vs 7.5' wanted) before the 4th and final attempt is either close to being right or undercorrects to a lesser or greater extent (e.g. 3.9' vs 7.2').
GCVS HH And (14/23) 2018-08-15 01:37 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS HH And (ID: 19)
Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Including N/W offset ... Ok N 0.0, W 0.0 [arc mins]
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 5s (Zone: 2-1, GPOffset 16.9, Alt 70.0)
Checking position (1)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618005] 00:41:17 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 9, Scale 1.331, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 4.5s
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Position error: 6.7 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 13.4 arc mins
Checking position (2)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618006] 00:42:31 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 12, Scale 1.331, Angle 179.9°
Linking Time: Info 3.8s
Reviewing position (2)... Ok Position error: 7.4 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 0.5 arc mins
Checking position (3)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618007] 00:43:37 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 12, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.9°
Linking Time: Info 3.4s
Reviewing position (3)... Ok Position error: 6.8 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 0.3 arc mins
Checking position (4)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618008] 00:44:45 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 11, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.9°
Linking Time: Info 2.0s
Reviewing position (4)... Ok Position error: 7.2 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 3.9 arc mins
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GCVS W And (20/23) 2018-08-15 02:24 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS W And (ID: 22)
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Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Including N/W offset ... Ok N 1.3, W -1.0 [arc mins]
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 10s (Zone: 2-2, GPOffset 15.9, Alt 57.3)
Checking position (1)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618014] 01:38:02 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 10, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 3.9s
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Position error: 8.9 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 15.8 arc mins
Checking position (2)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618015] 01:39:27 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 9, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 3.5s
Reviewing position (2)... Ok Position error: 7.0 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 3.2 arc mins
Checking position (3)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618016] 01:40:34 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok (1) Stars 4, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.9°
Linking Time: Info 88.6s
Reviewing position (3)... Ok Position error: 3.7 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 0.4 arc mins
Checking position (4)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618017] 01:43:04 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 13, Scale 1.334, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 6.2s
Reviewing position (4)... Ok Position error: 3.4 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 3.9 arc mins
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GSC 1224:29 (21/23) 2018-08-15 02:49 (Local)
Target: Ok GSC 1224:29 (ID: 122)
[ lines removed for brevity ]
Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Including N/W offset ... Ok N -2.5, W -1.6 [arc mins]
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 10s (Zone: 3-2, GPOffset 37.0, Alt 33.7)
Checking position (1)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618027] 01:55:26 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
Linking image (GSC)... Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
Linking image (GSC*)... Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
Unable to Link Image.. Info Will try a longer exposure
Checking position (2)
Taking 20s image (C)... Ok [00618028] 01:56:04 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed No Acceptable Match Found
Linking Time: Info 13.2s
Linking image (GSC)... Failed No Acceptable Match Found
Linking Time: Info 12.5s
Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Ok Stars 6, Scale 1.326, Angle 179.63°
Reviewing position (2)... Ok Position error: 8.6 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 17.8 arc mins
[ lines removed for brevity ]
GCVS GK Per (22/23) 2018-08-15 03:03 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS GK Per (ID: 71)
Object Type: Ok Variable
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Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Including N/W offset ... Ok N 2.5, W 0.0 [arc mins]
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 5s (Zone: 1-2, GPOffset 10.1, Alt 50.6)
Checking position (1)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618039] 02:03:48 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 9, Scale 1.331, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 4.4s
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Position error: 8.3 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 15.1 arc mins
Checking position (2)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618040] 02:05:10 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed No Acceptable Match Found
Linking Time: Info 19.9s
Linking image (GSC)... Ok Stars 7, Scale 1.331, Angle 179.7°
Linking Time: Info 2.8s
Reviewing position (2)... Ok Position error: 6.8 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 0.2 arc mins
Checking position (3)
Taking 5s image (C)... Ok [00618041] 02:06:45 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed No Acceptable Match Found
Linking Time: Info 50.1s
Linking image (GSC)... Ok Stars 8, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.7°
Linking Time: Info 3.1s
Reviewing position (3)... Ok Position error: 6.9 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 2.9 arc mins
Checking position (4)
Ok [00618042] 02:09:28 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
The end of Session 618 wasn't particularly clean. Whilst executing the penultimate target (GK Per) sky conditions deteriorated and the Dome Shutter automatically closed. The Session then Closed and began to park the Dome whilst Job Queue was still executing GK Per. It would seem the command to stop the Job Queue had been sent but execution proceeded until one of the places in the code where the 'AbortFlag' is checked and the abort happens. It's not clear if Abort Job Queue was commanded by the 'Session Manager routine or by the User (I can't remember).
