David's Astronomy Pages (All Sky Camera)
Aurora on night 2024-11-24 / 2024-11-25 - Under Construction

Aurora Notes
Bullet Night Summary (Keogram) Plot
Bullet AllSky Pictures
Bullet Videos
Bullet Magnetometer Stack Plots (for reference)
Bullet Planetary K-Index Plot (for reference)
Bullet Aurora Forecast, NOAA/Ovation (for reference)
- Auroral activity on the night 2024-11-24 / 2024-10-25 associated with geomagnetic activity up to KP3

Skies in NE Scotland were generally clear, but conditions were particularly windy.
Activity was visible from the Clair Observatory (+57N) on 2024-11-24 from 22:10 to 03:30 UT  a period of nearly 5 hours. The end of the aurora activity was possibly hidden by developing clouds. Peak activity was a 15-20 min period around 23:40 to 23:55 UT

Observed activity comprised moving curtains and red coloured rays up to 15-20° altitude. Later on an auroral arc up to 5-6° altitude was evident

The aurora display was recorded using the Observatory's new Tapo C325WB Colour Night Vision Camera, with images processed in real time by a new AstroColorCam program built for handing the frames captured by iSpy.

Images below compare colour images captured by the new Camera, with the black/white images captured using the existing AllSky Camera at approximately the same time.
Scandinavia magnetometers record activity from 22:00 to 04:00 UT.

- Telescope Images from night 2024-11-24 >>

Night Summary (Keogram) Plot

Night Summary Plot - North Sky (2024-11-24 / 25)
Times on plot are local times (GMT  = UTC +00h )
Aurora faintly noticeable on keogram from 22:15 to xx UT
(Vertical lines on chart between 19:00 & 22:00 h are associated with a neighbour's outdoor light being on)

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Pictures (AllSky Camera)  - Under Construction

Panoramic View - Northern Sky
2024-11-24 22:14 UT (GMT)
First sign of aurora with a coloured glow along northern horizon
Light pollution in centre of image (NW) is from nearby town.
2024-11-24 23:19 UT (GMT)
Aurora arc with bright red rays in N-NNE sky
Bright stars are Vega (Lyra) & Denab (Cygnus)
2024-11-24 23:42
Increase in auroral activity, increase in red glow with distinct red rays in NW Sky
2024-11-24 23:47 UT (GMT)
Curtains and bright green / red rays in N-NNW sky
2024-11-24 23:50 UT (GMT)
Continuation of rays in N-NNW direction, but less bright
2024-11-25 02:21 UT (GMT)
Green aurora arc continuing along northern horizon to 4-5°altitude
Weaker activity than before with no red colours
10 x 50 ms stacked exposures over 30s intervals taken with Tapo C325WB Colour Camera
vs 30s exposures taken with Oculus All Sky Camera    

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 Videos - Under Construction

Video: North panoramic view, 5.75 hr period
2024-11-24 22:00 to 2024-11-25 03:45 UT (GMT)
 Frames #1991566 to 1992201
Link to .mp4 video file (7.5 MB)
0.0s / 0.0s
Video: North Cam view, 5.75 hr period
2024-11-24 22:00 to 2024-11-25 03:45 UT (GMT)
 Frames #010481 to 017044 
Link to .mp4 video file (9.3 MB) 
0.0s / 0.0s

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Magnetometer Stack Plots (for reference)

Magnetometer Stack Plots from Scandinavia (ordered by latitude)
H Component - 2024-11-24 / 2024-11-25

Activity evident between 22:00 and 04:00 UT

Note: Geomagnetometer activity at rvk (Rorvik, 64.95N), dob (Dombas, 62.07N), sol (Solund, 61.08N) and kar (Karmoy, 59.21N) stations are used as indicators for potential auroral activity that may be visible from my Observatory situated at latitude 57.32N  (Map of Stations)
Graphed using 'make your own graph' facilities at  https://flux.phys.uit.no/compose/   (Tromsø Geophysical Observatory  )

Original data from Tromsø Geophysical Observatory (TGO),
DTU Space (Technical University of Denmark)
and Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Data also displayed on SpaceWeatherLive's Europe Stackplot at

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Planetary K-Index Plot (for reference)

Estimated 3 hour Planetary K-Index (NOAA)
 (from http://services.swpc.noaa.gov)
Planetary-k-index_2024-11-22 / 2024-11-23

Not captured
SAMNET's magnetometer at Crooktree, Near Torphins  (Chart Explanation) 

Magnetometer activity on the night 2024-11-24/ 2024-11-26
  showing increased activity at
8-day Lerwick Observatory K Index
Showing max K3 on the night of 2024-11-24 / 2024-11-25
Planetary K-Index and other information (Space Weather Prediction Centre)
shows KP Index reaching max KP3 on night of 2024-11-24 / 2024-11-25

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Aurora Forecast, NOAA/Ovation (for reference)

Aurora Forecast for 2024-11-24 xx UT (GMT)
(From Space Weather Prediction Centre,  http://www.swpc.noaa.gov )

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