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Observing Result (2018-08-21a>, S620) Observatory Operations started at 21:50, Fully-Automated Mode from 22:11 Job Queue started at 22:17, Operations interrupted at 22:22, Shutter closed at 22:28 due to Cloud Shutter Issue at 22:30 |
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(Observation Status : Green=Completed, Yellow= Partially Completed, Red= Failed) |
Night Sky Summary Plot -
2018-08-21 Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s) Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs) |
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The Session (2018-08-21) was manually initiated in case there was opportunity to check focusing and star alignment before start of schedule plan (sun altitude of -12 deg). In the event problems with SBIG Driver used up the available time, and since focusing and star alignment were judged to be more or less ok from previous session the observatory was placed into 'Fully-Automated' Mode
Fully-Automated cycle of operation then began,comprising the following session states : Pending, Initiating, Starting, Equilibrating, Running (or Suspended), Closing, Housekeeping, Finished, Back to Pending. (Session was placed back into Manual Mode before reaching Closing state, in order to manually close the session early )
Observatory Mode 2018-08-21 22:11 (Local)
Setting Mode... Ok Fully-Automated
Session Pending 2018-08-21 22:11 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-21 (NightDate)
Session Initiating 2018-08-21 22:11 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-21 (NightDate)
Import Observing Plan...
Create Observing Plan 2018-08-21 22:11 (Local)
Request Observing Plan... Ok
Generate Night Plan... Ok SqlForms2/Schedule Builder has completed
Selecting Plan... Ok 2018-08-21 V1 BEST PLAN (Plan ID: 184)
Retrieving Targets ... Ok 30 Targets.
Reading Start Time... Ok 2018-08-21 22:16 (Scheduled StartTime, Local)
Session Starting 2018-08-21 22:12 (Local)
Session: Ok 2018-08-21 (NightDate)
Connect Camera 2018-08-21 22:12 (Local)
Connecting camera... Ok
Temperature Regulation... Ok
Temperature Set Point... Ok -10 °C
TempMonitor: Ok Already active
Connect Telescope 2018-08-21 22:12 (Local)
Establishing link... Ok
Telescope Coords... Ok Az: 181.2, Alt: 2.7
Turn Off Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is OFF
A session (S00620) has already been created
in the database for 2018-08-21
Session : 2018-08-21 S00620
Setting AutoSave Folder ... Ok .\New\2018-08-21 S00620
Session 2018-08-21 22:12 (Local)
Session Name: Ok 2018-08-21 S00620 (Session)
Reusing Session Folder... Ok .\New\2018-08-21 S00620
Reusing Analysis Folder... Ok .\...\2018-08-21 S00620
AutoSave Folder... Ok C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-21 S00620
AutoSave Start Num... Ok 620001
The Session then moved to 'Equilibrating'. By end of allotted time CCD temperature had just about reached the regulated set point of -10°C. Observatory to Ambient Temperature Difference was already zero
Session Equilibrating 2018-08-21 22:12 (Local)
Open Shutter... Opening
Open Shutter... Ok Shutter is open (45s)
Dome Equilibration: Started 2018-08-21 22:13 (Local)
Rotating Dome into wind Wind Direction 158°
Temperatures at 22:13 Open Amb. 16.0°C, Obs. 16.0°C ( 0.0°C), Scope 16.4°C, CCD + 7.5°C (+17.5°C)
Temperatures at 22:14 Open Amb. 16.1°C, Obs. 16.1°C ( 0.0°C), Scope 16.2°C, CCD -2.3°C (+ 7.7°C)
Temperatures at 22:15 Open Amb. 16.1°C, Obs. 16.1°C ( 0.0°C), Scope 16.2°C, CCD -8.1°C (+ 1.9°C)
Rotating Dome into wind Wind Direction 131°
Temperatures at 22:16 Open Amb. 16.2°C, Obs. 16.1°C (-0.1°C), Scope 16.1°C, CCD -11.0°C ( -1.0°C)
Dome Equilibration: Stopped 4.0 mins (4.0 mins total)
After the allotted equilibration time the session moved to 'Running' and
begun executing the Job Queue. The delay is starting the session
meant that the start of 1st target was missed by 1 minute, leaving a 3 minute
delay before 2nd target (R CrB) could begin.