GCVS GK Per (22/23) 2018-08-15 03:03 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS GK Per (ID: 71)
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Reviewing position (3)... Ok Position error: 6.9 arc mins
Jogging ...
Observatory Alert 2018-08-15 03:08 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Session Suspended 2018-08-15 03:08 (Local)
Session: 2018-08-14 Info Session suspended
Close Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed (45s)
Ok Correction: 2.9 arc mins
Checking position (4)
Script Paused ...
Turn On Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is ON
Session Closing 2018-08-15 03:09 (Local)
( <<< Session Closure begins)
Begin Shutdown Ok 2018-08-14 S00618(Session)
Close Shutter
Checking Shutter... Ok Shutter is Closed
Taking 5s image (C)...
Park Dome
Park Dome... Ok Dome is Parked
Ok [00618042] 02:09:28 (UT) Full Locate C ( <<<
Continued Job Queue activity)
Linking image (UCA/USNO)...
( <<< Continued Job Queue activity)
Park Telescope
Failed Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
( <<< Continued Job Queue activity)
Park Telescope ...
Script Aborting ...
( <<< Final Job Queue activity)
Script Aborting ...
Script Aborting ...
Script Aborting ... Aborted (Script aborted by user)
( <<< Finally the Job Queue is Closed)
Park Telescope .. Ok Telescope is Parked
Disconnect Telescope ... Ok Telescope is Disconnected (TheSky6)
Close Camera
Turnoff CCD Cooling ... Ok CCD Cooling is OFF
Turnoff CCD Fan ... Ok CCD Fan is OFF
Wait for CCD to re-warm... CCD Temperature : -10.2°C
Wait for CCD to re-warm... Ok CCD Temperature : -1.1°C
Disconnect Focuser ... Ok Focusser is Disconnected
Disconnect Camera ... Ok Camera is disconnected
Shutter Stats
- Opening Info Open Shutter Requests: 5 (Completed: 3)
- Closing Info Close Shutter Requests: 6 (Completed: 4)
The Session then moved to 'Housekeeping' and proceed to clean up raw files and move them to 'analysis/raw' folder, and to move log files to 'analysis/log' folder, before moving to 'Finished'.
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Autoguiding is critical to taking good quality long exposures (> 120s) as it
reduces/eliminates star trailing, reduce/eliminates the impact of RA drive
imperfections, and reduces the number of frames that have to be discarded).
The option for automatically initiating GuideScope Autoguiding is incorporated
into both old and new style (QSO) Job Queue execution within my Observatory
Control Program (CCDApp2), however it is only just now been successfully tested when
operating the Observatory in Fully Automated mode (new
test).. The pre-requistes for successful automated autoguiding
- PHD2 Application has to
be open
- PHD2 has to be connected to ZWO ASI Camera and POTH.Hub
- OpenPHD / Event Monitoring has to functioning (to allow communication between
CCDApp2 & PHD2)
- Mount Calibration must have been previously performed
within PHD2 and be still valid
- GuideScope has to be reasonably well
focussed (a dewing heater should also be attached and turned on)
- GuideScope Autoguiding needs
to be able to resume ok on
subsequent nights (i.e. it can still works after Scope is Parked & then UnParked).
Does PHD2 need to close / restart ? Does need to disconnect / reconnect Camera
and POTH.Hub ?
Currently Job Queue execution
will output a message indicating and error if Camera and/or Scope are not
connected first
Activate Guidescope Guiding
Checking Connection ... Ok Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)
Start Looping ... ? Uncertain result (Error: could not start looping)
Send Guide Request
Unknown Event ... Info Event : Error: all equipment must be connected first
More on
PHD2 Event
Monitoring (https://github.com/OpenPHDGuiding/phd2/wiki/EventMonitoring)
To provide a capability for automated connection of PHD2 to ZWO Camera and to
LX200GPS/R via POTH.Hub a new routine PHD2.ConnectDevices has been
written. The routine uses the OpenPHD method 'set_connected'. e.g.
