David's Astronomy Pages
Notes - Session 619  (2018-08-19)

Bullet Session Aims & Highlights
 - Observing Result
 - Night Summary Plot
Bullet Operational Issues
  - Critical Issues (0),  Major Issues (0),  Minor Issues (0),  Small Defects (0),  Continuous Improvement (0)
Bullet Fully Automated Operation 
Bullet Autofocussing
Bullet Images from 2018-08-19  >>

Session Aims & Highlights (2018-08-19) - Automated Observing Testing

 Main aims of this nighttime session was to continue the ramp-up phase for the Clair3 Observatory including

1) Confirm resolution of target centering (precise poistioning) issue that surfaced during previous session (notes from S618)
(This is critical to achieving useful image data)

2) Continue test of autoguiding using PHD2 and 80mm APO Guidescope with autoguiding start/stop controlled by an executing QSO Job Queue with observatory manager operating in fully automated mode.
(This is critical to achieving qood quality image frames with exposures of  >= 120secs, with minimum frame wastage )

3) Perform further live test of Observatory System operating in Fully Automated Mode,
    in particular testing of newly corrected code to perform precise positioning of targets (including N/W Offset).   

4) Acquire some images of selected targets (subject to weather conditions)

5) Continue checking stability of POTH.Hub (Telescope + Dome) & Observatory Control Software, noting in particular any further re-occurrences of the '203 error' or 'Blue Screen' crashes.

Equipment & Software
- 12" LX200 and ST-10XME
- 80mm APO and ZWO ASI 178MC
- CCDApp2, TheSky6, CCDSoft 5, PHD2,  POTH Hub,

- ASCOM / POTH.Hub connected to scope ok and updated scope time/date etc upon connection
 (this had failed in the last session)

- Target Centering worked ok
 (this had been problematic during the last session)

- Automated Observatory Operations worked as expected
    (shutter closed when the clouds roll-in)

- Images of some Hickson galaxy clusters were obtained before the expected clouds rolled-in

- Observatory system was stable during main part of session. There were no 'Blue Screen crashes (unlike previous session). There was, however, one initial instance of "Error code=213(0xd5)" with poor/lost telescope communications & associated unresponsive CCDSoft5
  (issue was fixed by restarting entire observatory software suite and didn't reoccur during the remainder of the session  )

Observing Result (2018-08-19, S619)
Observatory Operations started at 23:45, Fully-Automated Mode from 00:06
Job Queue started at 00:11,  Shutter closed at 01:18 due to Cloud
(Observation Status :  Green=Completed, Yellow= Partially Completed, Red= Failed)
Night Sky Summary Plot - 2018-08-19
Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s)
Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs)

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Operational Issues (2018-08-19, S619)

Issues arising during the session:

- LX200 Telescope loosing connection with TheSky6, Error Code = 213

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Fully- Automated Operation (2018-08-19)

The Session (2018-08-19) was manually initiated in order to perform autofocussing and check star alignment . 

After placing observatory into 'Fully-Automated' Mode  the Fully-Automated cycle of operation immediately began, comprising the following session states : Pending, Initiating, Starting, Equilibrating, Running (or Suspended), Closing, Housekeeping, Finished, Back to Pending.   (Session was placed back into Manual Mode before reaching Closing state, in order to close the session early and retrieve the laptop.)

Session Pending                         2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  NightDate:                  Ok        2018-08-19       (NightDate)
Session Initiating                      2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  NightDate:                  Ok        2018-08-19       (NightDate)
  Import Observing Plan...
  Selecting Plan...           Ok        2018-08-19   V1   BEST PLAN   (Plan ID: 182)
  Retrieving Targets ...      Ok        28 Targets. 
  Reading Start Time...       Ok        2018-08-19 22:23 (Scheduled StartTime, Local)
Session Starting                        2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  Session:                    Ok        2018-08-19       (NightDate)
Connect Camera                          2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  Connecting camera...        Ok
  Temperature Regulation...   Ok
  Temperature Set Point...    Ok        -15 °C
  TempMonitor:                Ok        Already active
Connect Telescope                       2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  Establishing link...        Ok
  Telescope Coords...         Ok        Az: 191.1, Alt: 31.9
  Turn Off Tracking..         Ok        Telescope Tracking is OFF
Session                                 2018-08-20 00:06 (Local)
  Session Name:               Ok        2018-08-19 S00619 (Session)
  Checking session folder ... Ok        Session Folder already exists (.\New\2018-08-19 S00619)
  Checking analysis folder ...Ok        Analysis Folder already exists (.\Analysis\2018-08-19 S00619)
  Stopping CCDSoft            Ok        
  Setting Autosave Number     Ok        619001
  Restarting CCDSoft
  Creating Camera object...   Ok        CCDsoft.Camera
  Creating Autoguider object..Ok        CCDsoft.Camera
  Creating Folder object..    Ok        CCDSoft.Folder
  Reconnecting camera ...
  Setting AutoSave Folder ... Ok        .\New\2018-08-19 S00619