(Earliest Start Time for a
target is currently set to 5 minutes before it's scheduled plan time.
is a recent change, previously the earliest start time was 1 minute before
scheduled time. Meaning that the 2nd target would have had to wait 7 minutes,
rather than just 3 minutes )
Session Running 2018-08-21 22:17 (Local)
NightDate: Ok 2018-08-21 (NightDate)
Turn on Dome Slaving... Ok Dome Slaving is ON
Turn On Tracking.. Ok Telescope Tracking is ON
Take Frame Jobs (Live MODE) 2018-08-21 22:17 (Local)
Checking Plan... Ok 2018-08-21 V1 BEST PLAN (Plan ID= 184)
Checking Targets... Ok 30 targets selected
AutoSave Folder... Ok C:\Data\CCD Imaging\New\2018-08-21 S00620
AutoSave Start Num... Ok 620001
Date/Time (TheSky6)... Ok 2018-08-21 22:17:32 (Local)
2018-08-21 21:17:32 (UT)
Lat/Long (TheSky6)... Ok 57 19 09.00 N / 02 00 24.99 W
CCD Regulation ... Ok Regulation is ON (Setpoint: -10.0 °C)
Checking CCD Temp... Warning Temp [-10.6 °C] is 0.6 °C below setpoint
Airmass Cutoff... Ok Airmass 3.3
Checking Targets ... Ok 30 targets selected
Setting Up RealTime VMA... Ok (1.2 Method)
Checking VMA Folders ... Ok
Reading Reference File ... Ok ..\Reference\ProjectStars.txt
NGC 6426 (1/30) 2018-08-21 22:17 (Local)
Observing Program: Ok Herschel 400 (ID: 10)
Target: Ok NGC 6426 (ID: 403)
Object Type: Ok Globular Cluster
Checking Start Time ... Fail Planned Start Time (22:16) has been missed. Target will be skipped
GCVS R CrB (2/30) 2018-08-21 22:17 (Local)
Observing Program: Ok Main Variables (ID: 12)
Target: Ok GCVS R CrB (ID: 98)
Object Type: Ok Variable
Constellation: Ok CrB
Observation Type: Ok Monitor
Filters: Ok CV
Comment: Ok CrB R
Checking Start Time ... Ok
Waiting to Start... Wait Wait till 22:25 to commence target (8.2 mins)
Continue.. Ok 2018-08-21 22:20 (Local)
Target: Ok GCVS R CrB (ID: 98)
Checking Target ... Ok Sidereal Target (GCVS R CrB)
Checking Coordinates ... Ok RA: 15 48 34.397, Dec: +28 09 23.99, J2000 (GCVS R CrB)
Checking Altitude ... Ok Altitude 44.1 degs
Checking Airmass ... Ok Airmass 1.44
Checking Declination... Ok Dec 28.17 degs
Including Offset ... Ok W -2.0, N 3.5 [arc mins]
Updating Target ... Ok RA: 15 48 43.471, Dec: +28 12 53.99, J2000
Slewing ... Ok
Waiting for scope... Ok 2.0s
Checking Dome Position ... Ok
Selecting Pointing Mode ... Ok Higher Precision Pointing (up to 4 locate images)
Selecting Locate Exp ... Ok 10s
Checking CCD Temp... Ok -9.8 °C (72%)
Checking Focuser ... Ok Tube Temp: 16.1 °C
Checking position (1)
Taking 10s image (C)... Ok [00620001] 21:21:37 (UT) Full Locate C
Linking image (UCA/USNO)... Ok Stars 8, Scale 1.333, Angle 179.8°
Linking Time: Info 3.4s
Analysing stars ... Ok (Stars= 8/8)
Normalised ZP 21.39
Altitude 44.1 deg (Airmass 1.436)
Sky Brightness 20.68 ADU/sq.arc sec/sec, bkgd: 571 ADU, dark: 203.6 ADU(C)
FWHM 4.0 arc sec (bright: 3.9, next4: 4.0)
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Pointing Error: 2.50 arc mins (W: -0.77', N: 2.37')
Reviewing position (1)... Ok Jog Required: 2.50 arc mins (W= 0.77', N= -2.37')
Jogging ... Ok Scope Change: 2.44 arc mins (W= 0.67', N= -2.35')
Checking position (2)
At 22:22 then was an interruption to operation's when the Observatory Control Program locked-up/hung (see description of this issue above). By the time operations where resumed at 22:28 wind had reached a critical threshold (set at 15 mph) and the observatory shutter was closed by the Observatory Manager.