Request={"method": "set_connected", "params": [true], "id": 10}
A new routine PHD2.DisconnectDevices has also been written to
disconnect the ZWO Camera & POTH.Hub from PHD2. This might form part
of future facility to enable automated mid-session switch over from using the
ZWO ASI camera with PHD2 (for guidescope guiding) to using the ZWO ASI camera
with SharpCap (for secondary scope imaging). The routine uses the
OpenPHD method 'set_connected'. e.g.
Request={"method": "set_connected", "params": [false], "id": 11}
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'Automated Autoguiding' is where an executing QSO Job Queue (under fully automated observatory control) automatically commences autoguiding after slewing to and centering each target, and then stops autoguiding after images have been taken. Due to computer and observatory system problems and deteriorating sky conditions there was limited opportunity to fully test automated autoguiding during the session, however enough testing was accomplished to show that it basically function and can become a keep part of Automated Observatory operation.
At present the PHD2 autoguiding software is started by manually clicking a button 'PHD2' :
Connect PHD2 Guiding software
Starting PHD2 Ok phd2.exe (a delay may occur)
Waiting for PHD2 to open and initialise ...
Connecting PHD2 ... Ok Connected (IP: Port: 4400)
Checking datastream ... Ok
- Profile Yes ZWO ASI178MC (ID: 1)
- Current Equipment
Camera Yes ZWO ASI Camera (Not Connected)
Mount Yes (Not Connected)
Aux Mount No
- Equipment Connected No ** equipment requires connection **
- Calibration No ** calibration is required **
- Binning Ok Error: camera not connected
- Pixel Scale Ok 1.03132 arc sec/px
and then clicking a second button to connect the camera and mount:
Connect PHD2 Guiding software
Connecting PHD2 ... Ok Connected (IP: Port: 4400)
Checking datastream ... Ok
- Profile Yes ZWO ASI178MC (ID: 1)
- Current Equipment
Camera Yes ZWO ASI178MC (Connected)
Mount Yes POTH->LX200GPS/R (Connected)
Aux Mount No
- Equipment Connected Yes
- Calibration Yes
- Binning Ok 1
- Pixel Scale Ok 1.03132 arc sec/px
These two tasks could be embedded within the Automated Routines if
During QSO Job Execution PHD2 is commanded to commence autoguiding after slewing to and centering each target, and then stop autoguiding after images have been taken.
The following log for W And shows the autoguiding being activated after
Target Slew & Positioning have completed. This involves a number of steps
- check the connection to PHD2
- start guide camera imaging (looping)
select a guide star
- commence guiding
- wait for guiding to settle
- monitor & report autoguiding information whilst images of the target are
Due to poor sky conditions the guide star is lost a number
of times. Fortunately quality of the autoguiding result was not an objective of
this particular test. Key thing is that the imaging of the target
continued to the end.
GCVS W And (20/23) 2018-08-15 02:24 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS W And (ID: 22)
Object Type: Ok Mira variable
Constellation: Ok AND
Comment: Ok And W
Observation Type: Ok Monitor
Project: Ok Main Variables (ID: 12)
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 02:37 to commence target (12.8 mins)
Continue.. Ok 2018-08-15 02:36 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS W And (ID: 22)
Checking Target ... Ok RA: 02 17 33.000, Dec: +44 18 17.99, J2000 (GCVS W And)
Checking Altitude ... Ok Altitude 57.3 degs
Checking Airmass ... Ok Airmass 1.19
Checking Declination... Ok Dec 44.39 degs
Slewing ... Ok
Waiting for scope... Ok 2.0s
Delay (1s) ... Ok
Checking Dome Position ... Ok
Checking CCD Temp... Ok -10.2 °C (81%)
Checking Focuser ... Ok Tube Temp: 13.1 °C
Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Including N/W offset ... Ok N 1.3, W -1.0 [arc mins]
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 10s (Zone: 2-2, GPOffset 15.9, Alt 57.3)
Checking position (1)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618014] 01:38:02 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 10, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 3.9s
Analysing stars ... Ok (Stars= 10/10)
Normalised ZP 20.28
Altitude 57.4 deg (Airmass 1.187)
Sky Brightness 10.17 ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 384 ADU, dark: 203.6 ADU(C)