The Session then moved to 'Equilibrating'. By end of allotted time CCD temperature had just about stabilised at the regulated set point of -15°C. Observatory to Ambient Temperature Difference remained at +1.4°C 

Session Equilibrating                   2018-08-20 00:07 (Local)
  Dome Equilibration:         Started   2018-08-20 00:07 (Local)
  Turn off Dome Slaving...    Ok        Dome Slaving is OFF
    Rotating Dome into wind             Wind Direction 90°
    Temperatures at 00:07     Open      Amb.  9.0°C, Obs. 10.4°C (+1.4°C), Scope 10.3°C, CCD -10.2°C (-10.2°C)
    Temperatures at 00:08     Open      Amb.  9.0°C, Obs. 10.4°C (+1.4°C), Scope 10.4°C, CCD -16.1°C ( -1.1°C)
    Temperatures at 00:09     Open      Amb.  9.0°C, Obs. 10.4°C (+1.4°C), Scope 10.3°C, CCD -16.1°C ( -1.1°C)
    Temperatures at 00:10     Open      Amb.  9.0°C, Obs. 10.4°C (+1.4°C), Scope 10.2°C, CCD -14.8°C (+ 0.2°C)
  Dome Equilibration:         Stopped   4.0 mins (4.0 mins total)


After the allotted equilbration time the session moved to 'Running' and begun executing the Job Queue.  

Session Running                         2018-08-20 00:11 (Local)
  NightDate:                  Ok        2018-08-19       (NightDate)
  Turn on Dome Slaving...     Ok        Dome Slaving is ON
  Turn On Tracking..          Ok        Telescope Tracking is ON

Take Frame Jobs (Live MODE)             2018-08-20 00:11 (Local)
  Checking Plan...            Ok        2018-08-19   V1   BEST PLAN            (Plan ID= 182)
  Checking Targets...         Ok        28 targets selected
  AutoSave Folder...          Ok        C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-19 S00619
  AutoSave Start Num...       Ok        619001
  Date/Time (TheSky6)...      Ok        2018-08-20 00:11:25 (Local)
                                        2018-08-19 23:11:25 (UT)
  Lat/Long (TheSky6)...       Ok        57 19 09.00 N / 02 00 24.99 W
  CCD Regulation ...          Ok        Regulation is ON (Setpoint: -15.0 °C)
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -14.8 °C (72%)
  Airmass Cutoff...           Ok        Airmass 3.3
  Checking Targets ...        Ok        28 targets selected
  Setting Up RealTime VMA...  Ok        (1.2 Method)
  Checking VMA Folders ...    Ok        
  Reading Reference File ...  Ok        ..\Reference\ProjectStars.txt


After skipping 9 initial targets, which had planned schedule start times that had already been missed, the Job Queue was executed observations on 4 targets (EV Lac, Hickson 80, Hickson 88 and Hickson 94.  This were completed successfully apart from the final 180s frames for Hickson 80 and Hickson 94 which was skipped due to avoid the following targets from missing their scheduled start times.  


GCVS SS Her  (1/28)                     2018-08-20 00:11 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Main Variables (ID: 12)
  Target:                     Ok        GCVS SS Her (ID: 172)
  Object Type:                Ok        Mira variable
  Checking Start Time ...     Fail      Planned Start Time (22:23) has been missed. Target will be skipped
 [ lines removed for brevity ]

GCVS SS Cyg  (9/28)                     2018-08-20 00:11 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Main Variables (ID: 12)
  Target:                     Ok        GCVS SS Cyg (ID: 13)
  Object Type:                Ok        Variable
Checking Start Time ...     Fail      Planned Start Time (23:59) has been missed. Target will be skipped