Observatory Alert 2018-08-21 22:28 (Local)
Critical Wind Conditions: Alert Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter
Close Shutter... Closing
Session was placed back into Fully-Automated Mode at 22:30 and move through to 'Equilibrating' State. A recently added override was to be toggled on to allow the equilibration period to be skipped over if sky conditions allowed the dome to be re-opened.
After apparently commanding the dome to open at 22:30 the the observatory manage began issuing weather condition alerts every 5 secs (the cycle time for the Observatory Manager's Main Loop) along with messages saying that "Observatory Manager will close the Dome Shutter" . The alerts were initially for cloud, then wind, then rain (or the threat of rain). At 22:39 there is an indication that the Shutter is in the state of closing. (See discussion of this issue which were caused by unexpected shutter status values as a result of a hardware glitch with the plastic chain jumping off the shutter drive sprocket whilst Shutter drive was opening )
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Observatory Manager was stopped at 23:10 and the session was then closed up under manual control at 23:15.
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Critical Cloud (clarity < 24) occurred at 22:31
Critical Wind (wind > 15) occurred at 22:32
Ultra Critical Cloud (clarity < 20) occurred at 22:34
Critical Cloud (AllSky Stars < 4) occurred at 23:00
Critical Rain (rain threat in next 15 mins) occurred at 23:00
Critical Cloud (clarity < 15) occurred at 23:32
Light rain occurred at 00:35 and at 02:00 to 03:00
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After using the Shutter Drive for a while it became obvious that its position wasn't sufficiently correct and that there was a misalignment between the drive sprocket and the line of the plastic chain that pulls the shutter open and closed (a risk of a self-installing a dome for the first time). Slack chain would develop close to the drive unit when the shutter began to open until the shutter reached the first xxxx. leaving one with some lack of confidence in the system. It was apparent that there would be long term wear on the side of the plastic chain that pushed against the metal drive sprocket the most. There might also be some extra wear on the connection of the sprocket to the drive axis or on the drive axis itself. Relocation the shutter drive unit so that the drive sprocket would align perfecting with the chain was put done as a 'task to do' - some time before the winter season.
The need for this remediation came to head following an incident during the observing session on 2018-08-21 when the chain jumped off the drive sprocket when the motor tried to open the shutter from a closed position. With the shutter not moving and unable to close the relay at top of dome, the motor continued running for 45 minutes in a vain attempt to open the shutter before the observatory was visited. Problem wasn't picked up via remote monitoring as the observatory control program was putting out continuous messages that it was closing the shutter due to cloud, wind and threat of rain (from local rain radar). The incident highlighted several things, but among them was the need to correct the current installation deficiencies, and relocate the shutter drive in order to prevent or strongly reduce the risk of another chain problem in the future.
Pictures below taken whilst re-locating the shutter drive unit the following day (2018-08-22). It was noticed that the drive sprocket was somewhat loose and the opportunity was taken to correctly position the position it on the axle and tighten up the retaining grub screw with a suitable Allen key. It was necessary to move the bracket that comes in contact the relay attached to the shutter drive unit. This was by a small amount only as the bracket still had to reliably hit the relay at the top of shutter travel. The chain is now perfectly aligned with the drive sprocket and works more smoothly, and my confidence in the system is restored.
It is noted that a slack in the chain on the 'downstream' of the drive
sprocket is still created in the process of opening the shutter. Hopefully
with the perfectly aligned chain/drive sprocket the chain won't try to crawl its
way off the sprocket.
(The slackness create when opening the dome
highlights the inherent weakness in Pulsar shutter system due to the inherent
changes in the total direct path distance around the various pulley wheels and
sprocket as the shutter open/closes. Ideally the system would incorporate a
'tension wheel' that would maintain a constant tension in the chain whatever the
position of the shutter.)
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This Web Page: | Notes - Session 620 (2018-08-21) |
Last Updated : | 2024-02-20 |
Site Owner : | David Richards |
Home Page : | David's Astronomy Web Site |