FWHM 3.0 arc sec (bright: 4.1, next4: 3.3)
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Position error: 8.9 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 15.8 arc mins
Checking position (2)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618015] 01:39:27 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 9, Scale 1.332, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 3.5s
Analysing stars ... Ok (Stars= 9/9)
Normalised ZP 19.68
Altitude 57.4 deg (Airmass 1.187)
Sky Brightness 10.86 ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 396 ADU, dark: 203.2 ADU(C)
FWHM 3.0 arc sec (bright: 3.0, next4: 3.5)
Reviewing position (2)... Ok Position error: 7.0 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 3.2 arc mins
Checking position (3)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618016] 01:40:34 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok (1) Stars 4, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.9°
Linking Time: Info 88.6s
Analysing stars ... Ok (Stars= 4/4)
Normalised ZP 18.94
Altitude 57.6 deg (Airmass 1.185)
Sky Brightness 13.42 ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 441 ADU, dark: 203.6 ADU(C)
FWHM 3.0 arc sec (bright: 2.6, next4: 3.5)
Reviewing position (3)... Ok Position error: 3.7 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 0.4 arc mins
Checking position (4)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00618017] 01:43:04 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 13, Scale 1.334, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 6.2s
Analysing stars ... Ok (Stars= 13/13)
Normalised ZP 20.18
Altitude 57.9 deg (Airmass 1.180)
Sky Brightness 9.76 ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 377 ADU, dark: 203.2 ADU(C)
FWHM 3.5 arc sec (bright: 4.4, next4: 3.7)
Reviewing position (4)... Ok Position error: 3.4 arc mins
Jogging ... Ok Correction: 3.9 arc mins
Activate Guidescope Guiding
Checking Connection ... Ok Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)
Start Looping ... Ok Exposure 1.5s
Send Guide Request
Lock Position OK X: 1092.9, Y: 1189.5
Star Selected OK X: 1092.9, Y: 1189.5
Guiding ... Ok Guide Request Returned
Guiding ... Ok Guiding Started
Settling Begun Ok
Settling Done Ok Imaging can commence
Review Guiding ...
Image Group 1/3 [GSet 2]
Taking 30s image (B)... Ok [00618018] 01:44:49 (UT) Full 3x3 30s B
Guide Stats rms error 1.3" 0.8", 1.0", SNR:6.0, SM: 74, Guide: 83% (Lost: 17%), n:24 (4)
Taking 10s image (V)... Ok [00618019] 01:45:37 (UT) Full 3x3 10s V
Guide Stats rms error 2.0" 1.8", 0.8", SNR:4.5, SM: 41, Guide: 7% (Lost: 93%), n:15 (14)
Taking 3s image (R)... Ok [00618020] 01:46:05 (UT) Full 3x3 3s R
Guide Stats rms error 2.0" 0.7", 1.9", SNR:4.9, SM: 49, Guide: 56% (Lost: 44%), n:9 (4)
Image Group 2/3 [GSet 3]
Taking 30s image (B)... Ok [00618021] 01:46:33 (UT) Full 3x3 30s B
Guide Stats rms error 2.4" 1.4", 1.9", SNR:6.0, SM: 74, Guide: 24% (Lost: 76%), n:25 (19)
Taking 10s image (V)... Ok [00618022] 01:47:21 (UT) Full 3x3 10s V
Guide Stats rms error 2.8" 2.4", 1.5", SNR:5.9, SM: 71, Guide: 25% (Lost: 75%), n:12 (9)
Taking 3s image (R)... Ok [00618023] 01:47:48 (UT) Full 3x3 3s R
Guide Stats rms error 1.2" 1.0", 0.7", SNR:7.9, SM: 126, Guide: 67% (Lost: 33%), n:6 (2)
Guide Stats rms error 0.0" 0.0", 0.0", SNR:0.0, SM: , Guide: 0% (Lost: 100%), n:1 (1)
Image Group 3/3 [GSet 4]
Taking 30s image (B)... Ok [00618024] 01:48:17 (UT) Full 3x3 30s B
Guide Stats rms error 1.0" 0.8", 0.6", SNR:18.4, SM: 681, Guide: 17% (Lost: 83%), n:12 (10)
Taking 10s image (V)... Ok [00618025] 01:49:04 (UT) Full 3x3 10s V
Guide Stats rms error 1.1" 1.0", 0.5", SNR:17.3, SM: 607, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:9 (0)
Taking 3s image (R)... Ok [00618026] 01:49:33 (UT) Full 3x3 3s R
Guide Stats rms error 0.8" 0.6", 0.5", SNR:16.1, SM: 529, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:7 (0)
Guiding Results 0.8 mins (elapsed)
Guide Stats rms error 1.6" 1.1", 1.1", SNR:9.4, SM: 233, Guide: 48% (Lost: 52%), n:121 (63)
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After slewing to a target up to 4 locate images are taken and used to move the scope on to the precise (near precise) position required to get the target to be either centered in the image frame or at a specific location within the image frame. Ideally centering is performed with just 2 locate images.