GCVS EV Lac  (10/28)                    2018-08-20 00:11 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Nearby Stars (ID: 11)
  Target:                     Ok        GCVS EV Lac (ID: 18)
  Object Type:                Ok        Nearby Star
  Constellation:              Ok        LAC
  Observation Type:           Ok        Monitor
  Filters:                    Ok        V
  Comment:                    Ok        GJ 873
  Checking Start Time ...     Ok        

  Checking Target ...         Ok        RA: 22 46 49.703, Dec: +44 20 02.00, J2000 (GCVS EV Lac)
  Checking Altitude ...       Ok        Altitude 68.5 degs
  Checking Airmass ...        Ok        Airmass 1.07
  Checking Declination...     Ok        Dec 44.40 degs
  Including Offset ...        Ok        W 2.5, N -2.0 [arc mins]
  Updating Target ...         Ok        RA: 22 46 35.723, Dec: +44 18 02.00, J2000
  Slewing ...                 Ok        
  Waiting for scope...        Ok        2.0s
  Checking Dome Position ...  Ok
  Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok        Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
  Selecting Locate Exp ...    Ok        5s
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -14.8 °C (70%)
  Checking Focuser ...        Ok        Tube Temp: 10.0 °C

  Checking position (1)
  Taking 5s image (C)...      Ok        [00619001] 23:12:18 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok        Stars 12, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.9°
  Linking Time:               Info      2.3s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 12/12)
    Normalised ZP             20.70     
    Altitude                  68.6      deg (Airmass 1.074)
    Sky Brightness            10.10     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 289 ADU, dark: 199.6 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.0       arc sec (bright: 2.4, next4: 1.9)
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  6.14 arc mins (W: 5.01', N: 3.55')  
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Jog Required:    6.14 arc mins (W= -5.01', N= -3.55')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    7.62 arc mins (W= -6.78', N= -3.49')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        1.77 arc mins (W= -1.76', N= 0.06')

  Checking position (2)
  Taking 5s image (C)...      Ok        [00619002] 23:13:31 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok        Stars 10, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.9°
  Linking Time:               Info      3.2s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 10/10)
    Normalised ZP             20.78     
    Altitude                  68.6      deg (Airmass 1.074)
    Sky Brightness            10.33     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 291 ADU, dark: 199.6 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.0       arc sec (bright: 2.1, next4: 2.0)
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  1.33 arc mins (W: -1.25', N: 0.47')  
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Jog Required:    1.33 arc mins (W= 1.25', N= -0.47')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    0.43 arc mins (W= -0.36', N= -0.23')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        1.62 arc mins (W= -1.60', N= 0.25')
  Acceptance test ...         Passed    Pointing within 1.5 arc mins

  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619003] 23:14:44 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619004] 23:15:06 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619005] 23:15:31 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619006] 23:15:53 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619007] 23:16:15 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619008] 23:16:40 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V
  Taking 10s image (V)...     Ok        [00619009] 23:17:03 (UT)  Full 2x2 10s V

Hickson 80  (11/28)                     2018-08-20 00:17 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Hickson Groups (ID: 13)
  Target:                     Ok        Hickson 80 (ID: 474)
  Object Type:                Ok        Galaxy Group
  Constellation:              Ok        DRA
  Observation Type:           Ok        Normal
  Filters:                    Ok        C
  Checking Start Time ...     Ok        

  Checking Target ...         Ok        RA: 15 59 12.267, Dec: +65 13 32.96, J2000 (Hickson 80)
  Checking Altitude ...       Ok        Altitude 55.1 degs
  Checking Airmass ...        Ok        Airmass 1.22
  Checking Declination...     Ok        Dec 65.18 degs
  Slewing ...                 Ok        
  Waiting for scope...        Ok        3.0s
  Checking Dome Position ...  Ok
  Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok        Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
  Selecting Locate Exp ...    Ok        10s
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -15.2 °C (73%)
  Checking Focuser ...        Ok        Tube Temp: 10.5 °C

  Checking position (1)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619010] 23:18:56 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      15.2s
  Linking image (GSC)...      Ok (1)    Stars 4, Scale 1.319, Angle 179.6°
  Linking Time:               Info      19.8s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 4/4)
    Normalised ZP             20.93     
    Altitude                  55.0      deg (Airmass 1.221)
    Sky Brightness            9.16      ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 359 ADU, dark: 199.5 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.0       arc sec (bright: 2.3, next4: 2.8)
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  4.80 arc mins (W: -4.25', N: 2.23')  
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Jog Required:    4.80 arc mins (W= 4.25', N= -2.23')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    3.82 arc mins (W= 2.97', N= -2.40')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        1.30 arc mins (W= -1.28', N= -0.17')

  Checking position (2)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619011] 23:20:49 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok (1)    Stars 4, Scale 1.319, Angle 180.3°
  Linking Time:               Info      18.4s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 4/4)
    Normalised ZP             19.68     
    Altitude                  54.7      deg (Airmass 1.225)
    Sky Brightness            9.49      ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 365 ADU, dark: 199.8 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.5       arc sec (bright: 2.3, next4: 2.3)
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  0.90 arc mins (W: -0.90', N: 0.09')  
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Jog Required:    0.90 arc mins (W= 0.90', N= -0.09')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    0.11 arc mins (W= 0.11', N= 0.02')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        0.80 arc mins (W= -0.79', N= 0.11')
  Acceptance test ...         Passed    Pointing within 1.5 arc mins
    Checking Connection ...   Ok        Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)

    Start Looping ...         Ok        Exposure 2s
    Send Guide Request
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guide Request Returned
    Lock Position             OK        X: 851.4, Y: 72.5
    Star Selected             OK        X: 851.4, Y: 72.5
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guiding Started
    Settling Begun            Ok        
    Star ...                  Fail      Star lost - low SNR
    Settling Done             Ok        Imaging can commence
    Review Guiding ...        Ok        

  Using C filter...
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619012] 23:22:35 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    0.9"      0.8" / 0.5", SNR:26.9, SM: 1619, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:90 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619013] 23:25:45 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    0.8"      0.7" / 0.4", SNR:31.0, SM: 1983, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:90 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619014] 23:28:57 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.0"      0.6" / 0.8", SNR:31.2, SM: 2014, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:90 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619015] 23:32:09 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    2.3"      0.6" / 2.2", SNR:32.3, SM: 2152, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:91 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Failed    Image cancelled to prevent observation from overrunning its time slot

  Guiding Results             11.8      mins (elapsed)
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.4"      0.7", 1.2", SNR:30.2, SM: 1933, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:363 (0)
  Stop Guidescope Guiding

Hickson 88  (12/28)                     2018-08-20 00:35 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Hickson Groups (ID: 13)
  Target:                     Ok        Hickson 88 (ID: 481)
  Object Type:                Ok        Galaxy Group
  Constellation:              Ok        AQR
  Observation Type:           Ok        Normal
  Filters:                    Ok        C
  Checking Start Time ...     Ok        
  Waiting to Start...         Wait      Wait till 00:37 to commence target (1.8 mins)

  Continue..                  Ok        2018-08-20 00:35 (Local)
  Target:                     Ok        Hickson 88 (ID: 481)
  Checking Target ...         Ok        RA: 20 52 22.753, Dec: -05 45 28.48, J2000 (Hickson 88)
  Checking Altitude ...       Ok        Altitude 26.8 degs
  Checking Airmass ...        Ok        Airmass 2.22
  Checking Declination...     Ok        Dec -5.69 degs
  Slewing ...                 Ok        
  Waiting for scope...        Ok        2.0s
  Checking Dome Position ...  Ok
  Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok        Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
  Selecting Locate Exp ...    Ok        10s
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -14.8 °C (82%)
  Checking Focuser ...        Ok        Tube Temp: 10.4 °C

  Checking position (1)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619016] 23:36:31 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok        Stars 6, Scale 1.331, Angle 179.8°
  Linking Time:               Info      3.5s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 6/6)
    Normalised ZP             20.07     
    Altitude                  26.7      deg (Airmass 2.222)
    Sky Brightness            30.17     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 734 ADU, dark: 199.5 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.5       arc sec (bright: 2.0, next4: 2.4)
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  0.91 arc mins (W: 0.26', N: -0.87')  
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Jog Required:    0.91 arc mins (W= -0.26', N= 0.87')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    1.25 arc mins (W= -1.00', N= 0.75')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        0.74 arc mins (W= -0.73', N= -0.12')
  Acceptance test ...         Passed    Pointing within 1.5 arc mins

  Activate Guidescope Guiding
    Checking Connection ...   Ok        Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)
    Start Looping ...         Ok        Exposure 2s
    Send Guide Request
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guide Request Returned
    Settling Begun            Ok        
    Settling...               Fail      Error: timed-out waiting for guider to settle
    Review Guiding ...        Fail      Guiding failed to start