During the session S618 (2018-07-14) centering was noted to be rather ineffective using all 4 locate attempts trying to bring the target to the required frame position. This was best demonstrated by HH And, W And & GK Per. A common pattern was evident with the 1st centering attempt overcorrecting the slewing error significantly (e.g. 13.4' vs. 6.7' wanted), the 2nd & 3rd attempts undercorrecting significantly, (e.g. 0.5' vs. 7.5' wanted) before the 4th and final attempt is either close to being right or undercorrecting to a lesser or greater extent (e.g. 3.9' vs. 7.2').
Potential consequences of this issue involving the incorrect placement
of the target within the image frame are
- poor image composition
missed target extremities
- compromised/useless data (e.g. where image
is missing the required standard comparison star and/or missing usual check
- fewer images available for stacking (with unplanned extra overhead time,
main images can be cancelled/skipped to ensure that next target observation
starts on time, effect is made worse were imaging linking is slow due to either
few stars or many stars)
The reason for the issue in this session is uncertain.
A slight problem with centering was noted during commissioning of Clair3 observatory and lead to the Centering Tolerance being increased from 1.0 arc mins to a new value of 1.5 arc mins in order to hasten the centering task, but centering had not been noted as a specific issue in the last few sessions - it has been working fine.
Comparing Pointing Errors from Session 618 with those from other recent sessions, for Slews (1) and Centering Jogs (2 to 4) (see table below), shows that centering operations in Session 618 produce little improvement in pointing over that originating from the original slew to target (7.75' -> 5.34') This contrasts sharply with sessions S617 to S615 where there pointing improvement from centering operations is significant (e.g 4.82' -> 0.55' in S617). The pointing error originating from the main slew also appear slightly poorer in S618 (7.75' compared to 4.71 to 5.43') but with only four targets with data this could be just an aberration based on where they lie in the sky (pointing errors vary across the sky even with TPoint)
Perhaps an incorrect date or incorrect time (or difference between computer and telescope time) could be responsible for the issue ? There was a slight problem connecting to the telescope at start of session whereby current computer time was not sent to (or rather, not successfully received by) the LX200 scope and the final part of initialization (daylight settings / time) had to be done via the hand box.
The problem could conceivably be due to a backlash issue. But no
changes have taken place recently on the telescope/mount and its therefore
unclear why Backlash would suddenly increase or why backlash correction would
suddenly stop working.
Examining the session's detailed log
file reveals that target centering on the Dec axis was working fine; the centering problem was
restricted to the RA Axis only (see table below).
A mismatch between computer and telescope time might conceivably explain this.