  Using C filter...
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619017] 23:38:00 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.6"      1.3" / 1.0", SNR:29.3, SM: 1851, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:57 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619018] 23:41:14 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    2.1"      1.3" / 1.6", SNR:30.7, SM: 2025, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:94 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619019] 23:44:28 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.7"      1.5" / 0.9", SNR:28.7, SM: 1785, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:93 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619020] 23:47:39 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.8"      1.6" / 0.8", SNR:23.7, SM: 1216, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:93 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619021] 23:50:53 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.8"      1.2" / 1.2", SNR:25.9, SM: 1501, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:93 (0)

  Guiding Results             14.8      mins (elapsed)
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.8"      1.4", 1.2", SNR:27.5, SM: 1662, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:430 (0)
  Stop Guidescope Guiding

Hickson 94  (13/28)                     2018-08-20 00:54 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Hickson Groups (ID: 13)
  Target:                     Ok        Hickson 94 (ID: 483)
  Object Type:                Ok        Galaxy Group
  Constellation:              Ok        PEG
  Observation Type:           Ok        Normal
  Filters:                    Ok        C
  Checking Start Time ...     Ok        
  Waiting to Start...         Wait      Wait till 00:56 to commence target (2.6 mins)

  Continue..                  Ok        2018-08-20 00:54 (Local)
  Target:                     Ok        Hickson 94 (ID: 483)
  Checking Target ...         Ok        RA: 23 17 16.441, Dec: +18 43 10.86, J2000 (Hickson 94)
  Checking Altitude ...       Ok        Altitude 47.3 degs
  Checking Airmass ...        Ok        Airmass 1.36
  Checking Declination...     Ok        Dec 18.82 degs
  Slewing ...                 Ok        
  Waiting for scope...        Ok        2.0s
  Checking Dome Position ...  Ok
  Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok        Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
  Selecting Locate Exp ...    Ok        10s
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -15.2 °C (80%)
  Checking Focuser ...        Ok        Tube Temp: 9.8 °C

  Checking position (1)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619022] 23:54:46 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      6.6s
  Linking image (GSC)...      Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      6.3s
  Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking image (GSC*)...     Ok        Stars 5, Scale 1.326, Angle 179.80°
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 0/0)
    Altitude                  47.4      deg (Airmass 1.358)
    Sky Brightness            10.15     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 378 ADU, dark: 199.5 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.5       arc sec (bright: 2.6, next4: 3.4)
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  3.09 arc mins (W: 3.03', N: 0.62')  
  Reviewing position (1)...   Ok        Jog Required:    3.09 arc mins (W= -3.03', N= -0.62')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    5.00 arc mins (W= -4.97', N= -0.55')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        1.94 arc mins (W= -1.94', N= 0.07')

  Checking position (2)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619023] 23:56:29 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      6.0s
  Linking image (GSC)...      Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      4.4s
  Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Ok        Stars 6, Scale 1.326, Angle 179.69°
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 0/0)
    Altitude                  47.5      deg (Airmass 1.356)
    Sky Brightness            9.92      ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 374 ADU, dark: 199.5 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      5.0       arc sec (bright: 5.2, next4: 4.7)
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  1.80 arc mins (W: -1.73', N: 0.51')  
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Jog Required:    1.80 arc mins (W= 1.73', N= -0.51')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    0.68 arc mins (W= -0.47', N= -0.49')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        2.20 arc mins (W= -2.20', N= 0.01')

  Checking position (3)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619024] 23:57:47 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
  Linking image (GSC)...      Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
  Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
  Linking image (GSC*)...     Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 2)
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 0/0)
    Altitude                  47.6      deg (Airmass 1.354)
    Sky Brightness            9.85      ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 373 ADU, dark: 199.8 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.5       arc sec (bright: 5.1, next4: 2.7)
  Unable to Link Image..      Info      Will try a longer exposure

  Checking position (4)
  Taking 20s image (C)...     Ok        [00619025] 23:58:16 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    No Acceptable Match Found
  Linking Time:               Info      18.1s
  Linking image (GSC)...      Ok        Stars 8, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.8°
  Linking Time:               Info      2.8s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 8/8)
    Normalised ZP             21.27     
    Altitude                  47.6      deg (Airmass 1.353)
    Sky Brightness            9.94      ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 552 ADU, dark: 200.1 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      2.0       arc sec (bright: 6.0, next4: 3.0)
  Reviewing position (4)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  2.12 arc mins (W: -2.12', N: 0.11')  
  Reviewing position (4)...   Ok        Jog Required:    2.12 arc mins (W= 2.12', N= -0.11')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    0.02 arc mins (W= 0.00', N= 0.02')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        2.12 arc mins (W= -2.12', N= 0.13')

  Activate Guidescope Guiding
    Checking Connection ...   Ok        Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)
    Start Looping ...         Ok        Exposure 2s
    Send Guide Request
    Lock Position             OK        X: 1722.7, Y: 168.9
    Star Selected             OK        X: 1722.7, Y: 168.9
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guide Request Returned
  Lock ...                    Fail      Lock Posiition Lost
    Star ...                  Fail      Star lost - low mass
    Lock Position             OK        X: 403.2, Y: 1360.3
    Star Selected             OK        X: 403.2, Y: 1360.3
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guiding Started
    Settling Begun            Ok        
    Settling Done             Ok        Imaging can commence
    Review Guiding ...        Ok        

  Using C filter...
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619026] 00:00:34 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    1.9"      0.9" / 1.7", SNR:21.1, SM: 924, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:94 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619027] 00:03:45 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    4.3"      0.9" / 4.2", SNR:21.5, SM: 952, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:91 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619028] 00:06:57 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    7.0"      1.1" / 6.9", SNR:20.2, SM: 846, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:83 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Ok        [00619029] 00:10:10 (UT)  Full 3x3 180s C
    Guide Stats  rms error    2.1"      1.0" / 1.8", SNR:13.2, SM: 362, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:89 (0)
  Taking 180s image (C)...    Failed    Image cancelled to prevent observation from overrunning its time slot

  Guiding Results             2.9       mins (elapsed)
    Guide Stats  rms error    4.3"      1.0", 4.1", SNR:19.0, SM: 775, Guide: 100% (Lost: 0%), n:360 (0)
  Stop Guidescope Guiding


Clouds had started to cross the the site by this point and auto-guiding was starting to have issues holding station. During the course of slewing to and centering  TT Ari the whole sky had become effectively covered. At 01:18 the Observatory Manager intervened to close the dome shutter and suspend the job queue. At this point and with little prospect of the sky clearing elected to put the Observatory Manager back into Manual Mode and close the session 'manually'.  

The Observatory Manager would have eventually closed the session itself (parking the dome and the scope), but I was needing to retrieve the observatory laptop and go to bed  (Ideally there would be a button & routine that could be used to force the Observatory Manager into 'Closing State' to take advantage of the cleaner and more streamlined operations offered by the Fully Automated code for 'closing down' and doing final 'housekeeping' )

GCVS TT Ari  (14/28)                    2018-08-20 01:13 (Local)
  Observing Program:          Ok        Main Variables (ID: 12)
  Target:                     Ok        GCVS TT Ari (ID: 114)
  Object Type:                Ok        Variable
  Constellation:              Ok        Ari
  Observation Type:           Ok        Monitor
  Filters:                    Ok        VR
  Comment:                    Ok        TT Ari
  Checking Start Time ...     Ok        
  Waiting to Start...         Wait      Wait till 01:16 to commence target (2.8 mins)

  Continue..                  Ok        2018-08-20 01:13 (Local)
  Target:                     Ok        GCVS TT Ari (ID: 114)
  Checking Target ...         Ok        RA: 02 06 53.100, Dec: +15 17 41.99, J2000 (GCVS TT Ari)
  Checking Altitude ...       Ok        Altitude 27.7 degs
  Checking Airmass ...        Ok        Airmass 2.15
  Checking Declination...     Ok        Dec 15.38 degs
  Slewing ...                 Ok        
  Waiting for scope...        Ok        5.0s
  Checking Dome Position ...  Ok
  Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok        Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
  Selecting Locate Exp ...    Ok        10s
  Checking CCD Temp...        Ok        -15.2 °C (85%)
  Checking Focuser ...        Ok        Tube Temp: 9.8 °C

  Checking position (1)
  Taking 10s image (C)...     Ok        [00619030] 00:13:59 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
  Linking image (GSC)...      Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
  Linking image (UCA/USNO*)...Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
  Linking image (GSC*)...     Failed    Too few stars (SmartStarCount 4)
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 0/0)
    Altitude                  27.7      deg (Airmass 2.147)
    Sky Brightness            11.17     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 396 ADU, dark: 199.5 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      3.0       arc sec (bright: 3.2, next4: 4.0)
  Unable to Link Image..      Info      Will try a longer exposure