Table : Pointing Errors from sessions 615 to 618
Session | Image No. | Target | Pointing Error (arc min) | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||
2018-08-14 S618 | 00618005 | GCVS HH And | 6.65 | 7.37 | 6.85 | 7.25 | ||||
00618010 | GCVS AM Her | 6.34 | ||||||||
00618014 | GCVS W And | 8.91 | 6.96 | 3.68 | 3.42 | |||||
00618028 | GSC 1224:29 | 8.62 | ||||||||
00618039 | GCVS GK Per | 8.25 | 6.75 | 6.95 | ||||||
Average | 7.75 | 7.03 | 5.83 | 5.34 | ||||||
2018-08-07 S617 | 00617001 | NGC 7008 | 4.97 | 0.17 | ||||||
00617017 | PLN 93-2.1 | 4.64 | 0.64 | |||||||
00617033 | LBN 534 | |||||||||
00617044 | Hickson 8 | 4.86 | 0.85 | |||||||
Average | 4.82 | 0.55 | ||||||||
2018-07-25 S616 | 00616004 | GCVS S Cyg | 6.88 | 1.72 | 0.59 | |||||
00616015 | GCVS P Cyg | 5.80 | 1.61 | 0.43 | ||||||
00616023 | GCVS BL Lac | 8.52 | 1.42 | |||||||
00616028 | GCVS HH And | 8.93 | 1.33 | |||||||
00616065 | GCVS CI Cyg | 3.59 | 0.60 | |||||||
00616076 | NGC 6834 | 3.06 | 0.55 | |||||||
00616087 | NGC 6905 | 1.71 | 0.27 | |||||||
00616098 | Delta Cyg | 4.33 | 0.32 | |||||||
00616105 | NGC 6842 | 5.27 | 2.20 | 0.48 | ||||||
00616113 | NGC 3310 | 7.25 | 1.59 | 0.44 | ||||||
00616120 | ARP 296 | 6.56 | 0.31 | |||||||
00616127 | UGC 11919 | 5.71 | 0.96 | |||||||
00616135 | Hickson 8 | 7.48 | 0.37 | |||||||
00616142 | GCVS UV Per | 8.17 | 0.59 | |||||||
00616153 | Hickson 60 | 7.73 | 0.71 | |||||||
00616159 | GCVS CY Lyr | 1.51 | - | 0.45 | ||||||
00616164 | NGC 6891 | 1.18 | ||||||||
00616172 | NGC 7128 | 5.67 | 1.80 | 1.91 | 1.18 | |||||
00616184 | Hickson 5 | 1.61 | ||||||||
00616190 | GCVS RX And | 7.69 | 0.14 | |||||||
Average | 5.43 | 1.01 | 0.72 | 1.18 | ||||||
2018-07-24 S00615 | 00615001 | NGC 7086 | 4.25 | 1.10 | ||||||
00615012 | GCVS Z And | 7.59 | 0.52 | |||||||
00615023 | GCVS RX And | 8.27 | 0.78 | |||||||
00615107 | NGC 6772 | 2.12 | 0.63 | |||||||
00615114 | M73 | 3.23 | 0.37 | |||||||
00615125 | NGC 7009 | 2.47 | 0.58 | |||||||
00615136 | HIP 110661 | 6.23 | 2.17 | 0.50 | ||||||
00615147 | NGC 100 | 2.25 | 1.39 | |||||||
00615164 | NGC 309 | 5.96 | ||||||||
Average | 4.71 | 0.94 | 0.50 |
Object | Locate Image | Pointing Error (arc min) |
Error W (arc min) |
Error N (arc min) |
GCVS HH And | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 6.65 | 5.83 | 3.20 | |
GCVS HH And | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 7.37 | -7.35 | 0.47 | |
GCVS HH And | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | 6.85 | -6.85 | 0.22 | |
GCVS HH And | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | 7.25 | -7.25 | 0.00 | |
GCVS W And | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 8.91 | 8.79 | 1.42 | |
GCVS W And | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 6.96 | -6.96 | 0.08 | |
GCVS W And | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | 3.68 | -3.68 | 0.08 | |
GCVS W And | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | 3.42 | -3.42 | 0.12 | |
GCVS GK Per | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 8.25 | 8.23 | -0.54 | |
GCVS GK Per | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 6.75 | -6.75 | -0.32 | |
GCVS GK Per | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | 6.95 | -6.95 | -0.02 |
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QSO Job Queue is run using the subroutine
which in turn calls TakeFrameJobsQSO
to execute the Job queue.
targets (including those needing precise target centering with N/W offsets) are
directed to the ImageTargetT_QSO subroutine (Mosaic targets are
directed to the ImageMosaicT_QSO subroutine instead)
Regular targets are slewed to the target by calling the subroutine
SlewToRaDecQSO (ByRef T As classT, ByRef bError As Boolean)
This slews
to the Target Object's RA/Dec Coordinates excluding the N/W Offset (if any) .