  Checking position (2)
  Taking 20s image (C)...     Ok        [00619031] 00:14:27 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok (1)    Stars 5, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.6°
  Linking Time:               Info      20.3s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 0/5)
    Altitude                  27.8      deg (Airmass 2.143)
    Sky Brightness            10.28     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 577 ADU, dark: 199.9 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      3.0       arc sec (bright: 3.4, next4: 3.3)
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  4.60 arc mins (W: 4.35', N: -1.51')  
  Reviewing position (2)...   Ok        Jog Required:    4.60 arc mins (W= -4.35', N= 1.51')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    6.65 arc mins (W= -6.51', N= 1.33')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        2.18 arc mins (W= -2.17', N= -0.18')

  Checking position (3)
  Taking 20s image (C)...     Ok        [00619032] 00:16:02 (UT)  Full Locate C
  Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok        Stars 7, Scale 1.330, Angle 179.6°
  Linking Time:               Info      3.4s
    Analysing stars ...       Ok        (Stars= 7/7)
    Normalised ZP             20.29     
    Altitude                  28.0      deg (Airmass 2.132)
    Sky Brightness            10.48     ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 571 ADU, dark: 200.1 ADU(C)
    FWHM                      3.0       arc sec (bright: 2.9, next4: 3.3)
  Reviewing position (3)...   Ok        Pointing Error:  2.76 arc mins (W: -2.67', N: -0.68')  
  Reviewing position (3)...   Ok        Jog Required:    2.76 arc mins (W= 2.67', N= 0.68')
  Jogging ...                 Ok        Scope Change:    0.54 arc mins (W= 0.23', N= 0.49')
  Jogging ...                 Info      Residual:        2.45 arc mins (W= -2.44', N= -0.19')

  Activate Guidescope Guiding
    Checking Connection ...   Ok        Using PHD2 (ZWO ASI178MC)
    Start Looping ...         Ok        Exposure 2s
    Send Guide Request
    Lock Position             OK        X: 663.6, Y: 141.0
    Star Selected             OK        X: 663.6, Y: 141.0
    Guiding ...               Ok        Guide Request Returned
  Lock ...                    Fail      Lock Position Lost     (>>>
    Star ...                  Fail      Star lost - low mass
    Lock Position             OK        X: 410.6, Y: 1800.0
    Star Selected             OK        X: 410.6, Y: 1800.0
  Lock ...                    Fail      Lock Posiition Lost
    Star ...                  Fail      Star lost - low SNR
    Unknown Event ...         Info      Event : LoopingExposuresStopped
    Settling...               Fail      Error: Image capture stopped
    Review Guiding ...        Fail      Guiding failed to start

  Image Group 1/3 [GSet 7]
  Taking 45s image (V)...     

Observatory Alert                       2018-08-20 01:18 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions:    Alert     Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter

Session Suspended                       2018-08-20 01:18 (Local)
  Session: 2018-08-19         Info      Session suspended
  Close Shutter...            Closing   
  Checking Conditions...      Ok        Conditions have improved
  Observatory Manager:        Action    Opening Dome again
  Turn On Tracking..          Ok        Telescope Tracking is ON
  Open Shutter...             Opening   

Observatory Alert                       2018-08-20 01:18 (Local)
Critical Cloud Conditions:    Alert     Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Ok        [00619033] 00:17:52 (UT)  Full 3x3 45s V
  Script Paused ...
  Close Shutter...            Ok        Shutter is Closed (40s)

Observatory Mode                        2018-08-20 01:31 (Local)
  Setting Mode ...            Ok        Manual (>>>>> Observatory Mode set to Manual)

  Taking 45s image (R)...     Failed    ()

Script Aborting ...           
Script Aborting ...           

Script Aborting ...           Aborted   (Script aborted by user)

Back to Top


An autofocussing run was performed at the start of the session . 
The new data point (temperature 10.3°C) was used to update the current Focus v. Temperature graph and provided a new temperature corrected focus equation whose coefficients for setting focus positions at the next session
    Focus Position = -141.9 * T + 4963, where T is temperature in °C

Focus vs. Temperature Correlation  (2018-08-19)

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