This would
see to be a flaw as the Telescope should be slewed to coordinates that including
any required N/W
Offset, as per the original routine
SlewToObjectT (ByVal T As classT, ByVal EmployJogs As Boolean, ByRef bError
As Boolean) with EmplogJogs=true
However, whilst it is a flaw that
needs to be corrected it doesn't account for the specific centering issue seen
in the recent session (2018-08-14 S618).
Centering is performed by routine
ImageTargetT_CentreTarget (ByRef T As classT, ByRef ReturnStatus As String,
ByRef bExitSub As Boolean)
in which Pointing Error is calculated by the
CalculatePointingErrorNewSub (T.JogN,
T.JogW, PointingError_mins, dErrorN, dErrorW, dJogNcorrection, dJogWcorrection)
(ByVal dJogN As Double, ByVal dJogW As Double, ByRef
PointingError_mins As Double, ByRef dErrorN As Double, ByRef dErrorW As Double,
ByRef dJogNcorrection As Double, ByRef dJogWcorrection As Double)
SlewToRaDecQSO modified to slew to Target Object including N/W Offset
ImageTargetT_CentreTarget modified to call new routine
CalculatePointingErrorQSO (T,
PointingError_mins, dErrorN, dErrorW, dJogNcorrection, dJogWcorrection)
routine based on original routine CalculatePointingErrorNewSub but takes object
RA/Dec from T
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Target Centering performance was carefully examined during the session (2018-08-19 S619) and the centering issue seems to be more or less resolved or at least centering is operating within normal range.
Slew Discrepancy (the angular separation between the targetted coords and the reported scope coordinates post slew) ranged between 0.7 and 1.4' (average 0.95') . This was considerably lower than the discrepancies seen in the S618 session (range 2.7 to 5.0', average 3.66')
Table : Pointing Error Data from session 619Object | Locate Image | Pointing Error (arc min) |
Error W (arc min) |
Error N (arc min) |
GCVS EV Lac | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 6.14 | 5.01 | 3.55 | |
GCVS EV Lac | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 1.33 | -1.25 | -0.47 | |
GCVS EV Lac | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | not required | - | - | |
GCVS EV Lac | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | not required | - | - | |
GCVS EV Lac | Image 1 (post -jog B) | 1.90 | - | - | |
Hickson 80 | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 4.80 | -4.25 | 2.23 | |
Hickson 80 | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 0.90 | -0.90 | -0.09 | |
Hickson 80 | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | not required | - | - | |
Hickson 80 | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | not required | - | - | |
Hickson 80 | Image 1 (post -jog B) | 0.80 | - | - | |
Hickson 88 | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 0.91 | 0.26 | -0.87 | |
Hickson 88 | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | not required | - | - | |
Hickson 88 | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | not required | - | - | |
Hickson 88 | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | not required | - | - | |
Hickson 88 | Image 1 (post -jog A) | 0.79 | - | - | |
Hickson 94 | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | 3.09 | 3.03 | 0.62 | |
Hickson 94 | Locate Image 2 (post -jog A) | 1.80 | -1.73 | 0.51 | |
Hickson 94 | Locate Image 3 (post -jog B) | unable to link | - | - | |
Hickson 94 | Locate Image 4 (post -jog C) | 2.12 | -2.12 | 0.11 | |
Hickson 94 | Image 1 (post -jog D) | 2.40 | - | - | |
GCVS TT Ari | Locate Image 1 (post -slew) | unable to link | - | - | |
GCVS TT Ari | Locate Image 2 (post -slew) | 4.60 | 4.35 | -1.51 | |
GCVS TT Ari | Locate Image 3 (post -jog A) | 2.76 | -2.67 | -0.68 | |
GCVS TT Ari | Locate Image 4 (post -jog B) | not taken * | - | - | |
GCVS TT Ari | Image 1 (post -jog B) | unable to link | - | - |
* A fourth locate image was not taken for GCVS TT Ari. This can't
be explained since the pointing error on 3rd image (2.76') was still above the
acceptance threshold (1.5'), so a 4th locate image should have been taken before
proceeding with imaging.
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This Web Page: | Notes - Session 618 (2018-08-14) |
Last Updated : | 2024-02-20 |
Site Owner : | David Richards |
Home Page : | David's Astronomy Web Site |